School in a Book: A Ridiculously Concise K-12 Review
Twelve years of elementary and high school plus extracurricular studies leaves us with a lot of information. Too much information, sometimes. Since we can’t retain everything, our brains have to pick and choose. And sometimes they make pretty bad decisions. We might live with our in-depth understanding of the oboe forever, say, but can’t recall whether Alexander the Great lived before or after the Roman Empire. If we don’t want our most important knowledge areas to fade out, then, we do well to periodically review the basics.
That’s where School in a Book comes in.
Read selections from School in a Book: A Ridiculously Concise K-12 Review on this site for free. Or, to learn when this complete work becomes available for purchase, subscribe to the right.

School in a Book: The Workbooks
Getting facts to stick isn’t about having an excellent memory. It’s about effectively contextualizing the knowledge, placing it within a larger schema–something our brains are pretty good at when properly engaged. Conversation is often the best way to engage the learning mind, and I love opportunities to do so with my kids. But given the amount of information provided in School in a Book, I needed another way to support their recall. That’s why I created a series of context-grouped worksheets that include every single term in my book.
Coming soon, purchase your copy of the four workbooks in the series, including:
School in a Book: The Science Workbook
School in a Book: The History Workbook
School in a Book: The English, Math and Arts Workbook
School in a Book: The Political and Social Sciences Workbook