Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby: A Self-help Story
After Rachel and Matthew had their first child, they had a couple of fights. Well, okay, more than a couple—they fought for over three years. They fought about schedules. They fought about bad habits. They even fought about the lawn mower.
And besides actually having their child, it was the best thing that could’ve happened.
Chronicling their greatest hits, from the Great Birth Control Debate to the Divorce Joke Showdown, Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby is a post-partem story with hope. It offers true stories from the field, nitty-gritty advice and, most importantly, a nuanced understanding of what it takes to be married with children.
Get Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby: A Self-Help Story.

The Naked House: Five Principles for a Minimalist Home
Meet a high-paying corporate worker who quit a high-stress lifestyle to become a professional house sitter, a woman who got out from under a debt burden by selling her belongings, a designer who uses negative space to create meaningful features, a man who rents out his apartment to fund his world travels, a woman whose grief led her to start fresh … and more.
Featuring interviews with ten people who turned their lives upside down–and shook them out–to live out their own versions minimalism, The Naked House is an inspiring but not-too-serious primer on cleaning, organizing and reducing clutter—and on changing the way you view the purpose and soul of your home.
Room by room, The Naked House illustrates a five-prong home management philosophy–sparseness, top-notch organization, design unity, cleanliness and quality–in concrete detail, helping the reader envision their peaceful new space.
Get The Naked House: Five Principles for a Minimalist Home.

The Power of Acceptance
Eckhart Tolle and other spiritual teachers insist that continuous meditation is possible for us all. Which brings up a simple yet profound question in many of their readers: Is it, really? Can a normal person like me experience an ongoing sense of oneness with the Divine?
In The Power of Acceptance, one woman attempts to answer this question. Following her year-long attempt to meditate daily, then to remain in the state of meditation as much as possible throughout the day, it chronicles both her significant successes as well as her … well, learning opportunities. Featuring six honest, in-depth interviews with experienced meditators, it is less an advice book than a refreshingly honest look at this widely-practiced prescription for happiness.
Get The Power of Acceptance: One Year of Mindfulness and Meditation.

We Get Better: 48 Treatment Options for Chronic Depression
Life doesn’t always get better. But with time and practice, we get better at life. We learn from our mistakes. We try and fail, then try something else.
We get better.
We build new habits. We catch distressing thoughts and replace them with better ones. We persist in our self-help efforts, till we find the ones that work for us. And we do this day after day, in the face of our most difficult personal challenges.
Challenges like chronic depression.
During her thirty-second year, Ruth made a life-changing decision: she’d finally figure out how to effectively manage her persistent depression.
The question was: how? At first, she thought she knew. She read the books and followed the recipes, attempting one seemingly surefire strategy after another. Exercise, meditation, feeling her feelings fully–she went all in, and each method worked for a time. Inevitably, though, they proved inadequate to the task. They were tools, but not the toolbox. They weren’t everything she needed.
Finally, something clicked. She realized that she wouldn’t find a cure for her persistent depression, because the cure did not exist. She stopped her mythical quest to slay the depression dragon, and instead started collecting ways to put it to sleep. Her approach was more complex and comprehensive than past approaches had been. With the help of her trusted therapist, Jackson, she finally started seeing results that lasted.
Featuring four dozen evidence-based cognitive, behavioral and emotional methods for successfully managing persistent depression, We Get Better: 48 Treatment Options for Chronic Depression is a comprehensive-as-possible guide that addresses the whole person. But it’s not for the dabbler. It’s for people like Ruth, who are willing to try everything.
It’s a plan for people who are ready to get better.
This book is coming soon. Subscribe to the right for installments.