School in a Book: Geography

There are many ways to reliably embarrass yourself in life. One of them is to reveal your lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of continents, oceans, nations and cities. Of course, one of the easiest ways to commit locations to memory is to visit them, even briefly, so you can associate unique sights and other sensory experiences (even emotion) to a point on a map.


Latitude lines/parallels: Imaginary lines running horizontally around the globe. They are measured in degrees, with the equator at 0° latitude, the north pole at 90° north and the south pole at 90° south.

Longitude lines/meridians: Imaginary lines running vertically around the globe. These meet at both poles. They are measured in degrees, with the prime meridian at 0° longitude (at Earth’s axis), and the farthest extensions at 180° east and 180° west.

Geographic coordinates: The two-number combination that gives a location’s latitude and longitude

Hemisphere: One half of the Earth’s surface, as divided by either the equator or by the Prime Meridian. There are four of these: the Northern and Southern hemispheres, divided by the equator (0° latitude); and the Eastern and Western hemispheres, divided by the prime meridian (0° longitude) and the International Date Line (180°).

Equator: The imaginary line around the center of the earth that we measure as zero degrees latitude. The Sun is directly overhead it at noon on the two equinoxes (March and Sept. 20 or 21). It divides the globe into the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and it appears halfway between the North and South poles, at the widest circumference of the globe. It is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km) long.

Prime Meridian: The imaginary line down the center of the earth that we measure as zero degrees longitude (0°). It runs through the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, England and divides the globe into the Western and Eastern hemispheres. The Earth’s time zones are measured from it.

International Date Line: The imaginary line located at approximately 180° longitude that, by convention, marks the end of one calendar day and the beginning of the next. It bends around countries to avoid date- and time-related confusion.

Tropic of Cancer: The imaginary line located at 23°30′ north of the equator. The sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer on the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere around June 21. It marks the northernmost point of the tropics, which falls between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Tropic of Capricorn: The imaginary line located at 23°30′ south. The Sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn on the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere around December 21. It marks the southernmost point of the tropics.

Arctic Circle: A line of latitude located at 66°30′ north, delineating the Northern Frigid Zone of the Earth.

Antarctic Circle: A line of latitude located at 66°30′ south, delineating the Southern Frigid Zone of the Earth.

Map projections: Distorted representations of the relative locations on Earth that allow for two-dimensional map making.

Mercator projection: The most famous map projection, which shows the far northern and southern areas of Earth as much larger than they are

Pangea: The most recent single, unified supercontinent to have preceded the current continental forms on the earth

The six main types of landforms: Mountains, hills, valleys, plateaus, plains, deserts. Islands, peninsulas, canyons, and deltas are also sometimes considered separate types of landforms, and there are many variations of all of these.

The seven continents: In order of size: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australasia/Oceania. Note that some people consider Asia and Europe as one continent that they refer to as Eurasia. Also note that the Middle East is considered part of Asia and is sometimes referred to as Asia Minor.

The five oceans: The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic oceans

The Mediterranean Sea: The large body of water that lies between Europe, Africa and Asia and is mostly enclosed by land

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers: The river system that borders Mesopotamia and is surrounded by the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East

The Fertile Crescent: The part of the Middle East that surrounds the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and is the birthplace of farming and civilization

The Caspian Sea: The world’s largest inland body of water, located between Europe and Asia, with historical trading and political significance

The Nile River: The deep, gentle river in Africa that connects with the Mediterranean Sea. It is known for its predictable patterns and surrounding deserts. Its independent biosphere causes predictable flood patterns so that early civilizations did not need irrigation systems.

The Yellow River: The river in China on which Chinese civilization first sprang up

The Yangtze River: The longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world to flow entirely within one country

The Gulf of Mexico: A basin of the Atlantic Ocean, largely surrounded by Mexico and the Gulf Coast of the U.S.

The Missouri River: The longest river in North America and a tributary of the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River: The second-longest river in North America

The Great Lakes: A collection of lakes on the border of the U.S. and Canada that include: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Lake Ontario

Mount Everest: The highest mountain in the world, which is located on the borders of Nepal and Tibet

K2: The second-highest mountain in the world, which is located on the borders of Pakistan and China

Mount Kilimanjaro: The highest mountain in Africa

Mount Denali: The highest mountain in North America and the mountain formerly known as Mount McKinley

The Andes: The longest continental mountain range in the world, located along the western edge of South America

The Alps: The highest mountain range system that lies entirely in Europe

The Ural Mountains: The mountain range that lies along the western border of Russia that is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia

The Rocky Mountains: The largest mountain range in North America, which lies north to south in the western part of the U.S.

The Appalachian Mountains: The second largest mountain range that lies entirely in North America, which lies north to south in the eastern part of the U.S.

The Gobi Desert: A large desert located in Mongolia and China

The Mojave Desert: A large desert located in the southwestern United States

The Antarctic Desert: The snow and ice desert that makes up the continent of Antarctica and that is considered the largest desert in the world

The Arctic: The region located on and around the North Pole, including the Arctic Ocean and several nearby countries

The Arabian Desert: A large desert located in the Middle East

The Sahara Desert: The desert located in northern Africa that expands and contracts regularly. In prehistoric times, it shrank enough to allow humans to migrate out of Africa. In ancient times, it became increasingly dry, preventing communication between Northern and Southern Africans. Egyptians in the North had much more contact with Middle Easterners and Europeans than they did with Africans south of the Sahara.

Sub-saharan Africa: The area of Africa located south of the Sahara Desert which, during its early history, evolved separately and cut off from northern Africa and Eurasia

The Horn of Africa: The easternmost part of the African mainland

The Gold Coast: The region on the coast of West Africa that includes modern-day Ghana, parts of Togo and parts of the Ivory Coast that got this name during colonial times due to their gold supplies

Oceania: The area of the world that encompasses Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean

Polynesia: The islands of the central and southern Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, the Cook Islands and more

Melanesia: The islands of the western Pacific, including Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia

Micronesia: The islands of the western Pacific, including the Marshall Islands, Palau, Guam, and the Federated States of Micronesia

The United Kingdom: The country that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland

Great Britain: The landmass that includes England, Scotland, and Wales, but not Northern Ireland

England: The largest and most populous country within the United Kingdom, with London as its capital

Ireland: The separate country on the island of Ireland that is not part of the United Kingdom

The five climate zones of Earth: Arctic and antarctic (in the far north and south); north temperate and south temperate; and tropical (the middle of Earth on both sides of the equator)

The four U.S. mainland time zones: Pacific Time (PT: UTC-8); Mountain Time (MT: UTC-7); Central Time (CT: UTC-6); and Eastern Time (ET: UTC-5). Other time zones are used in Alaska, Hawaii and elsewhere. During daylight saving time, some of these time zones shift one hour. When daylight savings time is not being observed, “standard” is added, so that PT, MT, CT and ET become PST, MST, CST and EST. When daylight savings time is being observed, the same abbreviations become PDT, MDT, CDT and EDT.

The five regions of the U.S.: The West Coast/West, the Southwest, the Midwest, the Southeast and the East Coast/Northeast

The current number of countries in the world: Almost 200

The current population of the world: Approximately eight billion

The largest country in the world by area: Russian Federation

The smallest country in the world by area and population: Vatican City

The country with the highest life expectancy in the world: Japan

The country with the highest gross national product (GNP) in the world: The United States

The three most populous nations in the world: China, India and the United States

The five most populous cities in the world: Tokyo, Japan; Delhi, India; Shanghai, China; São Paulo, Brazil; and Mumbai, India. New York, U.S.; Seoul, South Korea; and Mexico City, Mexico are close to the top of the list.

Capital of Alabama: Montgomery

Capital of Alaska: Juneau

Capital of Arizona: Phoenix

Capital of Arkansas: Little Rock

Capital of California: Sacramento

Capital of Colorado: Denver

Capital of Connecticut: Hartford

Capital of Delaware: Dover

Capital of Florida: Tallahassee

Capital of Georgia: Atlanta

Capital of Hawaii: Honolulu

Capital of Idaho: Boise

Capital of Illinois: Springfield

Capital of Indiana: Indianapolis

Capital of Iowa: Des Moines

Capital of Kansas: Topeka

Capital of Kentucky: Frankfort

Capital of Louisiana: Baton Rouge

Capital of Maine: Augusta

Capital of Maryland: Annapolis

Capital of Massachusetts: Boston

Capital of Michigan: Lansing

Capital of Minnesota: St. Paul

Capital of Mississippi: Jackson

Capital of Missouri: Jefferson City

Capital of Montana: Helena

Capital of Nebraska: Lincoln

Capital of Nevada: Carson City

Capital of New Hampshire: Concord

Capital of New Jersey: Trenton

Capital of New Mexico: Santa Fe

Capital of New York: Albany

Capital of North Carolina: Raleigh

Capital of North Dakota: Bismarck

Capital of Ohio: Columbus

Capital of Oklahoma: Oklahoma City

Capital of Oregon: Salem

Capital of Pennsylvania: Harrisburg

Capital of Rhode Island: Providence

Capital of South Carolina: Columbia

Capital of South Dakota: Pierre

Capital of Tennessee: Nashville

Capital of Texas: Austin

Capital of Utah: Salt Lake City

Capital of Vermont: Montpelier

Capital of Virginia: Richmond

Capital of Washington: Olympia

Capital of West Virginia: Charleston

Capital of Wisconsin: Madison

Capital of Wyoming: Cheyenne

Capital of the United States: Washington D.C.

Capital of Canada: Ottawa

Capital of Mexico: Mexico City

Capital of Russia: Moscow

Capital of Australia: Canberra

Capital of South Africa: Cape Town

Capital of Egypt: Cairo

Capital of Uganda: Kampala

Capital of Kenya: Nairobi

Capital of United Kingdom: London

Capital of Spain: Madrid

Capital of France: Paris

Capital of Italy: Rome

Capital of Germany: Berlin

Capital of Northern Ireland: Belfast

Capital of Denmark: Copenhagen

Capital of Ireland: Dublin

Capital of Scotland: Edinburgh

Capital of Finland: Helsinki

Capital of Norway: Oslo

Capital of Sweden: Stockholm

Capital of the Netherlands: Amsterdam

Capital of Austria: Vienna

Capital of Greece: Athens

Capital of Poland: Warsaw

Capital of Turkey: Ankara

Capital of Czech Republic: Prague

Capital of Serbia: Belgrade

Capital of Slovakia: Bratislava

Capital of Romania: Bucharest

Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo

Capital of Hungary: Budapest

Capital of Iraq: Baghdad

Capital of Palestine: Jerusalem

Capital of Afghanistan: Kabul

Capital of Peru: Lima

Capital of Chile: Santiago

Capital of Colombia: Bogota

Capital of Argentina: Buenos Aires

Capital of Venezuela: Caracas

Capital of Guatemala: Guatemala City

Capital of Panama: Panama City

Capital of China: Beijing

Capital of Japan: Tokyo

Capital of India: New Delhi

Capital of South Korea: Seoul

Capital of Taiwan: Taipei

Capital of Thailand: Bangkok

Capital of Philippines: Manila

Capital of Singapore: Singapore

Capital of Indonesia: Jakarta

Capital of Vietnam: Hanoi

Capital of Nepal: Kathmandu

Capital of Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur

Capital of Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar

State in which Chicago is located: Illinois

State in which Boston is located: Massachusetts

State in which Philadelphia is located: Pennsylvania

State in which New York is located: New York

State in which San Francisco is located: California

State in which Los Angeles is located: California

Country in which Toronto is located: Canada

Country in which Montreal is located: Canada

Country in which Vancouver is located: Canada

Country in which Sydney is located: Australia

Country in which Melbourne is located: Australia

Country in which Auckland is located: New Zealand

Country in which Berlin is located: Germany

Country in which Brussels is located: Belgium

Country in which Amsterdam is located: Netherlands

Country in which Zurich is located: Switzerland

Country in which Copenhagen is located: Denmark

Country in which Milan is located: Italy

Country in which Manchester is located: United Kingdom (UK)

Country in which Vienna is located: Austria

Country in which Warsaw is located: Poland

Country in which Barcelona is located: Spain

Country in which Lisbon is located: Portugal

Country in which Johannesburg is located: South Africa

Country in which Mogadishu is located: Somalia

Country in which Sao Paulo is located: Brazil

Country in which Rio de Janeiro is located: Brazil

Country in which St. Petersburg is located: Russia

Country in which Prague is located: Czech Republic

Country in which Minsk is located: Belarus

Country in which Istanbul is located: Turkey

Country in which Tel Aviv is located: Israel

Country in which Dubai is located: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Country in which Abu Dhabi is located: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Country in which Shanghai is located: China

Country in which Hong Kong is located: China

Country in which Singapore is located: Singapore

Country in which Ho Chi Minh City is located: Vietnam

Country in which Phnom Penh is located: Cambodia

Country in which Jakarta is located: Indonesia

Country in which Bangkok is located: Thailand

Abbreviation of Alabama: AL

Abbreviation of Alaska: AK

Abbreviation of Arizona: AZ

Abbreviation of Arkansas: AR

Abbreviation of California: CA

Abbreviation of Colorado: CO

Abbreviation of Connecticut: CT

Abbreviation of Delaware: DE

Abbreviation of Florida: FL

Abbreviation of Georgia: GA

Abbreviation of Hawaii: HI

Abbreviation of Idaho: ID

Abbreviation of Illinois: IL

Abbreviation of Indiana: IN

Abbreviation of Iowa: IA

Abbreviation of Kansas: KS

Abbreviation of Kentucky: KY

Abbreviation of Louisiana: LA

Abbreviation of Maine: ME

Abbreviation of Maryland: MD

Abbreviation of Massachusetts: MA

Abbreviation of Michigan: MI

Abbreviation of Minnesota: MN

Abbreviation of Mississippi: MS

Abbreviation of Missouri: MO

Abbreviation of Montana: MT

Abbreviation of Nebraska: NE

Abbreviation of Nevada: NV

Abbreviation of New Hampshire: NH

Abbreviation of New Jersey: NJ

Abbreviation of New Mexico: NM

Abbreviation of New York: NY

Abbreviation of North Carolina: NC

Abbreviation of North Dakota: ND

Abbreviation of Ohio: OH

Abbreviation of Oklahoma: OK

Abbreviation of Oregon: OR

Abbreviation of Pennsylvania: PA

Abbreviation of Rhode Island: RI

Abbreviation of South Carolina: SC

Abbreviation of South Dakota: SD

Abbreviation of Tennessee: TN

Abbreviation of Texas: TX

Abbreviation of Utah: UT

Abbreviation of Vermont: VT

Abbreviation of Virginia: VA

Abbreviation of Washington: WA

Abbreviation of West Virginia: WV

Abbreviation of Wisconsin: WI

Abbreviation of Wyoming: WY


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