School in a Book: Sociology

Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

Sociology is the subject you learned without realizing you learned it. This is because as one wends their way through discussions of news, politics, culture and more, the following terms are encountered many, many times. Consider this list a refresher.


Sociology: The study of human social life, including the study of class structures; political structures; inequalities; culture; institutions; relationships; group dynamics and more

Socialization: The ongoing process by which individuals learn social norms, including family-led primary socialization as well as secondary socialization from others

Society: A collection of people who share space and culture

Culture: The shared features of a group that might include values, language, food and much more

Subculture: A group that promotes values and activities that are different from and sometimes contrary to those of the dominant culture

Group: Two or more people who interact regularly, have a sense of belonging and have their own chosen norms

Aggregate: A collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time

Network: A series of loosely held social ties that can be important sources of information, contacts, and assistance for its members

Nuclear family: One or two primary caregivers and their children

Primary group: A group that has emotional intimacy, a great sense of belonging and meets frequently, such as a family

Secondary group: A group that is more formal and less personal than a primary group but still meets regularly, such as a workplace or neighborhood group

Reference group: A group people compare themselves with for purposes of self-evaluation

Group dynamics: The ways in which an individual’s thoughts and behaviors are influenced by their groups

Role: A set of behavioral norms and expectations

Value: A culturally and personally determined belief about what is right or wrong, desirable or undesirable

Ideology: A set of values on which people base their religious ideas, political beliefs, behavioral choices and more

More: A socially constructed guideline for behavior

Sanction: A socially constructed expression of approval or disapproval

Peer pressure: The social pressure applied by groups, often unintentionally, to encourage conformity

Social control: The ways a society encourages conformity to norms

Deviance: The violation of a norm

Stigma: A trait or characteristic people possess that causes them to lose social status

Taboo: A strongly held social norm

Social alienation: The rejection or incomplete integration of a person into a community

Groupthink: The tendency of people to follow the majority opinions of the group, leading to narrow, uncreative views and solutions

Social construction: A viewpoint created by a group

Social status: A person’s social rank in a particular setting

Status symbol: An outward manifestations of prestige, such as expensive clothing

Social capital: The non-monetary resources available to a person that stem from their human interaction, including information, opportunities, power and influence, liking, reputation, cooperation and more

Assimilation: The process whereby members of a group give up parts of their own culture in order to blend in to a new culture

Social integration: The degree to which an individual feels connected to the other people in his or her group or community

Resocialization: The learning of new norms and values that occurs when life circumstances change dramatically

Master status: The main trait or status that a person is known by, such as their occupation (i.e. stay-at-home mom)

Industrial society: A society that uses advanced sources of energy, rather than humans and animals, to run large machinery

Postindustrial society: A society that features an economy based on services and technology, not production

Developing nations: Countries that are in the process of becoming industrialized

First-world, second-world and third-world nations: An outmoded and offensive classification of countries according to their level of modernization, infrastructure and wealth

Socioeconomic status (SES): A calculation of one’s education, income, occupation and possibly ethnicity and gender that results in a nonscientific social categorization

Class warfare: The political tension and economic inequalities that exist between social classes

Social mobility: Movement up or down within the social hierarchy

Caste system: A social system based on ascribed statuses, traits or characteristics that people possess at birth

Class system: A social system based partly or largely on achieved statuses, traits or characteristics that are earned and chosen

Elite: A small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society

Power elite: A small group of the most wealthy, powerful, and influential people in business, government, and the military that are thought to run a society

Nobility: The highest stratum of the estate system of stratification whose members had significant inherited wealth

Nouveau riche: The class of people whose wealth has been around only for a generation or two. The name comes from the Latin phrase for “new money.”

Bourgeoisie: In Marxist theory, the class of people who own the industrial means of production, to whom the working class sells their services

Proletariat: In Marxist theory, the working class people

Poverty level: An estimate set by the federal government of the minimum income that a family needs to survive

Gentrification: The changes that occur when wealthier residents and businesses move into a neighborhood or area in large numbers, including loss of unique local qualities; appropriation of unique qualities; and the pricing out of current residents

Race: A set of shared physical characteristics loosely based on place of origin

Ethnicity: A set of shared cultural characteristics, including nationality, language, religion, and traditions

Stereotype: An assumption people make about a person or a group, often on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information

Racial prejudice: The unavoidable mental associations and generalizations every person retains concerning race

Racial discrimination: A statement or act that seeks to remove power or dignity from a person of color

Racism: The systemic, institutionalized discrimination and prejudice that pervades every level of society, including workplaces, governments, the criminal justice system and many more

White supremacy: The assumed intellectual, cultural and moral superiority of white people, as opposed to people of color. The term was first used to refer to white people who worked for racial segregation and the oppression of people of color, but is now widely used to refer to the innumerable cultural messages that permeate Western society.

White privilege: The sum total of the many small and large benefits of being white

White fragility: The defensiveness displayed by many white people during discussions about race, which might lead them to provide overly simplistic solutions, dramatize their own suffering, display anger, avoid discussion, shut down discussion/change topic or focus, seek white solidarity and more

Multiculturalism: The existence and fair-minded acceptance of multiple cultural heritages living side by side

Pluralistic society: A society composed of many different races, ethnicities and cultures

Ethnocentrism: The tendency to judge another culture by the standards of one’s own culture

Microaggression: A statement or act that betrays a person’s racial prejudice and in some way diminishes a person of color but does not overtly discriminate against them. An example is a careless statement about a person’s hair texture or not looking at a person of color when talking to a group.

Institutionalized racism: The ways in which systems of society, such as the education, employment, criminal justice and healthcare systems, reinforce racial inequality and discrimination

The prison industrial complex: The network of private and government-run organizations that profit from mass incarceration

Mass incarceration: The legally sanctioned imprisonment of several million people in the United States, many of whom are people of color, and many of whom are required to provide very low-cost to free labor to U.S. corporations working through contracts with the prison system

The New Jim Crow: The modern system for denying numerous civil and other rights to people of color in the United States, particularly, but not limited to, people previously convicted of felony crimes. It includes laws which allow for unconstitutional acts, such as search and seizure without cause, racial profiling, targeted policing, cruel and unusual punishment, unfair trials and others; laws and other practices that deny people with felony records access to job opportunities, business licenses, gun licenses, housing, food assistance, insurance, loans, educational assistance and more; laws that deny people with felony records the right to vote, serve on a jury or perform other civic duties; and more.

Contact hypothesis: A hypothesis stating that prejudice declines when people in an in-group become more familiar with the customs, norms, food, music, and attitudes of people in an out-group

Disenfranchisement: The revocation of a person’s rights, including their right to vote

The Other: A person or group of people thought to be different, even alien, by another person or group

Gender socialization: The tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently

Sex: One’s anatomical gender

Gender: One’s felt or experienced gender

Cisgender: The quality of having the same anatomical and experienced gender

Transgender: The quality of having an experienced gender different from one’s anatomical gender

Transsexual: A person who has had gender reassignment surgery

Non-binary gender: An umbrella term for genders that fall somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum and are neither strictly male or female

Queer theory: A field of critical theory that interprets literature, culture and history through the lens of non-binary gender issues

Patriarchy: A society in which men hold most of the power, including political, moral, financial and social power, and places of leadership

Auguste Comte: The founder of sociology as a scientific pursuit who argued that industrialization was to blame for class struggle

Karl Marx: An early sociologist who theorized that capitalism was the cause of class struggle and who argued that sociology should include not just facts, but social critique

Human rights: Rights many believe all people are entitled to, such as freedom of religion, speech and education

Institution: A set of norms surrounding the carrying out of a function necessary for the survival of a society

Bureaucracy: An institution with a hierarchy of rigid, rule-bound officials

Neocolonialism: A theory concerning the tendency of the most industrialized nations to exploit less developed countries politically and economically

Hegemony: The political, economic, or military predominance or control of one state over others

Cultural relativism: The theory that in order to understand the traits of another culture, one must study them within the context of that culture

Secularization: The transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward nonreligious values and secular institutions

Urbanization: The process by which a large percentage of a population migrates toward urban centers

White-collar crime: Nonviolent crime committed by middle class professionals, often in the context of the workplace

Victimless crime: Crimes in which laws are violated but that lack an identifiable victim

Recidivism: The tendency of convicted criminals to repeat offenses

Consumerism: The acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts

Conspicuous consumption: The acquiring of luxury goods and services with the goal of public display

Meritocracy: A system in which positions are given according to individual merit

The American Dream: The idea that all people, regardless of the conditions into which they were born and their current social economic status, should have the chance to succeed

Social Darwinism: The late-nineteenth century theory that stronger people increase in wealth and power while weaker people decrease in the same

Primogeniture: A law stipulating that only a first-born son could inherit his father’s wealth


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