Depression Treatment Options Roundup: Option Twenty-Five

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This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, We Get Better: 48 Treatment Options for Chronic Depression.


Treatment option 25: Resting and taking time off

When former National Chess Champion Josh Waitzkin drew close to an important competition, he did something surprising: he rested. Unlike many of his competitors, Waitzkin took several weeks away from the board during the crucial pre-game months to sail with his family–a mental rest that counter-intuitively sharpened his game once he returned. The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance follows this author’s road to mastery of two very different pursuits: chess and Tai Chi. A key insight: sometimes, extended breaks allow the subconscious to process and integrate previously learned strategies and other relevant data in a way that the conscious mind is incapable of doing.

Screen-based entertainment might not provide the kind of rest that Waitzkin’s game, and our brains, need most. While screens can offer a welcome distraction and even some relaxation, we also benefit from creating mental gaps in our days. Quiet walks. Long baths. A cup of coffee on the front porch. Find a few minutes of true rest every day. 

Of course, taking time off work, including personal days and vacations, can also provide much-needed time to recharge.

If you are experiencing chronic stress or are frequently overwhelmed, you might like Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski.

If desired, add “taking time off work,” “adding rest breaks into my days” and/or related strategies to your depression treatment plan. Then decide on next steps and and write them on your to-do lists.