Depression Treatment Options Roundup: Option Twenty-Three

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This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, We Get Better: 48 Treatment Options for Chronic Depression.


Treatment option 23: Exploring self-help resources

A rather obvious treatment option, but one that is highly deserving of inclusion in this book, is exploring high quality self-help resources. There is no shortage of excellent self-improvement books, podcasts, channels and the like that seek to encourage, inspire and educate. I love research-backed how-tos as well as memoirs of people who have learned from their challenges. Book by book, my life has been unalterably changed.

Read everything that interests you, and some stuff that doesn’t. Keep in mind, though, that self-help materials are not a replacement for professional treatment for depression, and the other treatments listed in this book aren’t, either. If you have depression, please seek the help of a mental health professional, and use other resources in a supplemental and informational fashion.

Finally, note that many self-help resources contain inaccuracies and can cause harm. Use caution.

If desired, add “explore self-help resources” to your depression treatment plan. Then decide on next steps and write them on your to-do lists.