This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, We Get Better: 48 Treatment Options for Chronic Depression.
Treatment option 1: Making your decision to get better
Ancient hunters, it is said, didn’t always run to catch their prey. Often, they walked over long distances using a technique called “persistence hunting.” Humans weren’t the fastest or the strongest animal in the wild, but our stamina made up for that shortcoming. In the immortal words of the long-running show Survivor, we were able to “outwit, outplay, outlast.”
The people who successfully manage or overcome their depression are those that have the qualities of a survivor: persistence, determination and grit. They use these qualities to pursue relevant knowledge and take action in spite of any internal resistance that might be present.
They do what it takes to survive.
For many of us, maintaining our mental health is a lifelong project that encompasses almost every area of our lives. Before exploring available treatment options, then, take some time to consider whether or not you are fully ready for this commitment.
Ask yourself this question: Am I willing to do whatever it takes to manage my depression in a healthy way? This could include introspection and honesty, putting aside old habits, forming new habits, consistently working toward goals, questioning long-held unhelpful beliefs and much more.
Take as long as needed with this task: minutes, hours, days, weeks or even longer. Only you know what you are able to commit to and when.

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I really like the article! Practicing new positive habits creates an attitude of moving forward! I believe that each individual is capable of discovering what makes him or her strong against depression. In my case, going to the gym and training hard creates euphoria and of security in me.
Thank you! Exercise is definitely in the book. I include it as one of the Big Six. 🙂