Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Daughter’s Sickness Has Improved"

Guest contributor: Jill Wiggins of Wiggins Words and Images. Here, a short, sweet story about her daughter.

A while back, I posted on my blog a story about my daughter’s ongoing illness. She had been so sick that she wasn’t functioning, so I was taking care of her child, my granddaughter, to help out.

I wanted to help my daughter even more, though, so the day I wrote that story in my blog, I found a beautiful picture of her and her sister, both in blooming good health, and decided to start thinking of her that way: well and happy.

Later that week, the next time I saw her, I was blown away by the difference.  She had seen an acupuncturist and decided to try going gluten-free, and she looked (and still looks) wonderful. I can’t take any credit for it, but it sure seemed miraculous to me. There must be some deep psychology at work there, because I don’t believe in miracles or magic.

Jill Wiggins


Babies come. But babies don't go. Get Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby: A Self-Help Story on Amazon now.



  1. I am happy for you and your family. I would suggest, however, that, instead of not believing in miracles, you allow them into your life.
    As one of my religious professors once said (paraphrased): The Reed Sea is what really parted; it does it frequently. The miracle is not that Moses parted it; the miracle is that it parted when he commanded it to.

  2. Great story! It may not be magic or a miracle – just pure love for your daughter and visualizing her in perfect health. I believe that is the perfect combination for manifesting what you desire. I’m so glad your daughter is doing better 🙂