School in a Book: Personal Records

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Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative on

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for lists. I’ve kept a written record of every significant book I’ve read since high school. I also list my own and my kids’ other achievements and experiences, including places we travel, awards we win and the like. What better way to round out this checklist of facts, skills and resources, then, than providing a place for you to do the same (or to at least get started)? (Don’t forget to include the dates!)

Enjoy all the books. Enjoy all the adventures. Thank you for going on this educational exploration with me.

Books I’ve Read: Children’s and Middle Grade

Books I’ve Read: Young Adult and Adult Fiction

Books I’ve Read: Young Adult and Adult Nonfiction

Poems I’ve Read

Significant Films, Shows and Other Media Presentations I’ve Seen

Places I’ve Traveled

Clubs, Teams and Special Classes I’ve Participated In

Other Notable Achievements and Experiences I’ve Had


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