Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Bone Spurs Disappeared"


Guest contributor: Scott of kindredspirit23.wordpress.com. Scott blogs about positivity, the law of attraction and much more.

A few decades back, my wife (at the time) went to the doctor. Her foot hurt horribly every time she stepped on it. The doctor diagnosed the problem as bone spurs–a very, very painful condition–and told her to walk carefully from now on. He also said that it might take surgery to remove the spurs.

Soon afterwards, she and I read a book on visualization. One of the sections was about something called “target words.” A target word, the author said, was a phrase you said constantly, often out loud, thus reaffirming it in your brain and in your life. Because of the repetition, the brain would react as if it was being told what to do. So, my wife and I thought about this and remembered that she had a habit of saying “I just can’t stand that!”  when something bothered her. We agreed that she would completely stop saying that  particular phrase.

Just a few weeks later, the doctor reexamined her foot, and you guessed it:  The bone spurs were completely dissolved–no surgery required.

Think of those target words you might say regularly. Maybe they are: “It’s killing me!,” “You worry me to death!,” “That just wears me out!,” or “That makes me sick!” All of these phrases are destructive and can cause physical ailments. I encourage you to choose better words and thus to choose a better life.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found Several Close Girlfriends”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy of dospaz at flickr.com/photos

Contributor: Anonymous

Last January, I was feeling alone. After having neglected my existing friendships for quite a while and failing to look for new ones, it hit me: I needed to make a change. Big time.

I needed friends, but not just any friends–good ones. Deep ones. Ones that I loved to talk to and could learn from.

So first, I got busy. I called some people that I hadn’t talked to in a while. I went to some events and met some new like-minded people.

And then, late in the month, I decided to pray about it. This is the affirmation I decided on:

“I have several close girlfriends.”

And it worked.

The day that I wrote that affirmation in my journal, I received two very sweet, heartfelt texts from a woman that I admire very much, and had been hoping to get to know better. Then, later the same day, I got another text from another friend I’d made recently asking me to go out to coffee. Since I hadn’t heard from the first woman for quite a while, and the second had never texted me before, I was really amazed at and grateful for how fast the affirmation had worked.

I’m not expecting everything to change instantly as a result of this one affirmation. But I believe that if I continue in the frame of mind I’m in now regarding friendship, the big change I’m looking for will come.