This story has no beginning

My plan for keeping my promise to make this blog suddenly awesome:

1. Write less.

2. Write better.

3. Tell a story.

So far, I’m not too worried about the first two. It’s the third that makes me a little nervous. I mean, I am telling a story. It just doesn’t have a beginning. You know, the part that gives the reader all the very important background information.

Oh, well. If you really want a beginning, you can always read my books.

Alternatively, you can read the short version in the next post.


Babies come. But babies don't go. Get Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby: A Self-Help Story on Amazon now.



  1. Happy New Year, Mollie! I tried to comment at the end of one blog, and the hoops necessary drove me to abandon the process. Every personal identifier but my mother’s maiden name was requested. I think my online scam experience has left an indelible imprint on me. BTW, I have started the blog on the experience– Getting this story out (without my name attached to it in any way) is my goal for 2014. And I’m starting up a nonprofit/foundation for wellness, so I will be plenty busy!In your blog, I’d like to hear what spiritual lessons you’re learning from your son, by being a parent. I wrote a book on this topic, which I’ll publish probably later this year. How is your little guy doing? Photos? all the best, Bev

    Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 21:02:52 +0000 To:

    1. Wow! You have been busy! I know, I hate all those hoops, too. Not sure if I can do anything about them. So funny ~ I was just thinking about you yesterday ~ probably as you were writing this! That’s just how these things work, isn’t it?

      Love ~ Mollie