Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got a Gift from Mimi”

Contributor: Frederick, who writes a humorous law of attraction blog at Enjoy this story about his dog, Mimi.

I have a cute little dog named Mimi. She’s usually very good about pooping outside, but occasionally . . . not. It had been several weeks since she pooped on the hallway carpet upstairs where our bedrooms are. And so, yesterday morning as I came out of the bedroom into the hallway, I sorta “thoughtlessly” thought, “The carpet is poop-free! Mimi hasn’t pooped on it for weeks! It’s about that time that she will poop on it again!”

Well, that night I went up to go to bed and there on the floor was my law of attraction gift from her: a brand new glistening pile of poop.

We could call that a coincidence, but I won’t because it’s the third time that I had that particular “thoughtless” thought . . . and it is the third time she’s delivered her “gift” to me shortly after it left my mind.



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