Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a Job"

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Contributor: Anonymous

A few months back, I decided something: I wanted a job.

Okay, well, not quite–I do have a job, and it keeps me pretty busy. But I work from home, and that time the desire for a more “normal” work experience–one in which I actually set an alarm in the morning, wear nice clothes and–importantly–talk to people. So, while taking a walk one day, I said an affirmation:

“I will get an on-site work position.”

Within the week, my job agent called me about an on-site opportunity, and within two weeks I had a two-month contract for a full-time proofreading position at a local ad agency–something that I hadn’t had in over a year.

And after starting, I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would.

Sometimes changing your life requires deep internal shifts that take a great deal of time and effort to create. Other times, it just happens in an instant.


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