Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found a Housekeeper”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy shyb of

Contributor: Anonymous

Earlier this year, my husband and I began considering hiring a housekeeper. We didn’t need help often–just once a month or so to help with those tasks I tend to put off for too long. (At the time, I wasn’t making a lot of money, and since my husband is the one working outside the home, I’ve committed to the cooking and most of the other chores.)

After discussing it, we decided that when I started making enough money to justify the expense, we would find someone.

A few months later, a few awesome coincidences happened that allowed me to make some money. I started contributing more finances to the family, and so, I decided it was time. I emailed a friend for a recommendation, and then I made the call.

The first afternoon that I came home to an entirely clean place that wasn’t cleaned by me, I laughed out loud.

About a month later, I reread my affirmations journal and saw this statement: “We have a housekeeper.”


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