Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Lost 20 Kilos–And Found Work I Love"


Guest contributor: Law of attraction advocate Kevin Campbell of

Hello, my name is Kevin Campbell and I would like to tell you about my experience with The Secret and the the law of attraction.

Up until June 2011 I would not have believed what I am about to tell you. Just over 12 months ago I was overweight, divorced and had a failing business.Then, I began to change my way of thinking, and it had a profound effect on my life …

When I started this journey I had tried diets and not eating and reducing my food intake, but I just got hungrier and put on more weight. It was not until I believed that I could lose weight that it actually happened and in two months I had lost 2 stone (16.66kg). (It took a little longer to get the last couple of kilos off for a total loss of 20kg.)

After that, I started to get my confidence back and to get out more. Then I met my partner, a stunning Polish lady, and we have been inseparable ever since. She showers me with love and affection and we are incredibly happy together.

At that point, I started looking at how I would like to live. I said some affirmations about making more money and started to believe in myself, and two days later I had a job offer, three months later I had another job offer and a month after that I had a third job offer! I am self-employed and in six months I went from only eight hours of work per week to over 60 hours. Now I turn work away and choose to work four days a week while earning four to five times more and I am happy with that.



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  1. This story is truly amazing! The law of attraction is certainly life changing. How incredible that a simple affirmation can change one’s life so dramatically! A big thank you to you, Mollie, for your work and dedication. I am probably on my second hour of browsing through your site – can’t get enough!!