Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Sales Surpassed My Expectations”

Guest contributor: Chris at Wisdom and Life and Chris writes about the law of attraction, faith, spirituality and wisdom and is a very beautiful wordsmith.

A few weekends back, I exhibited my photography at a craft show. I knew that most people who attend the shows do so mostly for enjoyment and exposure, but the money isn’t great. Most of them don’t even make back the cost of their spot at the show. So, I decided that this time I was going to do an affirmation about it. I said:

“My sales will surpass what I paid for my spot.”

The results, for me, were impressive. I sold over $100 worth of my work. The spot only cost me $40.

Just another little reminder about the power of our thoughts.

After the show was over, I walked around and asked how others had done. Most of them said they hadn’t done well.

People have the money to spend. But you just have to project the right attitude. Obviously, we know the secret.

And the secret is that there isnโ€™t a secret. It’s just a matter of making a choice.



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  1. I live with the knowledge that, whatever happens in my life, God is overseeing it. I used affirmations; however, I tend to use them spur-of-the-moment when I see the need. I will soon go back to affirming something before it becomes immediate. I just haven’t worried about it. That, in itself, is overwhelmingly wonderful.

    1. However you see fit to use affirmations is good. I totally understand not wanting to meditate on what you want … there’s other stuff to meditate about, you know! ๐Ÿ™‚