Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got a Check in the Mail”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy DonkeyHotey of

Contributor: Ashley

My first introduction to the law of attraction was through the movie The Secret. After watching it, I said to myself, “If this is real, show me by sending me a check in the mail.” It was just a matter-of-fact statement; there was no emotion attached to it and no other thought about it.

So guess what happened: The next day I opened up the mailbox and found an envelope from the IRS with a check in it for … drum roll, please! … just under $12,000.

That’s right: I had overpaid our taxes.

Needless to say, I was blown away.



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  1. Hi Mollie:
    If I wasn’t a believer myself. This story would have made me one. I had a similar experience. Same EXACT story as well. Think I sent in my story awhile ago too.
