Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Wrote Several Books Quickly”

selective focus photo of pile of assorted title books
Photo by Alexander Grey on

Contributor: Anonymous

In February of this year, I wrote down the following sentence in my prayer journal:

“I have the ability to write books quickly, exactly as they should be the first time.”

Four days after writing that affirmation, I got inspired with a new story idea. I sat down and started writing and I finished an entire 20,000-word story in one week.

It was the first time in my life I have ever written something of such substantial length so quickly.

I remember the night that I completed it. My husband and I went to a dance club and I felt so good. I just danced and danced and didn’t care what anyone thought of me or how I looked because I’d just, that day, accomplished something that I was so proud of, and so quickly.

That week, I wrote the first (rather nice) draft of a 20,000-word story in less than one week–something I’d ever done before. And there’s more …

Before this time, in all my years of writing creatively, I’d written and self-published one novella-length manuscript and one book of poetry. I’d also written most of a full-length memoir/how-to book and most of another novella.

After this time, I finished and published the memoir and the screenplay. I wrote three other novella-length works and published them, too. Then I finished the final draft of the story that started it all, and published that, too.

And all of this happened between January and April.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this success.


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