Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found Steady Freelance Work”

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Contributor: Anonymous

When I first decided to start saying affirmations, one of the first I tried had to do with work.

Work is my passion. I love what I do and want nothing more than to keep sustaining myself (maybe, more than sustaining? Dare I say, thriving?) in this way. Since I had just given birth in November, though, and had only worked sporadically since then, I really wanted things to pick up. So, I made some phone calls, wrote some emails and did all the usual things, without getting much response.

Then I tried it: My affirmation.

It was this: “I have steady freelance work.”

Here is what happened next: The following day I received an email from a client that I hadn’t heard from in a while (my best paying client, no less). Then, later that same day, I landed an interview that resulted in a one-time paying job and a job offer (which I later refused due to other work opportunities).

And the story gets even better. I got more work from my best client. I got several jobs from my agent. And I’m happy to tell you that the past several months have been the most productive and financially lucrative of my career.


Babies come. But babies don't go. Get Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby: A Self-Help Story on Amazon now.



  1. Hi Mollie:
    I use a similar affirmation with my photography. I used it last weekend when I exhibited at a craft show:
    My sales will surpass what I paid for my spot.

    I sold close over a $100 worth. The spot cost me $40. After the show was over I walked around and asked how others had done and most said not well.

    People have the money to spend. But you just have to project the right attitude. Obviously we know the secret. And the secret is that there isn’t a secret.


    1. Yeah, and it’s not laborious, either. You just believe. And if you don’t entirely believe yet, you just enjoy the good you do have and pray for the rest. It’s wonderful…

  2. Mollie!

    I just followed you over from The Good Vibe Blog — and I’m so glad I did! Your story is sweet perfection.

    I bet you can’t wait to see how you grow into your next affirmation . . . .

    I can’t wait to hear about it —


  3. Nice one Mollie.

    Your story proves that once you decide to do it…doors open and helping hands come forward. Keep it up.

    Thanks for liking stuff on my blog too. Its good to know there are nice people out there…

  4. thank you for visiting my blog. Affirmation is great. I am also a big believer in attitude. I have a health struggle now but I concentrate on what is more positive by counting my blessings. I have much more in my life to be thankful about and that act of counting my blessings everyday affirms my attitude for each day.

    1. That is really hard. I haven’t gotten there yet . . . Feeling bad physically in a chronic way has only happened to me when pregnant. I will say a prayer for you.

  5. I am so glad you found my blog that lead me to you! You are re-energizing my need to get back into affirmations! Thank you! Looking forward to connecting with you more!