Law of Attraction Success Story: Evan Griffith: “I Became a Creative Dynamo”

Guest contributor: Evan Griffith of Evan’s blog “shares insights on the connected creative life” and is one of my personal favorites.

Recently, I read a post on this site about manifesting new creative energy through affirmations and gratitude. I had a similar shift in my own experience–and it was powerful.

One day I decided to start including this statement as part of my daily declarations (affirmations said out loud):

“I am a creative dynamo!”

Well, the result was amazing. Since starting to say this affirmation (out loud, out loud!), it’s as if the tap, once a trickle, has been turned on full force. I sometimes wake up in the morning with leaflets from my 5×8 pad littered about me with ideas. I had to increase my post rate at Notes for Creators to virtually every day (it used to be every 2-3 days). Thought nuggets, full articles, epiphanies, celebrations . . . they all spilled out of me, and still do, to such a degree that I have hundreds of ideas in the waiting!

The same idea energy has spilled into side projects, too–a book that I’m finishing, a couple others that seem to be beginning themselves.

What is more remarkable to me is this: I own an art gallery with my wife. We have a nine-year-old joy boy. I have real friends. It’s a full life. Before shifting my mind to allow for the possibility of creativity gushing forth, I could never have imagined it possible. Where would I find the time? Now I know it’s easy breezy lemon squeezy . . .

Once I attuned myself by tuning into the creative channel, by affirming its possibility and coming to believe it, creative flow found me–all the time! Who knew there were so many spaces in a busy day just waiting to burst forth with something even more potent, even more meaningful–



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