Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found the Love of My Life”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy mozzercork of

Guest contributor: Law of attraction believer Marioska

One day a few years ago, some old school friends asked me to go out with them, because they knew I needed to get my mind off my relationship problems. My boyfriend was nice, but I wasn’t in love with him, and I didn’t know what to do about it. So when given the opportunity to have fun with my friends, I said yes.

We had dinner, chatted and laughed, and later we went out to a park. The boyfriend of one of my friends and his friends were there, too, so my friend went to chat with them. When she came back, she said to me, “Hey, one of those guys says that he wants to meet you!”

“That would be a bit difficult,” I said, though I have to admit, I was disappointed.

After that, we decided to go to the pub to dance. When we were on our way, my friend stopped me in the middle of the street and said, “Okay, I have to tell you something. This guy said you are really beautiful, and he feels that you’re special. Please, he’s a very sensitive person and if you don’t talk to him, just once, he’ll feel really sad … I know you may be hurting the other guy, but you don’t feel the same for him, and you know that this one attracts you.”

Those words made me feel that I had to take this chance … and I did. I talked to him, and we had a really good time.

After that, he began calling me often. I broke up with my boyfriend and we started dating instead. Every time I saw him, I felt that I had found the perfect man and that he had everything I wanted.

Everything went right until at some point I made a major mistake: I began to think that he would leave me. I become a really sad person, dependent on him for my happiness. So, guess what happened next? That’s right: He left me.

Everything happened exactly the way I’d imagined.

I was depressed, hurt, and I felt I had to do something about it. I took my copy of The Secret and read it over and over again many times. I started to apply the concepts in it, but I felt that it wasn’t enough; I couldn’t just believe in something—I had to actually detach myself from the outcome! After that, I really started to see results.

In the few years since becoming detached from this guy, I’ve attracted him back three or four times, but just for a while. Each time he came to me, he disappeared again. Why? Because I felt I needed him … and that’s just not true!

Finally, I figured this out and recently, I attracted him once more. He began to phone me every day, and at first, I didn’t answer, or I waited a while before calling him back. Worried about my behavior, he continued to call. After a while, we began to see each other again, and as the days went by, he began to say things like “Do you imagine yourself with another guy when you’re forty? Because I can’t imagine myself without you,” or “When we buy our house …” Comments like these confused me a lot, so the other day I decided to ask him what kind of relationship we have … And that’s when he told me that he loves me!

We’re taking things slowly, but now, I believe that he’s the right one for me and that our relationship will work as it is meant to.



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  1. Mollie thank you for such an inspirational story …i am really grayeful:-).May I know what kind of techniques you used while applying LOA?

    1. Hi there, Sometimes we discuss our strategies in the comments … In any case, my major one is just to relax! And to be, as much as possible, in a good-feeling frame of mind about life in general. I don’t recommend that you try to “get there” quickly. Just enjoy the journey. Also, watch lots of Esther Hicks videos! 🙂