Contributor: Alexander of, a partial believer in the law of attraction who shares his personal perspective here.
This happened to me before I watched the famous (or perhaps infamous) The Secret movie and learned about the law of attraction.
Back in my freshman’s year of college in Ukraine, I remember traveling home for the weekend and watching the Discovery channel at night. The program was about something that left me in total awe and surprise.
It was about a man-made wonder right in the middle of one of the busiest megalopolises on the planet. That night I watched the Central Park in New York City for the first time in my life.
This was more than 10 years ago, but I still remember vividly my emotions that night.
At first, I was totally captivated by the charm and beauty of the park in a spot meant for nothing but the skyscraper jungle. Next, I had a sincere wish to be there at least for one moment. And immediately after that, I let it go because I was sure this was not possible. This just could not possibly happen.
Less than two years later I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in the Undergraduate Exchange Program to study at Concordia College in Minnesota for one academic year. The application and selection process was an adventure in itself. To cut the story short, in winter we had a reunion with my program fellows in Washington, DC. Around six of us decided to meet up in NYC a few days before that …
I remember clearly that moment. I arrived to New York earlier than the others, and went out to explore Central Park. I had no memory of the Discovery channel night whatsoever. It wasn’t until I started walking in the park that it struck me: “Oh my God. Now I remember. I wanted this!”
Somehow the chain of events unfolded in a way that made my inner wish come true.
The morale of the story is the following.
I do believe that the thing called “law of attraction” exists. Moreover, it works. However, it is often misinterpreted, not the least owing to The Secret. My biggest problem with the above-mentioned documentary is that it misses out the main thing: that nothing will happen until you take action.
You may sit in the lotus pose for hours mediating on such things as health and richness. Yet this will be nothing more than a waste of time and mental energy if no practical steps are taken to achieve your goals or ideals.
The law of attraction does work – but only if coupled with action.

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May I beseech you to edit the verb receive, thanks
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I love this story and his advice! Love it!
I think I see what you mean, Mollie. If so, I agree. I don’t believe you “Have” to “DO” something to receive what you bring to you through LOA. That IS the action, the thought. You may feel compelled to do something later and certainly can, but I have had too many thing work out where I did little or nothing except request it. I, once again, asked for about $150 extra at the end of April, or beginning of May. When I got out of the Nursing Home after my hip replacement, I realized it was May and, since I had been in the nursing home for nearly 3 weeks and the hospital for a few days prior, I had not spent most of the money in April that I would have on food, gas, entertainment, etc…yep, over $150 and that has been also more than enough to cover a few unexpected things here in June.
Yes, I think we usually know intuitively whether the action is needed or not.
Excellent article. Yes so many people do leave out the one thing that will cause the Law of Attraction to fail. Action is needed upon the intense desire. Without action desire, no matter how intense, is a day dream waiting for you to make it happen. Carneige, Gates and others not only wanted the thing, they took action to get it.
I agree. But not that pushing against a wall kind…the kind that is inspired, the kind you know is right.