Tag Archives: Self-Help Memoir

An awesome haircut and a beehive

This is me in a few years. I’m cool with it.

Got a great haircut today. I love it when that happens. It’s all super short and now I look all long-necked and cheek-bony. In a good way. I almost walked out when I saw the hairdresser, though, whose hair vaguely resembled a beehive. Also, his chairside manners left something to be desired. But then I remembered that I once got my haircut in a back alley in India, and realized it could hardly be worse than that. And this place cost like ten times as much.

And so, my hair is now worthy of my awesomeness.

Thanks, Abrupt Hairstylist. Keep doing your beehive thing.

You’re awesome.

From the front flap

Here’s something straight from the front flap of my new book, You’re Getting Closer: One Year of Finding God and a Few Good Friends:

“And so, I’ve decided: this is the year I am going to get friends. It is also the year I’m going to figure out how to pray without ceasing, to live in a state in which every action that I take, every word that I speak and every thought that I think comes from the Source inside myself far beyond my conscious mind.

I am going to communicate with the Divine, and not just occasionally—I’m going to do it all day long.

I really don’t know if I will be successful but I do know this: if I’m not, it won’t be for lack of trying.”

The more things change . . .

Best Nonfiction Book - Overcoming Emotional Overeating

So, my baby can talk now. I counted the number of words he knows and it’s well over two hundred. However, the only ones I hear with any frequency are: 1. “boo-boo” (boobie), and 2. “up.”

I guess this is what people mean by “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Book announcement: "You’re Getting Closer"

book- you're getting closer - cover - large

Well, I finally did it. After about ten years of considering the idea, last year I actually attempted, as the Apostle Paul advises in the Bible, to “pray without ceasing”–to communicate in an ongoing way throughout with the Divine. If an experiment like this interests you, you’ll probably enjoy my most recently published book about it, called You’re Getting Closer: One Year of Finding God and a Few Good Friends.

Thanks for your support throughout my writing journey. I look forward to reading your comments here, via email at mollie@mollieplayer.com, and in your Amazon.com reviews.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Became Naturally Thin"

blue green and red abstract illustration
Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

The other day I was reading over some affirmations I wrote in my journal about a year ago. Some of them were things that at the time I never thought would come true but since did. The most significant of these: “I am naturally thin.”

The short version of the story: Every year I give myself a present on my birthday–anything from an expensive pair of boots to a compliment. On my birthday last year (my thirtieth), that gift was that I would officially give up binge eating and dieting–after over ten straight years of it.

And I did.

To my surprise, I lost even more weight since then, so that now, for the first time since high school, I am naturally thin (thin without dieting).

If that was all I had accomplished all year, it would have been a great one.

It’s just part of my charm

Image from the law of attraction book list featuring all major law of attraction authors at lawofattractionproject.com

Today I gave my phone to my toddler and predictably, the result was not good. However, when he asks for something, it is my habit to say “no” as infrequently as humanly possible. This is a fault of mine, but as is the case with most of my faults: it’s also just part of my charm.

(Have I mentioned recently that I am awesome?)

Maturity removes all opinions

Image from the law of attraction book list featuring all major law of attraction authors at lawofattractionproject.com

When I was in high school, TV was a needed friend, even though I was embarrassed to be around him so much.

When I was in college, TV was a hated enemy, one that I railed against at every opportunity.

When I got out of college, TV was again a very good friend, though one that I had finally learned to be proud of and deeply love.

Today, I don’t see TV often. When I do, though, we get along just fine.

Maturity has a way of removing all my strongest opinions.

Law of Attraction Success Story: Jeanette Maw: “There Isn’t Just One Right LOA Technique”

The Manifesting Experiment

Contributor: Jeannette Maw. Jeannette Maw is the law of attraction party host at Good Vibe U and co-founder of Good Vibe Astrology. Subscribe to her Good Vibe newsletter here. Connect on Google+.

What’s your best process for manifesting what you want?

We talked different ways to leverage law of attraction over here last month.

Have you experimented with different approaches to discover your favorite law of attraction routine?

Maybe it’s to …

  • Write it down. (Once or make a daily list?)
  • Speak it out loud. (One time or repeated affirmations?)
  • Think a little thought and let it go – or make it your single-minded focus?
  • Keep it to yourself – or declare it to others?
  • Use deadlines or keep it open?
  • Get specific with details or to let Universe fill those in?
  • Include manifesting aids like crystals, vision boards, mind movies, etc. or keep it simple?

There isn’t one right answer for all of us, all the time.

What works brilliantly for your friend may leave you scratching your head wondering why nothing’s happening.

Don’t let that get you discouraged about your creative powers, though. It just means your best process for achieving alignment may be different.

If you haven’t ever experimented with different manifesting approaches, now is a great time to get clear about your most effective formula.

You can engage your own customized LOA experiment to discover your best path to alignment.

I was reminded of this when Pam Grout invited E Squared readers to prove the existence of the Field of Infinite Potential by intending to receive an unusual blessing or gift of some sort within 48 hours.

I set an intention and noted the day and time it should be here by. My 48 hours came and went without any clear signs. (Does this dirty penny in the street count? Could it be that compliment someone emailed?) Well, if it wasn’t obvious, it doesn’t count, I decided.

Exactly one week later I was surprised to find a bouquet of flowers in my hair one afternoon.

Okay, that counts! (Surprise flowers in my hair?! You’re very cool, Universe!)

Was it a failure that it happened well after the 48 hour deadline? To me it was a sign that my best manifesting process doesn’t include time frames!

I remembered when I used to give my angels a written “to do” list each month. Invariably many of the items on the list would appear the following month. That used to frustrate me, but I learned to relax about the timing and that seemed to allow things to happen faster.

Which tells me I’m better off not engaging deadlines for my dreams and goals. For some of my clients, though, the magic doesn’t happen until they pick a date.

Another example of how different our best processes can be … My business partner was on fire for drawing in perfect clients with a new process she engaged. Once she started this practice, everywhere we turned there was another fabulous new client! I thought I’d follow her lead to turn up the juice even more …

Her twice daily routine included ten minutes of EFT, ten minutes of affirmations, followed by ten minutes of visualizing. But when I copied her process, which felt like a lot of freakin’ work, new signups came to a sudden and obvious halt.

That told me things work best (for me) when I don’t try too hard, whereas she does much better when she gets serious and committed to a routine.

At the GVU monthly LOA treasure hunt I’ve learned manifestations appear more easily when the item has some sort of emotional significance for me.

What do you know about your own best manifesting process?

If you’re willing to play to discover it, you could pick 5 things of relatively equal believability value and engage a different manifesting approach for each one.

Results will reveal which approach serves you best. You can repeat the experiment for as many processes as you choose to test.

Or maybe you already know from past experience what sort of routine serves you best. (You can find lists of manifesting approaches here and here.)

Either way, I’d love to hear what you’ve learned from your LOA experiments!

Jeannette Maw

I prefer to call it frugal


Even though the word itself is rather ugly, I do prefer, when referring to my personal spending habits, the term “frugal.” It’s stifled, yes, but it’s also . . . noble. Well–a little, anyway.

At least that is what I told myself today as I stopped at the bank for the free coffee.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "My House Got Clean–Fast"

Contributor: Anonymous

Last week, the house was a mess–a really big mess, and I had no time to clean. Since I’m a bit of a neat freak, I decided to say a little prayer.

“Thank you, God, that my house is entirely clean,” I said. Then I let it go, and trusted that something would work out.

An hour later I asked someone for a cleaning estimate and they offered to clean it the very next day–before seeing it first and without my even asking for the rush.

It was a very nice surprise.

A cabin truth


One weekend last summer some friends and my husband and I rented a cabin. The water was too cold even for SCUBA diving and the cabin was crowded and small, and yet, we had a lot of fun. The best part was when I went to bed early, about an hour before everyone else, and lay in bed just listening to the others talk in the next room. It felt like being at home–a home, that is, that’s full of family.

This is what it means to be human.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got Steve Miller Tickets"


Contributor: Kathleen of luckylady711.com. Kathleen’s blog’s motto is: “Change your luck, change your life!”

Here’s a little story about Shayne and I …

One hot Monday afternoon in August 2005, my friend Shayne ran into an old school friend who mentioned that the Steve Miller Band was playing that Thursday about three hours away, and both of us being Steve Miller fans, wanted to go. So I called the venue and yes, they still had tickets and the show started at 8pm.

I run my own business which is open until 6pm so I had a slight problem.  The concert was three hours away which meant I had to be on the road no later than 5pm.  I don’t have any employees but every now and then my daughter will hold down the fort while I take off, but no luck there as she had to work her regular job.  I called around and asked other friends and family but still no luck. So I sort of resigned myself to no Steve Miller concert.

Thursday evening about 4:58pm Shayne says it sure would be fun to go to the Steve Miller Band concert and if we left right then we could probably make it on time. Being the conscientious businesswoman I am, I never close early but I stopped for a moment and thought about it. What would matter most in ten years? If I had closed one hour early or had a fun time?  So I decided right then to go.  I looked at Shayne and said, “Let’s take the money and go.”  At that very instant the radio began playing Steve Miller Band’s “Take the money and run.”
Shayne said “Do you hear that?”

I said, “It’s a sign.”

So we put a note on the door, took the money, and hopped in the car.

So we are driving down the road and realized we have no tickets.  So I call the box office and all they have are lawn tickets.  So I said “thanks” and hung up.  When I go to a concert I want to be up close!  Shayne asked if they were sold out and I said “No, but they only had lawn.”  He said I should have bought them but I said “Maybe there will be someone out front selling front row seats.” Shayne said, “There’s not going to be anyone selling front row tickets, but I once knew a guy who got a third row ticket out front.” So I said, “I’ll take third row!”

We pull into a parking space at the venue at exactly 8 pm. As we are walking up the path toward the box office a man steps onto the path and asks “Do you need tickets?” I ask, “What do you have?” He said, and I kid you not, “Third row center.”  Shayne’s jaw hit the ground, I laughed and asked how much.  The tickets were cover price, no fees.  I bought them.  All the way to the gate Shayne kept asking me if I thought they were real. Of course I did.

At the gate, they scanned our tickets and usher us to the pit!  They were third row pit seats!  Steve Miller would practically be sweating on us!  Shayne and I both agreed how lucky we were with these fantastic seats.  Then I said all I needed now was a guitar pick from the band.

Well, the Steve Miller Band started playing about 8:30, it was a beautiful summer night, and there was a full moon too.  The concert was fantastic!  The band members threw out their picks but I didn’t get one. They came back for an encore, threw out more picks, still none, then Shayne turned to me and said “Well, I guess you didn’t get your pick” and just then a pick literally hit him on the side of the head and fell into his lap.

He said “What’s this?”

I said, “My pick!”

So now my motto is “Take the money and run.”

Here’s a photo of my ticket, the pick, and the note that we put on the door that day.

This year on the sixth anniversary of this event, the guy who had told Shayne about the concert came by about 4:58 pm, and I was telling him that this was the moment I decided to go and at just that moment the radio began playing as if on cue, “Take The Money and Run” by the Steve Miller Band.  It gave me chills.

Lucky Lady

Free stuff is cool: last day

Image from the law of attraction book list featuring all major law of attraction authors at lawofattractionproject.com

Reminder for you in case you missed it: Today is the last day to get the following eBooks for free on Amazon.com:

What I Learned From Jane

On the Bus

Medium Rare

Also note that you can also get all of these eBook titles (and any of my titles) free anytime with the purchase of the print editions.

Oh, and Amazon.com reviews are always appreciated.

Thanks for downloading.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Started Living On Purpose"

close up photo of yellow tape measure
Photo by Marta Longas on Pexels.com

Contributor: Dr. Dave Smiley, clinical psychologist and creator of the film “The Inner Weigh

Let me tell you a little bit about myself … Seven years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. The previous year, I had gone through a bankruptcy and divorce. At the time, I was a clinical psychologist working in a prison. I was also taking antidepressants … and weighed almost 300 lbs.

I was miserable.

One day, I saw a film about the law of attraction. From it I learned that we create our lives with our thoughts and beliefs; we attract to ourselves those things that we think about most of the time, whether they are things that we want or things that we don’t want.

When I watched that film, I had an epiphany. Suddenly, I understood that I had created this miserable life. I began to wonder what my life would be like if I started paying attention to my thoughts and my beliefs. What could I create if I started living my life on purpose? 

I quit my job, and set out to find a way to lose weight that wasn’t so agonizing, without following some regimented plan of diet and exercise–without weighing and measuring and slicing and dicing my life into little pieces. I knew that there had to be another way, one that was more natural, more peaceful, and more spiritual.

I began to seek out the people that knew this path and who could teach it to me. Not only did I want to find these teachers and learn how to do this for myself, I wanted to bring their message to the world. So I created a film called “The Inner Weigh,” a documentary to inspire people who are sick and tired of living their lives in a body that they hate–people who know the old way just isn’t working anymore

As a clinical psychologist and as someone who has struggled for years with my weight, I knew one thing for sure: the choices we’ve made in the past created the bodies we are in right now … And the choices we make today will create the bodies we will inhabit in the future.

I’m so grateful that I learned about the law of attraction and the importance of choosing my thoughts carefully to create the life that I want.

– Dr. Dave Smiley, clinical psychologist and creator of the film “The Inner Weigh

Free stuff is cool (reminder post)

Reminder for you in case you missed it: Starting today (in honor of my sister’s birthday) and ending Saturday, May 10, I’m giving away the following eBooks on Amazon.com:

What I Learned From Jane

On the Bus

Medium Rare

I could’ve just marked the books down to 99 cents, but that didn’t sound like nearly as much fun.

Free books are just cool.

Tell your friends and share this post if you like!

Also: Happy Birthday Allie!

Free stuff is cool

This week I gave some books to some of my (in-person) friends, and it was so much fun that I got inspired to do the same for you my awesome readers. And so, starting Tuesday, May 6 (in honor of my sister’s birthday) and ending May 10, I’m giving away the following eBooks on Amazon.com:

What I Learned From Jane

On the Bus

Medium Rare

I could’ve just marked the books down to 99 cents, but that didn’t sound like nearly as much fun.

Free books are just cool.

Tell your friends and share this post if you like!

Law of Attraction Success Story: Jeannette Maw: "My $1,000 Legal Bill Was Forgiven"


Contributor: Law of attraction coach Jeannette Maw of the fabulous and famous Good Vibe Blog. Jeannette Maw is the law of attraction party host at Good Vibe U and co-founder of Good Vibe Astrology. Subscribe to her Good Vibe newsletter here. Connect on Google+.

Is it possible to magically manifest zero balances on big bills? Can you use law of attraction to erase or eliminate existing debt? Absolutely!

Earlier this year I got an attorney’s bill for nearly a thousand dollars that I wasn’t expecting. I thought my account was paid in full, but this invoice showed time documented that I hadn’t paid for yet. Sigh.

It irked me that I would be out of pocket on another chunk of change that I already didn’t appreciate spending.

Frankly, I didn’t want to pay it. I thought about the consequences of that … collections, credit downgrade, creditor calls … ugh.

I let myself be mad about it for a minute (more like a day and a half) before I tried to shift the vibe.

When I was ready to start moving the energy, I used Olivia Pope’s “It’s handled” affirmation to practice the feeling of a happy ending.

Then I emailed the attorney asking for clarification. He wrote back the next day with an explanation, and it didn’t sound like he was budging.

I let myself be mad again, then that night wrote out some “I am worthy” statements, including a few about being worthy of good service, good support, and attorney bills that worked out perfectly.

The next morning I remembered Easy World, and said, “I choose to live in Easy World where everything is easy, including perfect resolution of attorney’s bills.”

Four hours later I got an email from the attorney saying “Don’t pay me anything.” Apparently there was a problem with his billing system that he was going to investigate.

A few weeks later I got a zero balance (“paid in full”) statement in the mail.

Jeannette Maw

Has this ever happened to you?

mollie player headshotmollie player headshot 2

Got a new headshot a few weeks ago. The lady took like fifty pictures and I chose the two I liked best. However, when I got home and went to the website to download them, I noticed it: They’re the exact. Same. Picture.

“What in the world am I going to do with the picture I like slightly less well?” I wondered. “Well, I guess I’ll put them up on my blog and write a post about it, warning all who read these words against making the same terrible mistake.”

I guess I just wasn’t thinking clearly on this one. Seeing pictures of myself in all my awesomeness does that to me sometimes.

You understand.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Manifested Superbowl Tickets"

clear light bulb
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction life coach Cassie Parks

Hello all. This is a true story and I’m writ­ing it with the per­mis­sion of the other per­son involved. It’s a won­der­ful illus­tra­tion of using the law of attrac­tion, where we can get caught up as delib­er­ate cre­ators and how even when we do we can get right back on track. I’ve included man­i­fest­ing tips and high­lights in () so you can iden­tify where what you’re doing right and if some­thing is trip­ping you up how to course correct.

My friend is an avid Den­ver Bron­cos fan. I think she prob­a­bly really bleeds orange and blue. About a month ago she was intend­ing to be at the Superbowl if the Bron­cos were in it. It’s a no brainer. Her favorite team play­ing in the biggest game in her favorite city (NYC). Of course she was going.

Fast for­ward to the week prior … whahoo, the Bron­cos are going to the Super­bowl! She told us that night after the game that she hadn’t been selected in the sea­son ticket holder lot­tery, so she’d be man­i­fest­ing tick­ets. (Hold to the belief that what you want is com­ing true, even when it doesn’t look like it yet.)

What went through my mind: “She’s got this. She’s going.” (Sur­round your­self with peo­ple who will see you as who you want to be, and as hav­ing what you desire. Their added sup­port energy adds super­power to your inten­tions. Share your inten­tions with these peo­ple. And check in with yourself: Are you one of these sup­port­ive peo­ple who sees the out­comes your friends desire as done deals?)

Mon­day morn­ing, she sat in a cof­fee shop and wrote down how she had two tick­ets to the Superbowl. (Intend what you want. Write it, speak it, think it as is and let go.)

Mon­day at 1:09 pm we have the fol­low­ing text conversation:

Her: “Ok, what do I need to do to man­i­fest this ticket I KNOW is mine?” (It sometimes hap­pens that we intend and then we don’t trust. Trust is key to man­i­fest­ing what you want. Let go. You only need to do what you feel inspired to do. Leave the rest of the doing to the Uni­verse.)

Me: “Trust it’s yours. What would you be doing right now if you already had the ticket?”

Her: “Set­ting up my stay, dates with friends while in town, book­ing air­fare.”

Me: “That’s what I’d do then–if it feels good. If it doesn’t, don’t do it, even if you think you’re supposed to. Also, I would work through how awe­some it will be even if it doesn’t show up and you’re in NYC enjoy­ing your friends, the atmos­phere, the expe­ri­ence.” (“If it feels good” is always the indi­ca­tor of what you want to be doing to man­i­fest your desire. Also, let go of the attach­ment to the “thing” and get happy.)

Her: “Hum, that’s the thing. I would rather be in Den­ver if I don’t get a ticket. Is that what’s hold­ing me back?”

Me: “I don’t think any­thing holds us back. Gives us a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. If you’d rather be here (Den­ver) if you don’t have a ticket then just let go and let the Uni­verse deliver what is best.” (Let go of the attach­ment to what it is that is going to make you happy and get happy. In this case it’s easy because she really will be happy either way. She just wasn’t let­ting her­self enjoy the pos­si­bil­ity of being in Den­ver because she was hold­ing so tightly to NYC).

Her: “Love it. Thanks!”

Tues­day at 10:30 she posts this on Face­book: “Aaaand.…this girl just man­i­fested 2 tick­ets to the Super Bowl! BOOM!”

My com­ment on Facebook: “Of course you did!”

Cassie Parks

I am like everyone else


Sitting at McDonald’s enjoying an especially good cup of coffee today while watching the baby climb up and down the stairs. There are good commercial-free hits playing that are not at all depressing, which is like my main criteria for music but surprisingly hard to find on the radio in Seattle, which is why I end up listening to the same hip-hop station until the urge to dance starts messing with my fine motor abilities and the background of the songs start sounding super loud, like what happens when you get a really high fever.

Anyway, McDonald’s. McDonald’s is awesome.

I guess sometimes everyone is right.