Tag Archives: Self-Improvement

These Are the Times I May or May Not Be Able to Answer the Phone


Dear people I love,

I may or may not be able to answer the phone:

1. While in the bath;

2. While driving;

3. While on a walk;

4. While having a conversation with a friend;

5. While dealing with a temper tantrum or a crying baby;

6. When both of my hands are full;

7. While on the phone with someone else;

8. While vacuuming;

9. While putting a child down for a nap;

10. While sleeping;

11. While waiting for a bus with children;

12. While in a parking lot;

13. While going to the bathroom;

14. While in a dental or doctor’s appointment;

15. While at a checkout counter;

16. While handling raw meat;

17. While changing a diaper;

18. While meditating.

Thanks for understanding. (You do understand, right? I thought so.)

Law of Attraction Success Story: “The Impossible Suddenly Became Possible”

Contributor: Anonymous

Roger Bannister was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes.

It happened in 1954, and until that time, no one believed it was possible. Running experts, physiologists, doctors–they all had “proof” that it couldn’t be done.

Until it was.

Most interesting to me, though: after Bannister accomplished this feat, he was followed by twenty-four other people . . . within just eighteen months.

Dream about something impossible today.

Things don’t cost what they cost

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Thanks to everyone who downloaded my latest book, The Naked House: Five Principles for a More Peaceful Home already.

For everyone else, an excerpt:

“It’s as true of a blender as it is of a dog: things don’t cost what they cost. They cost what they cost to buy, maintain, move around and store. All these factors cost money (yes, space alone costs money: square footage is the number one factor in home price, and have you seen your heating bill lately?), but there are several other costs to consider, and both are more valuable than cash. The first is the cost of your time: the sheer number of minutes that add up to hours that add up to days that you spend rearranging, cleaning, protecting, and working around your stuff. And the second is the cost of your emotion . . .

“For the purposes of this book, the terms “bare” and “naked” aren’t so much about wearing no clothes as they are about wearing nothing that distracts from your beauty.
It is the total and complete absence of clutter.”

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Roof Got Fixed”

Contributor: My friend and fellow blogger Scott. Find more of his musings on spirituality, the law of attraction and more at kindredspirit23.wordpress.com.

Manifesting should not be work. It should be something that happens naturally when first you will it, then you follow through as needed. No, you don’t just express your desire to the universe and start running around to find it fulfilled. It’s quieter than that. I find that if I manifest and turn it over to God, it works out.

Example: My roof is leaking. The estimates I could gather for a new roof ranged from $4,000-$10,000.

I couldn’t afford that. I didn’t even know who to call. So, I manifested.

Later, I had to stop by the nursing home for what became my last therapy session. The PT suggested that I should see if it’s covered by my insurance. My deductible is $1000, so that still concerned me, but I had them send out someone to estimate. He was from a good, honest company.

An hour later, the person told me it wasn’t enough for a claim and it would be less than $1000 to fix it.

I knew it would still be a lot of money, but I felt much better. The company said they would even do payment plans!

However, when the estimate came back, it was just under $1200.

I hesitated; I felt the need to hesitate. My mom thought I should get a second estimate. I didn’t know who to call, so I put it out on Facebook.

I received several good answers, including one from my stepson who offered to do the job at cost. (Thankfully, we’ve always gotten along well.) This seems like the right opportunity, and now I’m waiting to see if it works out.

I feel confident that whatever happens will be fine and I no longer need to worry about the money.


My first time


The first (and only) time I visited New York City, something kind of funny happened: on the first street corner I came to by Grand Central, I understood what everyone was talking about.

The movies. The books. The people that wear those hats that say “I (heart) NY.”

It suddenly made perfect, total sense.

Some things simply cannot be captured, either in books or by a camera. New York City is one of them.

Meditation is definitely another.

New book announcement: "The Naked House"

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Quick post today to tell you about my latest book. It’s called The Naked House: Five Principles for a More Peaceful Home, and as you may have inferred from the title, it’s about home organization and simplification. Here is the back cover copy:

“The solution is almost always fewer things. That’s the Naked House philosophy in a nutshell, though the importance of top-notch organization (“a place for everything and everything in its place”), design unity, cleanliness and quality round out this book’s description of the most desirable, peaceful home in which to live. With a tongue-in-cheek, personal style, The Naked House is an inspiring but not-too-serious primer on cleaning, organizing and reducing clutter—and on changing the way you view the purpose and soul of your home.”

You can get the book on Amazon here.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Manifested the Best Double Stroller Ever”

Contributor: Anonymous

Lots of times, law of attraction believers talk about the importance of inspired action–and there is good reason for that. Jane Roberts, the woman who back in the 1970s channeled the spirit entity who called himself Seth, wrote about this idea a lot. The subconscious, she said, is where all the work gets done, while the role of the mind is to be still and wait for instruction.

I like this idea a lot, of course; who doesn’t want the Universe to give them personalized, detailed advice? Which is why it was so exciting to me when recently I saw the principle at work.

Here’s the story: I have two children, and one is almost brand new. Since the other is only two and a half, it made sense for a dedicated walker like me to buy a stroller that could hold them both; it’s one of the first and only purchases I considered for the new baby when pregnant.

And yet, I did not buy a stroller.

I can’t say exactly why I didn’t. I knew it was necessary. I knew if I wanted to get a good used one, I probably shouldn’t wait till the last minute. But it wasn’t until one fine spring afternoon about a month before the baby was born, following a trailside near-breakdown of my rickety old thrift store contraption that, during a conversation with a friend at the playground, it hit me: “I want to buy a double stroller–and I want to buy one right now.”

The desire really did feel inspired.

That night, I shopped around online, ready to hit the “buy” button at any moment . . . but nothing was calling my name. Nothing, that is, except The One–the $600 double stroller straight from heaven. With no real desire to buy it new, and realizing I’d probably find a used one nearly as good for pretty cheap, I decided to hit a thrift store soon and settle on anything that was similar.

Two days later, while out with my son, I was intrigued to see the exact stroller I had lusted after, sitting outside a McDonald’s restroom. In true motherly fashion, I complimented the owner, struggling to wash three sets of hands, on her tasteful choice of transportation.

“You wouldn’t be interested in selling it, would you?” I asked–and when she answered I knew God had spoken.

“Actually, I do plan to sell it. Are you interested?”

$175 and a park date later, I brought my old stroller to the thrift store from which I’d bought it three years back.

As I handed it over to the attendant, I didn’t even feel sentimental.

I had the smooth-riding luxury SUV of strollers now . . . and I still thank God for it every time I take a walk.

In order to feel that good again, I have to . . . ?


When I was growing up my favorite movie was Anne of Green Gables. The way I felt when I was watching it–or at least the way I remember feeling–was just so thoroughly good, so entirely removed from all things uncomfortable. For a while, I too lived on a beautiful farm and no matter how misunderstood I was, I always had a best friend, beauty, and a book.

Now I’m all grown up, and though I much prefer most of my life the way it is now, I do have one complaint: In order to feel that good again, I have to meditate.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Saw Central Park"

Contributor: Alexander of alexandersvitych.com, a partial believer in the law of attraction who shares his personal perspective here.

This happened to me before I watched the famous (or perhaps infamous) The Secret movie and learned about the law of attraction.

Back in my freshman’s year of college in Ukraine, I remember traveling home for the weekend and watching the Discovery channel at night. The program was about something that left me in total awe and surprise.

It was about a man-made wonder right in the middle of one of the busiest megalopolises on the planet. That night I watched the Central Park in New York City for the first time in my life.

This was more than 10 years ago, but I still remember vividly my emotions that night.

At first, I was totally captivated by the charm and beauty of the park in a spot meant for nothing but the skyscraper jungle. Next, I had a sincere wish to be there at least for one moment. And immediately after that, I let it go because I was sure this was not possible. This just could not possibly happen.

Less than two years later I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in the Undergraduate Exchange Program to study at Concordia College in Minnesota for one academic year. The application and selection process was an adventure in itself. To cut the story short, in winter we had a reunion with my program fellows in Washington, DC. Around six of us decided to meet up in NYC a few days before that …

I remember clearly that moment. I arrived to New York earlier than the others, and went out to explore Central Park. I had no memory of the Discovery channel night whatsoever. It wasn’t until I started walking in the park that it struck me: “Oh my God. Now I remember. I wanted this!”

Somehow the chain of events unfolded in a way that made my inner wish come true.

The morale of the story is the following.

I do believe that the thing called “law of attraction” exists. Moreover, it works. However, it is often misinterpreted, not the least owing to The Secret. My biggest problem with the above-mentioned documentary is that it misses out the main thing: that nothing will happen until you take action.

You may sit in the lotus pose for hours mediating on such things as health and richness. Yet this will be nothing more than a waste of time and mental energy if no practical steps are taken to achieve your goals or ideals.

The law of attraction does work – but only if coupled with action. 

Alexander Svitych

Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Bill Was Paid in Full"


Contributor: Law of attraction advocate “Lucky Lady” Kathleen of luckylady711.com. Kathleen invites you to sign up for her Lucky Life Newsletter. You can also receive a free 30-minute law of attraction coaching session by sending her an email.

Quite a few years ago, due to a series of what some would call “bad” luck, I found myself over $4400 behind in rent payments. No matter what action I took to get paid up to date, from scrimping and saving, to finding ways to make extra money, nothing helped. I was suddenly reminded that our “thoughts become things” as Mike Dooley says, and I decided to use my imagination to visualize being paid up in full.

Every evening when I got home, I would lay down on my sofa, close my eyes, and imagine telling my sweetie, “All of my rent is now paid up in full!” I would feel the relief, excitement, and satisfaction of knowing it was true, and I would imagine his excitement and congratulations.

I never gave any thought to how this would happen; instead, I went straight to the end result, to the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

I did this for about seven or eight minutes every evening. If during the day the thought of being past due came to my mind, I immediately switched my thoughts to the congratulations from Sweetie and went on about my day.

Suddenly, one month later, a man walks up to me and introduces himself as my new landlord. He then hands me a paper and tells me that starting the next month, this is where to send my rent.

Turns out, the previous landlord had lost track of all the records, and in that moment, all of my past due rent was wiped off the slate and I was PAID UP IN FULL, and I have been ever since.

What a relief! It felt even better than I had imagined it, and it happened in a way I would never have imagined.

It didn’t take any force, struggle, or effort–just the deliberate use of our great power to create with our imagination.

The truth is, we are using our imagining powers all the time. So why not deliberately use your imagining power to manifest what you desire and increase your luck?

Lucky Lady

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Have a Family and a Future”

angelo limon, true law of attraction story

Contributor: Angelo Limon of angelolimon.com. From the author: “I started my blog to prove to you that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from or what you did in the past. The only thing that matters is who you want to become and where you want to go.”

Hi, I’m Angelo Limon. I’m a reader, writer and blogger. I remember when I was in high school, I hated to read, write and didn’t even know what blogging was–that was back in 2006! After high school I went to study Chemical Engineering in The Netherlands. Can you imagine a young man, 18 years old, flying to The Netherlands from Aruba, who has no father figure or siblings, only a caring mother who did her best to raise her son?

Once I arrived in The Netherlands, I was like a little man in a big and fast-paced world. At home I could drive myself or got a lift; now I had to take trains, bus and metro’s everywhere. I was used to having dinner made for me; now I had to go to the supermarket myself, cook my own meals and pay my own rent. I went from being taken care of to looking after myself, with no one to tell me anything!

While living my new life I was exposed to things I never experienced before, most of which could derail anybody from their goals in life, like smoking weed and cigarettes, drinking alcohol, going to house parties, experiencing peer pressure, skipping class and other things I’m not proud of. I met new people who weren’t good for me, but I still found myself hanging around them. Did you ever felt like something wasn’t good for you, but still did it? That was me!

I was led many times down the wrong path, but fortunately I had a some will power to make the right choices most of the time. I should have gone to prison a few times for some of the things I did, but I never got caught! I did come in contact with the law a few times–after a night of heavy partying and drinking, walking back home peeing outdoors is a no-no in The Netherlands, but when you got to go, you got to go right?

All jokes aside, in my last year of school I took a little break before completing my last internship. Here is where I started to think deeply about my future and what I wanted to do with my life after I graduated. I knew I didn’t want to just keep studying or working forever and paying bills till retirement!

I went back to Aruba for the summer, but this vacation was different, because I knew something was going to happen to me that would change my course of life. So said, so done: I found a book on a night table at my in-laws: Joseph Murphy’s The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind.

This book got me started with personal development. Then, when I came back to The Netherlands I bought Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich as well.

Today I can truly say my life has changed for the better, because these books informed me that I had the power to change my life.

The secret, as I see it, is this: you become what you think about most of the time!

I found out that everything starts with my thoughts–they control my feelings and actions. My thoughts and actions in the past had me in the current situation I was in, so if I wanted to change my current results, I had to change the way I think–that simple!

Today I am proud to have my bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and a loving loving wife and daughter who I care about so much.

I know how it feels to have no money left during or at the end of the month: it sucks! Feeling lost, confused and scared about the future was something normal for me. I can look back at the past and learn from my mistakes–and look forward and believe in myself to build a better and brighter future for myself and my family!


Angelo Limon

It was a real answer to prayer


A few months ago I started a book called Fights You’ll Have After Having a Baby. But of course, in order to finish it, I have to have more fights. And–guess what? That is just what I’ve been doing.

It’s been a real answer to prayer.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Became Lean and Healhy"


Contributor: Clint Warren. You can download a copy of Clint’s book, Unlocking Your True Potential. In it he outlines the seven timeless habits that helped him create his destiny, reach his goals, and build the life he’s always dreamed of.

I struggled a lot last year with weekly bouts of binge eating. I was outwardly strong and successful, managing a fast-growing web design agency after battling drug addiction and breaking free. I worked out and people looked at me as “super fit,” but I felt like a failure because I couldn’t control my eating. Once or twice a week I’d binge really hard. It reminded me of how I used drugs … until my body shut down. I’d come off a binge and feel the same self-loathing and defeat that I used to feel after I relapsed.

I got turned onto EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping at a local Meetup group. I started tapping once per day to control my urges, and saw some improvement, but I still battled the occasional binge. Then I created a vision board: I pasted my head onto Crossfit Champion Rich Froning, and on an image of Brad Pitt from the movie Snatch. I included an image of a guy meditating for good measure. I learned about this technique in Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization book and accompanying workbook. I wanted to embody the superior man: a spiritual warrior and competitor. Here’s the vision board I used (I’ve only shared it with a handful of people):

I printed it out and kept it next to my mediation cushion. Every morning after meditating, I would read out loud, “Here I am lean and healthy, strong and powerful. I am disciplined and focused in my eating. I make decisions every day to improve my body. This or something better now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, for the highest good of all concerned.” I closed my eyes and internalized it.

I heard about the Bulletproof Diet and pre-ordered the book in September. The sample chapter outlined a way of eating I hadn’t heard of, so I gave it a shot. Three months later I detailed my progress in a blog post that went viral when the author of the book posted it to his Facebook fan page:


I led my team to victory at a Crossfit competition in November:

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I lost twenty pounds. I’m leaner and healthier than I’ve ever been.

I became my vision.

Clint Warren

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I’m a Better Dancer–And a More Accepting Person"

Contributor: Dustin Spero of San Francisco, who shares this law of attraction success story on thesecret.tv.

For those of you that don’t know, The Secret’s official website hosts gobs of awesome true law of attraction success stories.

One that I read recently comes from a man who, after reading The Secret, gained the courage he needed to audition for his dream job: professional ballet dancer. Though Spero doesn’t get into a whole lot of specifics on how he did end up achieving this dream, I enjoyed reading that he found a new inner peace regarding the faith of others.

Here’s a brief excerpt for you about what he has achieved since becoming aware of the law of attraction at work:

“My dancing has improved a hundred times over infinity! My love life has been perfect. I have a clear focus on what I want. I’ve even found more acceptance for others and myself in my every day life. I accept Christians now whereas, before as a gay man, I avoided them. I just feel as if focusing on love and thanks really made all the pieces of my life fall into place.”

He also notes that he now sees the blessing in disguise that is the mild form of autism he was born with.

You can read the rest of his story at thesecret.tv.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got an Even Better Job"


This is an excerpt from Derek’s ongoing law of attraction success story. Read more at lakemansion.wordpress.com.

Recently, I downloaded a couple clips off of YouTube to listen to on the plane ride to San Francisco.  One of them was a guided meditation, aimed at attracting prosperity.  The video itself is nearly two hours long and is, well, a little strange to listen to.  The first half is basically the guide’s voice verbally saying positive affirmations regarding attracting money.  There are a couple of exercises involved, but I didn’t really get too deep into doing them.  After all, if I started to shout “I am money” on a crowded plane, I might get some odd looks.  I fell asleep listening to the audio.  I woke up towards the end.  At that point, there was this weird synth-type music playing.  Real New Age-type stuff.

Over the course of the week, I couldn’t get that song out of my head.  It didn’t have any words.  It was just noise, really.  The YouTube commentors under the video all seemed to swear by this video.  It had an unbelievable amount of positive feedback.

I got back to Boston late Saturday night.  I had an interview lined up from the week before, but didn’t think too much of it, as I’ve had plenty of interviews before and none were willing to pay anything in the ballpark as to what I wanted.  After all, I enjoy my current position.  I just wanted to find something with a good company where I could bring home a pretty good amount more money.  Well, this interview basically fell in my lap.  It wasn’t something that I have gone seeking out at all.  I wasn’t actively looking for new work.  The recruiter called me and told me the CIO of this new company specifically asked to meet me.  That has never happened to me before.  He heard about me through some of my current colleagues.  I suppose they gave him a pretty good review of me for him to insist on bringing me in.

Well, yesterday I met with this CIO.  It’s a great company (a competitor to where I am right now).  He handed me an offer letter yesterday, where I will make $15-20k/year more than I make now.  Plus, I’ll be able to work from home two days a week and get an extra weeks vacation from what I get now.  On top of that, I’m being given a manager position immediately (I’m not currently a manager now).  Basically, he expects within a years time, I will be the IT Director of this company and have a whole team beneath me.

I find it pretty difficult to call this a coincidence.  I’ve been in this field for years and nothing like this has EVER happened.  Employers don’t generally seek out employees in the IT field.  Especially ones that they have never even met.  I look back to all of the comments under that video and can safely say that the same thing has happened to me.  It’s amazing to see the things that start to happen when you keep your energy positive, and when you focus and believe in what you want.

Oh, and here’s a link to the video that I was talking about. (Be warned, it’s really strange.)


Law of Attraction Success Story: Esther and Jerry Hicks: "We Made Millions"


Contributors: Mollie Player and Jerry and Esther Hicks in Money and the Law of Attraction

Sometimes, it’s tempting to think the law of attraction and positive thinking only work for people who already have the success thing at least partially figured out. If you’re feeling like that right now, it might be a good idea to read a story about a secretary and a multi-level marketing salesperson (Amway, I think it was) who are now worth lots of millions of dollars.

That couple: Jerry and Esther Hicks–and they made the money even before Esther began receiving the messages from beyond that have since made them both so well-known.

In the book Money and the Law of Attraction, Jerry tells of a day several decades back when he happened upon a book by Napolean Hill called Think and Grow Rich.

At first he wasn’t all that interested in learning more or applying the concepts. However, a short time later he met “a man in a motel in Minnesota who offered me a business opportunity that was so compatible with Hill’s teaching that for nine joyous years I focused my attention on building that business.”Over those nine years, that business grew–and grew, and grew, and grew, into a “multi-million dollar enterprise.” He sought out more writings on the topic, then transitioned to a career of teaching these principles. At some point Esther became inspired to learn how to meditate, then began her career as a medium.In the book, Hicks says the adventure began soon after clarifying in his mind what he really wanted in his career: freedom and independence.

You can, of course, get a copy of the book with the story on Amazon.com. Well worth not just a read, but a thorough poring over. (I also really, really appreciate their videos showing Esther channeling Abraham at their law of attraction conferences.)

There’s a word for that


I once saw a cartoon (Dilbert, I think it was) where the punch line was: “There’s a word for what happens to people like you: nothing.”

When I first read that I thought, God, don’t ever let me become one of those people. Now I think maybe I am. I have a mortgage, a husband, a kid and a job. I live in the suburbs–and I love it.

The little life dramas are enough for me.

Besides, I have a bigger purpose in my life other than what I own, drive or wear. That’s the best thing about this spirituality thing; no matter how boring you are, you are part of the most exciting story on earth.

(And even if it all turns out to be a hoax, hey–I’m still a good conversationalist.)

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a MacBook Pro"


Contributor: Law of attraction enthusiast Ali

One day after work my partner called and said he had some news for me. I told him it sounded ominous by the tone in his voice. He quickly replied “No, no! It’s good news–very good news–and it will make you very happy.”

I told him I was already feeling very happy and that I was grateful to hear more news that would make me even happier. He said I would have to wait for him to come home and explain it all.

I love the quote featured in the above picture by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.”

I have always wanted a MacBook Pro and envisioned myself using it as a self-employed writer. However, despite trying several methods, one had never materialised. A few days ago it had crossed my mind to wonder why I hadn’t yet manifested a MacBook. What am I doing wrong? I asked myself. Should I set a deadline? (I had read somewhere about people setting deadlines to manifest something and it working.) I was then distracted from my thoughts and the whole thing slipped from my mind.

When my partner came home I quickly quizzed him about the good news. He told me about a whole series of events that had happened that day. He said he’d made a random comment about wanting to buy an iPad and the person he was talking to replied, “I haven’t got an iPad but I do have a MacBook going cheap.” Apparently, it had been an unwanted gift.

Abraham reminds us, “Ask and it is given,” and that the details of how it happens are none of our business. Still, I was totally astonished how out of the blue a sequence of events arose to bring me my beautiful new MacBook. And, as an added bonus, my beautiful partner offered to buy it for me as a very lavish birthday present so it actually didn’t cost me a penny!

But the story doesn’t end there. Still in awe of its manifestation and thinking about how it came about I remembered how I was thinking about my lack of a MacBook only a short time previously and that as I envisioned my dream of self-employed writing I knew I would have to manifest my own laptop before being able to leave my paid employment. And so, I take this as a huge sign that I have ramped up my manifesting power and my dream career will soon be made manifest also.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Stopped Feeling Like a Failure (And I Got a New Washer and Dryer)”

Contributor: Robin Linke, who shares law of attraction success stories as well as daily guidance from the angels on robinlinke.com.

Sometimes we have no clue as to how certain life experiences have affected us and when we do find out, it can be a total surprise.  I was caught by surprise tonight when I was doing laundry…hence the title of this note.  So, the question is how much of a back story do you require in order for this to make sense?

Look, the bottom line is this….although my family didn’t have a bunch of money when my parents got married…I never wanted for anything.  I’ve always been a spoiled little princess (daddy’s girl).  To the point where my parents bought me a brand new car when I turned 17 and my mom was still sharing a car with my grandparents.  Okay, that’s enough for you to get the picture…I was (and still am) really good at getting what I want.

When I left my marriage I wasn’t really devastated about leaving my husband of 20+ years.  The fact of the matter is, we’d been done for a looong time and moving out was the natural next step.  What was devastating was leaving my kids behind. They were old enough to make their own choices and they wanted to stay in their nice big 5 bedroom house as well as their current school system.  This was one of the very few times in my life that I didn’t get my own way.  I couldn’t figure out how I would be able to support them, finish my own healing from the family events which led me to this making this decision, and move on with my life.

Everything worked out the way it needed to, but my guilt and shame took a huge toll on me.  I was very lucky in that I had manifested my soul mate (David) and would be moving in with him.  I was also very lucky because we were moving into an apartment that was 15 minutes from my kids….but the apartment, while it was nice, it was a far cry from what I was used to. There was a lot I hated about it and a lot of loved about it.  We ended up on food stamps while living there and while I felt ashamed and unsuccessful as a result of them….that’s not what had the greatest effect on me.

To me, having a washer and dryer in my home was normal…I knew there were people who used laundromats, but I was a spoiled, entitled girl/woman who had no experience with such a thing.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I hated going to the laundromat.  To this day, I have no idea what the experience represented to me….going to the laundromat was always pleasant…but I hated it with a passion.

All this brings me to tonight when I literally nearly broke down in tears because I was so grateful to be standing in my kitchen moving laundry from the washer to the dryer.  It got me to wondering….what areas of my life was I closed off to simply because I used the laundromat for a few years?  What was I unable to say yes to because I was feeling like a failure?  How much of myself was I denying?

That’s the way it is with belief systems and manifesting.  We’ve all got these crazy belief systems stored away in our subconscious that make no sense…and even worse, we don’t even know they’re there.  It’s these hidden belief systems that are holding us back from having the life we want to have, from being who we want to be, and having the goodies we’d like to have.
