Tag Archives: Self-Improvement

Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Daughter’s Asthma Was Healed"


Contributor: Mollie Player and How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body by David Hamilton

In How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body, scientist and law of attraction practitioner David Hamilton shares the story of Pauline who, during one of Hamilton’s workshops, sent loving, healing energy to her daughter.

Her name was Cloe, and just the day before she had been diagnosed with asthma. Along with the diagnosis she was prescribed antibiotics, steroids, and an inhaler.

What’s worse: she was just four years old.

“When I was doing the healing, I actually felt it being sent to Chloe and became excited,” Pauline writes. She says that she could practically see and feel her daughter’s DNA change color and shape.

The following day, Pauline awoke to Chloe’s usual kiss. Then something not quite so usual occurred: Chloe announced that she’d been healed.

Her breathing had cleared up and so had her cough, she told Pauline.

Law of Attraction Success Story: Greg Kuhn: "I Trained a Wild Rabbit"

blue green and red abstract illustration
Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Contributor: Greg Kuhn, author of How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs. The following is excerpted from this highly recommended, super practical law of attraction book.

“One early June Sunday afternoon, taking a lunch break from fixing some holes in the roof, I sat down on my back porch. Relaxing and eating a sandwich, I enjoyed my view of some woods that backed up pretty close to the house. Halfway through my roast beef, I noticed a cute little bunny peering from the shrubs about twelve feet away … I had a compelling thought that I’d like to pet the cute guy …

“Since I had the whole summer at my disposal, I decided to try an experiment. Could I coax this cute little bunny up onto my back porch? I knew that this rabbit would be very cautious, but I also knew I could probably tempt him if I kept offering him some delicious fare.

“Almost every day that summer I laid out a small carrot or other vegetable for the little bunny. And I moved his food a little closer to my porch every time–careful not to overdo it or move too fast, so as not to spook him and ruin the experiment … By early August I was excitedly laying the carrot very close to my back porch steps. When I finally moved the meal to the steps, themselves, I could hardly wait to see the bunny complete my goal.

“On August 22nd, at 3:30 p.m., that little guy finally got up on my back porch and claimed some cherry tomatoes for himself. it took him about three minutes to decide to climb all the way onto the porch, but by gosh, he was up there. I had achieved my goal–and my furry friend had feasted luxuriously all summer to help me do it …

“As proud of myself as I was, little did I know that I’d done something even more profound than train a wild animal. I had created a foundational model for how to unlock the law of attraction’s greatest potential for influencing our material reality … Just as I did with my friend the bunny, I later learned how to lure my subconscious into believing new things that are aligned with some of my greatest desires in a wide array of areas.”

And so can you.


Greg Kuhn

Things that are cool about having a kid

Best Nonfiction Book: Child

In this post I wrote about the Mattress Land my husband and I made in our bedroom. You know, for our kid. But there are other cool things about having a kid, too. Here are a few:

  • I get to build forts (why did I ever stop doing that)?
  • I get to hear my husband sing.
  • I always have a great excuse as to why I didn’t have time to meditate.
  • Did I mention wet wipes?

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Manifested An Orange Feather"

photo of abstract painting
Photo by Anni Roenkae on Pexels.com

Contributor: D/C Russ of align-mentality.com. For more cool stuff like this experiment, subscribe to D/C Russ’ mailing list by emailing dc@align-mentality.com. He’ll email you two or three times a month with awesome quests, experiments, and inspirational articles. In addition, members of The Ascension Guild will receive all of my high-quality ebooks for free.

Main Objective:

To put the Law of Attraction to the test by attempting to manifest a black and orange feather within 30 days.

Sub Goals:

Bolster my faith in the universe.
Give others some evidence of The Law of Attraction.
Obtain a data point about how to manifest.


10 days (01/01/14-01/10/14)


I was reading a book about a guy who repeated an experiment that he read in another book. I can’t remember the name of either book. But the idea was to manifest a blue feather into existence.

I recall the author mentioning that he’d never even seen a blue feather before. And manifesting one would be a true testament to the power of The Law of Attraction.

The man set the intention for the feather to manifest within a given time frame (one month). He firmly set the intention and wrote it down on paper. In addition, he kept an evidence journal in which he would write any clues that indicated to him that the universe was indeed working hard to fulfill his order.

For the first few days, he diligently visualized the feather morning and night. He would spend several minutes imagining himself already in possession of the feather. He put all of his senses into imagining the feather already being a part of his reality: he saw himself holding it, stroking it, and even tickling himself with it.

After just a few days, though, the man began losing interest in the feather. He stopped doing the visualizations and he didn’t record anything in his evidence journal.

But then something magical happened, he stumbled across a feather that caught his eye. The only problem was that it wasn’t quite blue. Instead of getting discouraged, he noted this in his evidence journal.

A couple weeks later, after having totally forgot about the feather, he was backing out of his driveway one morning when suddenly two blue birds landed on the hood of his car and began fighting each other!

And wouldn’t you know it: when they flew away, there was his blue feather!

I remember reading this story and commenting to my wife at how silly it was to me. “Yeah right,” I said cynically. “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work like that,” I boasted.

Later that day, I decided that it wasn’t quite fair for me to discredit this man’s testimony without at least giving it a shot myself.

Besides, I was already intending on doing a 30-day Law of Attraction experiment on January 1st. My good friend and comrade, James Weaver, wrote a book about his own 30-Day Attraction Experiment (available here). The success he experienced inspired me to give it a shot on my own.

So I decided, what the heck…why not just add a feather on my list as well? So I did. But I thought a black and orange feather would be way cooler than a blue one.

“Where am I even gonna find a black and orange feather anyway,” I remember commenting to my wife. She said, “They exist, I’ve totally seen them before.” I replied, “But I’ve never even seen one in my entire life, how in the world am I going to manifest one, especially in Los Angeles!?”

As far as I was concerned, there was no way that I was actually going to manifest a black and orange feather. But, hey, I’ll give it a shot anyway.


If I set the intention to manifest a black and orange feather, then it’s feasible that it will present itself into my reality.


There is a certain mindset you have to have when it comes to manifesting something. The mindset you have can either make or break it for you.


1) Set the intention to manifest a black and orange feather.

2) Write “black and orange feather” down on my ‘January Attraction Experiment’ list.

3) Carry this list with me inside my evidence journal.

4) Write down any clues that may indicate that the universe is fulfilling my intention.

*** Note that I did not do any visualizations, mantras, or affirmations. ***

Results (click image to expand):

I Manifested a Black and Orange Feather

Did my hypothesis pass?

Yes, even though it was a rather weak hypothesis. Still though, I wanted my hypothesis to convey my detached, matter-of-fact mindset going into this experiment.


There are a lot of important features that went into this manifestation. The first was the fact that the black and orange feather was on a list of four other items that I wanted to manifest. In fact, the black and orange feather was the thing that I cared the least about.

Every time I thought about visualizing the feather, I was overcome with a “ugh…no way…”. I would have rather spent my time visualizing the manifestation that I truly and deeply cared about. But as it turned out, this level of detachment may very well have been the reason that I was able to manifest the feather in the first place.

As it stands now, I’m still waiting on everything else on my ‘January Attraction Experiment’ list to manifest. The feather only took 10 days to manifest. And it was effortless. I didn’t get excited about it, I didn’t write a single thing down in my evidence journal, and I hardly even thought about it.


You might be wondering why the feather is depicted in a Bible. Well that’s a funny story.

I haven’t read a single word in the Bible in almost 10 years! But my mom, who has been getting into church and scripture lately, decided to buy me a Bible for Christmas.

She thought I could use a Bible of my own. It ended up coming at the right time for me because I had decided that reading the Bible could be a valuable outlet for strengthening my relationship with God and with myself. So I was very grateful for the gift.

And when I received it in the mail, it took almost two whole days for me to even realize that the feather was stuck inside it, at the very page that’s depicted in the above picture.

My mom was at a remote lake somewhere in Missouri when she came across a few feathers on the ground. Attracted by their beauty, she decided to pick them up and take them home. She simply tossed them in a decorative shot glass on her bookshelf, where they sat for many months.

A few days before sending me the Bible, my mom decided she needed a change of decor. So she grabbed all of her old decorations, including the feathers, and stuck them in a box to be stored in the basement.

Well she accidentally dropped one of the feathers.

The next day, she went to send the Bible to me. But before packaging it, she wanted to mark one of the most popular passages of the Bible, John 3:16. Just as she was going to go searching for a book mark, her eye caught the feather sitting there on the ground in the corner of the room.

“Perfect!” she thought as she swiped it up and tossed it in the Bible.

I told her about it and she was really delighted. All in all, it was a pretty cool moment to discover the feather in my Bible after it arrived in the mail.

In fact, I didn’t even make the connection at first. I saw a gap in the pages of the Bible and I turned to that gap. “Hmm, a feather,” I observed casually. And as I went to set it aside to read the passage that was marked by the feather, my wife exclaimed, “That’s it!”

“Huh? OH…wow!!”

She said, “That’s the feather that I was talking about! That’s the exact type of feather that I was thinking of when I told you that black and orange feathers really do exist!”

We both sat humored at the fact that my intention appeared to work. Call it a coincidence if you want, but nothing can deny the fact that I set an intention to receive a black and orange feather…and got one!

D/C Russ

Now I live in Mattress Land


One thing that’s cool about having a kid is that instead of having a regular bed you have two big mattresses on the floor with nothing else in the room, especially lamps.

Yup, that’s right. We sleep in Mattress Land. And yes–yes it is completely awesome.

Who needs lamps when you’ve got … mattresses?

I would write something funny today but . . .

I would write something funny today but on Saturday the movie theater I was in caught on fire and I am still traumatized. Not because anyone got hurt. But because I was the only one who went to an unblocked exit.

(Did I mention that I’m awesome?)

Go magic.


Went to church today and was reminded that now that so many of my 2013 affirmations have come true, it’s time to start a new batch. I’m not going to share them all but here are a few:

  • Thank you, God, that my business is exploding this year (in a good way) and that my income from my books equals my client writing income.
  • Thank you, God, that I have several very close girlfriends.
  • Thank you, God, that I am in constant communication with the Divine.
  • Thank you, God, that several of the books I’m working on currently are finished.
  • Thank you, God, that any depression that I used to feel is gone.

Go magic.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Found the Perfect Shirt"

woman jumping wearing green backpack
Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

Contributor: Tim L. of Chicago, Illinois at www.thesecret.tv

At The Secret’s official website, Tim writes the following:

“Two days ago I was shopping for my best friend’s birthday. I looked at the shirts and found one that said “Beer, cigars and bass: The three food groups.” It was perfect and everything he likes! The only problem? It was too big. It was a 3x and he takes 2x, so I put it back.

“The next day my girlfriend offered to go with me to help attract it. We checked one store but no luck. She said, ‘I’ve got a feeling about the store by our house’ (the same store I checked the previous night). I said, ‘Well they only had 3x but okay, I guess we could check.’

“So we got there and started looking through the shelf, with no luck. Then I took out my phone to view the photo I had taken of it. I guess that triggered the Universe to send it to me right away, because I reached my arm to the back of the shelf and pulled out a shirt and it was the exact right one! Size 2x and the same design.

“I was so excited and so was my girlfriend. She smiled so proudly at me and said, ‘See I told you, you can manifest anything you desire. Looking at the photo of what you wanted made it happen!’

“I’m still so excited and now I’m ready to start using the law of attraction for other things, like a good job and school and a Ford f150 in black!

“I’m beginning to really understand.”


One More Way Being Spiritual Makes My Life Awesome


One way being spiritual makes my life awesome is that when the baby erases everything I just wrote on my laptop, then breaks the mouse as well, I can assume he was working as the agent of an angel or other divine entity, probably to protect me from the full effect of my own awesomeness.

I feel more humbled by just talking about it.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Started Believing in My Future”

person holding a green plant
Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction believer Melissa F. from England at www.thesecret.tv

At The Secret’s official website, Melissa writes the following:

“It all started four months ago when my little boy’s dad was murdered. I got all down and depressed and with my son’s birthday, Christmas, etc., I got myself into a lot of debt.

“Then one day I was visiting a friend who was supporting me in my time of need when she told me about The Secret. I was so intrigued by what my friend had told me that I went out and bought the book immediately.

“When I read the book and started to apply positive changes to my life, amazing things happened. I found a solution that was safe and easy to clear my debts. I started an acting course that I enjoy. I did a video shoot where I played the girl from the film “Psycho” doing the shower scene which for me, a normally shy person, was a huge accomplishment!

“This year, my little boy and I are all set, ready for a wonderful Christmas. For this I thank the movie The Secret which gave me the faith to keep going and to think positive thoughts about the future–no matter what comes. Each day I am grateful for not only my own, but everyone I love and care about’s health and happiness.”


A surprising story about peanut butter


I used to have a secret lover. I only saw him at night–late at night. We’d have dinner together and, as some poet once said, “surfeit ourselves on love.”

Then one day, I decided I couldn’t live like that any longer; I wanted to have a real relationship. I decided we could see each other in public, too, and during the day.

The next morning we ate breakfast together on the patio of my house. I enjoyed his company, but it wasn’t the same. Something was missing. Then I realized what it was: During the day, he was kind of boring.

I still see him once in a while. But now we’re just good friends.

His name is Peanut Butter.

This story has no beginning

My plan for keeping my promise to make this blog suddenly awesome:

1. Write less.

2. Write better.

3. Tell a story.

So far, I’m not too worried about the first two. It’s the third that makes me a little nervous. I mean, I am telling a story. It just doesn’t have a beginning. You know, the part that gives the reader all the very important background information.

Oh, well. If you really want a beginning, you can always read my books.

Alternatively, you can read the short version in the next post.

My Real New Years’ Resolution

Best Nonfiction Book: Meditation 2

Promised I’d tell you what my real New Years’ resolution was when I finally got the guts. So here goes: My real New Years’ resolution is to be like Eckhart Tolle and live totally in the moment every single day, and to be in constant communication with God.

The results so far: I’ve failed every single day. But keep in mind that this is only the sixth day of the year. That’s only six failures.

I’m still holding out hope.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got Some New Clothes for Free"

Contributor: John, a law of attraction believer in India

After watching the movie The Secret I was so inspired. It helped me become very positive and that positive energy flowed inside me.

At that time I didn’t have good T-shirts and shorts to wear. I used to stand in front of the mirror and imagine myself wearing a new T-shirt and shorts. I did this only three or four times.

After three or four weeks, while visiting my aunt’s home, my aunt and I decided to go to her friend’s house who had recently started to sell dresses. We went there to buy a new dress for my aunt’s daughter whose birthday was nearing. When we bought the dress for her, immediately the dress seller told us they had expanded their business and now sold mens’ wear as well. She showed us T-shirts and shorts.

My aunt asked me to select a T-shirt, so I selected just one. However, my aunt compelled me to take another one, too. I told her that just one was enough, but she didn’t listen. Instead, she just grabbed another shirt and also a pair of shorts and handed them to me.

In this way, using the law of attraction I have attracted many small things into my life. I believe that if you feel like you have already gotten what you want and you’re already enjoying it, eventually the Universe will bring it to you in fact.


2013 in two sentences


In 2013 I: became a stay-at-home-mom; watched my child smile, crawl, walk and talk for the first time; got on a regular (normal-person) sleep schedule; published one book and wrote the first drafts of several more; found a church and made a ton of new friends; learned how to meditate; got more spiritual; got an awesome job; overcame my ten-year eating disorder and totally kicked my diet soda addiction forever.

I don’t remember what my 2013 resolutions were, but I’m pretty sure I’m good.

More thought required


Happy New Year, y’all. It’s 2014 now, and for me that brings up a major dilemma: How will I ever be able to be as awesome this year as I was last year?

And, with that in mind, a New Years’ resolution: I am going to meditate. I’m not sure how much but like, a lot more.

Wait, I changed my mind. It’s 3:20 and I haven’t even said good morning to God yet, much less stilled my mind.

Note to self: More thought must be given to resolutions.