Tag Archives: Self-Help Memoir

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Became Lean and Healhy"


Contributor: Clint Warren. You can download a copy of Clint’s book, Unlocking Your True Potential. In it he outlines the seven timeless habits that helped him create his destiny, reach his goals, and build the life he’s always dreamed of.

I struggled a lot last year with weekly bouts of binge eating. I was outwardly strong and successful, managing a fast-growing web design agency after battling drug addiction and breaking free. I worked out and people looked at me as “super fit,” but I felt like a failure because I couldn’t control my eating. Once or twice a week I’d binge really hard. It reminded me of how I used drugs … until my body shut down. I’d come off a binge and feel the same self-loathing and defeat that I used to feel after I relapsed.

I got turned onto EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping at a local Meetup group. I started tapping once per day to control my urges, and saw some improvement, but I still battled the occasional binge. Then I created a vision board: I pasted my head onto Crossfit Champion Rich Froning, and on an image of Brad Pitt from the movie Snatch. I included an image of a guy meditating for good measure. I learned about this technique in Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization book and accompanying workbook. I wanted to embody the superior man: a spiritual warrior and competitor. Here’s the vision board I used (I’ve only shared it with a handful of people):

I printed it out and kept it next to my mediation cushion. Every morning after meditating, I would read out loud, “Here I am lean and healthy, strong and powerful. I am disciplined and focused in my eating. I make decisions every day to improve my body. This or something better now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, for the highest good of all concerned.” I closed my eyes and internalized it.

I heard about the Bulletproof Diet and pre-ordered the book in September. The sample chapter outlined a way of eating I hadn’t heard of, so I gave it a shot. Three months later I detailed my progress in a blog post that went viral when the author of the book posted it to his Facebook fan page:


I led my team to victory at a Crossfit competition in November:

clint warren1

I lost twenty pounds. I’m leaner and healthier than I’ve ever been.

I became my vision.

Clint Warren

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I’m a Better Dancer–And a More Accepting Person"

Contributor: Dustin Spero of San Francisco, who shares this law of attraction success story on thesecret.tv.

For those of you that don’t know, The Secret’s official website hosts gobs of awesome true law of attraction success stories.

One that I read recently comes from a man who, after reading The Secret, gained the courage he needed to audition for his dream job: professional ballet dancer. Though Spero doesn’t get into a whole lot of specifics on how he did end up achieving this dream, I enjoyed reading that he found a new inner peace regarding the faith of others.

Here’s a brief excerpt for you about what he has achieved since becoming aware of the law of attraction at work:

“My dancing has improved a hundred times over infinity! My love life has been perfect. I have a clear focus on what I want. I’ve even found more acceptance for others and myself in my every day life. I accept Christians now whereas, before as a gay man, I avoided them. I just feel as if focusing on love and thanks really made all the pieces of my life fall into place.”

He also notes that he now sees the blessing in disguise that is the mild form of autism he was born with.

You can read the rest of his story at thesecret.tv.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got an Even Better Job"


This is an excerpt from Derek’s ongoing law of attraction success story. Read more at lakemansion.wordpress.com.

Recently, I downloaded a couple clips off of YouTube to listen to on the plane ride to San Francisco.  One of them was a guided meditation, aimed at attracting prosperity.  The video itself is nearly two hours long and is, well, a little strange to listen to.  The first half is basically the guide’s voice verbally saying positive affirmations regarding attracting money.  There are a couple of exercises involved, but I didn’t really get too deep into doing them.  After all, if I started to shout “I am money” on a crowded plane, I might get some odd looks.  I fell asleep listening to the audio.  I woke up towards the end.  At that point, there was this weird synth-type music playing.  Real New Age-type stuff.

Over the course of the week, I couldn’t get that song out of my head.  It didn’t have any words.  It was just noise, really.  The YouTube commentors under the video all seemed to swear by this video.  It had an unbelievable amount of positive feedback.

I got back to Boston late Saturday night.  I had an interview lined up from the week before, but didn’t think too much of it, as I’ve had plenty of interviews before and none were willing to pay anything in the ballpark as to what I wanted.  After all, I enjoy my current position.  I just wanted to find something with a good company where I could bring home a pretty good amount more money.  Well, this interview basically fell in my lap.  It wasn’t something that I have gone seeking out at all.  I wasn’t actively looking for new work.  The recruiter called me and told me the CIO of this new company specifically asked to meet me.  That has never happened to me before.  He heard about me through some of my current colleagues.  I suppose they gave him a pretty good review of me for him to insist on bringing me in.

Well, yesterday I met with this CIO.  It’s a great company (a competitor to where I am right now).  He handed me an offer letter yesterday, where I will make $15-20k/year more than I make now.  Plus, I’ll be able to work from home two days a week and get an extra weeks vacation from what I get now.  On top of that, I’m being given a manager position immediately (I’m not currently a manager now).  Basically, he expects within a years time, I will be the IT Director of this company and have a whole team beneath me.

I find it pretty difficult to call this a coincidence.  I’ve been in this field for years and nothing like this has EVER happened.  Employers don’t generally seek out employees in the IT field.  Especially ones that they have never even met.  I look back to all of the comments under that video and can safely say that the same thing has happened to me.  It’s amazing to see the things that start to happen when you keep your energy positive, and when you focus and believe in what you want.

Oh, and here’s a link to the video that I was talking about. (Be warned, it’s really strange.)


Law of Attraction Success Story: Esther and Jerry Hicks: "We Made Millions"


Contributors: Mollie Player and Jerry and Esther Hicks in Money and the Law of Attraction

Sometimes, it’s tempting to think the law of attraction and positive thinking only work for people who already have the success thing at least partially figured out. If you’re feeling like that right now, it might be a good idea to read a story about a secretary and a multi-level marketing salesperson (Amway, I think it was) who are now worth lots of millions of dollars.

That couple: Jerry and Esther Hicks–and they made the money even before Esther began receiving the messages from beyond that have since made them both so well-known.

In the book Money and the Law of Attraction, Jerry tells of a day several decades back when he happened upon a book by Napolean Hill called Think and Grow Rich.

At first he wasn’t all that interested in learning more or applying the concepts. However, a short time later he met “a man in a motel in Minnesota who offered me a business opportunity that was so compatible with Hill’s teaching that for nine joyous years I focused my attention on building that business.”Over those nine years, that business grew–and grew, and grew, and grew, into a “multi-million dollar enterprise.” He sought out more writings on the topic, then transitioned to a career of teaching these principles. At some point Esther became inspired to learn how to meditate, then began her career as a medium.In the book, Hicks says the adventure began soon after clarifying in his mind what he really wanted in his career: freedom and independence.

You can, of course, get a copy of the book with the story on Amazon.com. Well worth not just a read, but a thorough poring over. (I also really, really appreciate their videos showing Esther channeling Abraham at their law of attraction conferences.)

There’s a word for that


I once saw a cartoon (Dilbert, I think it was) where the punch line was: “There’s a word for what happens to people like you: nothing.”

When I first read that I thought, God, don’t ever let me become one of those people. Now I think maybe I am. I have a mortgage, a husband, a kid and a job. I live in the suburbs–and I love it.

The little life dramas are enough for me.

Besides, I have a bigger purpose in my life other than what I own, drive or wear. That’s the best thing about this spirituality thing; no matter how boring you are, you are part of the most exciting story on earth.

(And even if it all turns out to be a hoax, hey–I’m still a good conversationalist.)

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a MacBook Pro"


Contributor: Law of attraction enthusiast Ali

One day after work my partner called and said he had some news for me. I told him it sounded ominous by the tone in his voice. He quickly replied “No, no! It’s good news–very good news–and it will make you very happy.”

I told him I was already feeling very happy and that I was grateful to hear more news that would make me even happier. He said I would have to wait for him to come home and explain it all.

I love the quote featured in the above picture by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.”

I have always wanted a MacBook Pro and envisioned myself using it as a self-employed writer. However, despite trying several methods, one had never materialised. A few days ago it had crossed my mind to wonder why I hadn’t yet manifested a MacBook. What am I doing wrong? I asked myself. Should I set a deadline? (I had read somewhere about people setting deadlines to manifest something and it working.) I was then distracted from my thoughts and the whole thing slipped from my mind.

When my partner came home I quickly quizzed him about the good news. He told me about a whole series of events that had happened that day. He said he’d made a random comment about wanting to buy an iPad and the person he was talking to replied, “I haven’t got an iPad but I do have a MacBook going cheap.” Apparently, it had been an unwanted gift.

Abraham reminds us, “Ask and it is given,” and that the details of how it happens are none of our business. Still, I was totally astonished how out of the blue a sequence of events arose to bring me my beautiful new MacBook. And, as an added bonus, my beautiful partner offered to buy it for me as a very lavish birthday present so it actually didn’t cost me a penny!

But the story doesn’t end there. Still in awe of its manifestation and thinking about how it came about I remembered how I was thinking about my lack of a MacBook only a short time previously and that as I envisioned my dream of self-employed writing I knew I would have to manifest my own laptop before being able to leave my paid employment. And so, I take this as a huge sign that I have ramped up my manifesting power and my dream career will soon be made manifest also.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Stopped Feeling Like a Failure (And I Got a New Washer and Dryer)”

Contributor: Robin Linke, who shares law of attraction success stories as well as daily guidance from the angels on robinlinke.com.

Sometimes we have no clue as to how certain life experiences have affected us and when we do find out, it can be a total surprise.  I was caught by surprise tonight when I was doing laundry…hence the title of this note.  So, the question is how much of a back story do you require in order for this to make sense?

Look, the bottom line is this….although my family didn’t have a bunch of money when my parents got married…I never wanted for anything.  I’ve always been a spoiled little princess (daddy’s girl).  To the point where my parents bought me a brand new car when I turned 17 and my mom was still sharing a car with my grandparents.  Okay, that’s enough for you to get the picture…I was (and still am) really good at getting what I want.

When I left my marriage I wasn’t really devastated about leaving my husband of 20+ years.  The fact of the matter is, we’d been done for a looong time and moving out was the natural next step.  What was devastating was leaving my kids behind. They were old enough to make their own choices and they wanted to stay in their nice big 5 bedroom house as well as their current school system.  This was one of the very few times in my life that I didn’t get my own way.  I couldn’t figure out how I would be able to support them, finish my own healing from the family events which led me to this making this decision, and move on with my life.

Everything worked out the way it needed to, but my guilt and shame took a huge toll on me.  I was very lucky in that I had manifested my soul mate (David) and would be moving in with him.  I was also very lucky because we were moving into an apartment that was 15 minutes from my kids….but the apartment, while it was nice, it was a far cry from what I was used to. There was a lot I hated about it and a lot of loved about it.  We ended up on food stamps while living there and while I felt ashamed and unsuccessful as a result of them….that’s not what had the greatest effect on me.

To me, having a washer and dryer in my home was normal…I knew there were people who used laundromats, but I was a spoiled, entitled girl/woman who had no experience with such a thing.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I hated going to the laundromat.  To this day, I have no idea what the experience represented to me….going to the laundromat was always pleasant…but I hated it with a passion.

All this brings me to tonight when I literally nearly broke down in tears because I was so grateful to be standing in my kitchen moving laundry from the washer to the dryer.  It got me to wondering….what areas of my life was I closed off to simply because I used the laundromat for a few years?  What was I unable to say yes to because I was feeling like a failure?  How much of myself was I denying?

That’s the way it is with belief systems and manifesting.  We’ve all got these crazy belief systems stored away in our subconscious that make no sense…and even worse, we don’t even know they’re there.  It’s these hidden belief systems that are holding us back from having the life we want to have, from being who we want to be, and having the goodies we’d like to have.


I think it all evens out


Last week I made a slightly embarrassing mistake a work. I hate it when that happens. But then, someone told me I looked good for being pregnant.

Maybe it’s just all this positive thinking stuff I’ve been doing, but I think it all evens out.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Lost 12 Kilos in 3 Months"


Contributor: M.M. of thesecret.tv

On The Secret’s official website people regularly post their true law of attraction success stories. One that I especially liked comes from M.M. of Athens, who writes about how studying the law of attraction and becoming aware of how it works enabled her to overcome emotional eating (she lost 12 kilos in three months!)–plus find the inner peace and confidence she always sought.

It begins: “During 2011 and 2012 my life sucked. I was studying something I didn’t love while being pressured by my parents and family to keep studying it, I gained lots of weight and I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life. I felt lost, depressed and alone.”

You can read the rest of the story at thesecret.tv.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Found the Thumb Drive I’d Lost"

close up of computer keyboard on table
Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction fan Pankaj of speakingtree.in

The law of attraction can be used to find lost things as well. I can substantiate my claim with a personal anecdote.

I have a pen drive of a violet colour. I occasionally use it to make printouts. The last time I came back home with my printouts I put it somewhere in my room, inadvertently.

My brother, who had come home that day, the day of an auspicious festival, needed the pen drive for some work. He asked me whether I had it.  I nodded yes but when I started searching for it I could not find it. So, I decided to use the law of attraction to find it.

I imagined myself holding the pen drive in my hand and feeling good about it. Not to mention, I did it in a meditative state. I visualized plugging it in a USB port and happily transferring data into it.

My father came to my room this morning and admonished me for not cleaning up my mattress which is made of cotton and is very flexible. He lifted it from one end and started shaking it vigorously. Suddenly, the pen drive which was stuck in some corner of it, dropped.

I picked it up off the floor.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Found Money on the Ground"


Contributor: Law of attraction advocate Pankaj, from India. See his blog here.

I just saw a page on your website where someone shared his experience about some law of attraction experiments he tried from the book E-Squared by Pam Grout.

I have always been skeptical about the law of attraction. But after reading this amazing book I thought of giving the prescribed experiment a try.

So, this was my intention: “I want to see money fallen on the ground.” Now I did not have any particular amount in my mind. But I thought if I see money on ground then I would take the law of attraction at its face value. Period.

Now, what happened is very interesting.

Initially, for some days, nothing happened.

One day, I was about to take a shower in the evening when I found that all the sachets of shampoos were out. As I was in the bathroom without a shirt but in a vest, I thought of going to a nearby shop without wasting any time to buy shampoo. Picking up my wallet, I left in haste. I reached the shop and bought shampoo. The shopkeeper returned me the change. But the change fell off my hands on the ground. I bent to pick my change. AND THERE WAS ANOTHER COIN ALREADY LYING ON THE GROUND!

There were two other guys standing around but none of them noticed that coin. I felt as if that coin was just waiting to be picked up by me only. I picked up that coin with my change money.

Now I do believe that a force that pervades every fabric of the universe is running the whole cosmos.


There’s just something deep about it


Thanksgiving today. I did not celebrate. Instead, I did some work, did some chores . . . you know. Got stuff done.

I enjoy doing mundane things on holidays. There’s just something deep about it that I can’t quite explain.

Here’s one thing that just makes life better

A few days ago my (online) friend Evan Griffith gave me a one-question interview. The question: “What one thing have you been doing recently that’s making your life better?”

Interested parties may read my answer (and some gushing about my books) at freakybeautiful.com.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a Great Job in a New Country, Exactly As I Had Hoped"


Contributor: Law of attraction believer Mitra

I would like to share with you how I manifested my dream job.

Eight months after getting my masters degree, I got a job I very much disliked in my home country at a biopharmaceutical company. But because it took me that long to get a job, it was somewhat precious to me. However, after one year, I was even more miserable and burnt out that I ever was and decided that enough is enough. I took the leap of faith and quit without any other job lined up.

I took the time and freedom to explore what I really wanted to do and discovered my passion in the human resources field. However, the HR industry in my country is quite immature and I could not find any positions that fitted my aspirations, goals, capacity and capabilities. I applied to many HR position half-heartedly.

I have always dreamed of moving to a western country but was unsure on how to make it happen. After eleven months of unsuccessful attempts, I intensely decided that I will be getting a job offer for a dream position from abroad NOW. I created a Manifestation Book and wrote down daily entries of getting a great job and an amazing location.

A couple of days later I came across a job advertisement for a HR position in Germany. The position was all that I could ask for in a job. I applied to it. For the next 30-plus days, I spent most of my waking hours believing that the job was mine. I did everything it took to train my mind that I was getting the job. Besides the daily journal entry, I sent job offer emails to myself and also recorded myself affirming about getting the job and listened to it before going to sleep.

About ten days after the closing date of the application, I received an email from the company inviting me to the Assessment Centre in Germany!! The interview and assessments went smoothly and a week later they offered me the job!

The salary is great, the company is huge and famous and most importantly it is the job I had dreamed of and a dream location. I am starting on December 1st, 2014 in Germany and very much looking forward to it.

The Universe has given me what I wished for. If you really want something and believe with unshakable faith that you will have it, the whole Universe will conspire to make it happen.


The law of attraction strikes again


Holy crap, my life is amazing.

Was going to do some onsite training for my (work-from-home) job yesterday, and to do so I would’ve had to leave my one-year-old with a babysitter all day several days in a row for the first time. Kinda made peace with the whole thing last week, understanding that I was in the right place and doing the right thing by having the job I have, but today when I called my agent to ask when to go show up he said I don’t have to go to the training after all. And that when I do, it’ll only be one day a week, not two weeks straight.

The law of attraction strikes again?

Here’s how to get a one-year-old to brush his teeth

Image from the law of attraction book list featuring all major law of attraction authors at lawofattractionproject.com

Major breakthrough today: I finally figured out how to brush my one-year-old’s teeth. The trick is to use my electric toothbrush and let him push the button when it’s in his mouth with part of the bristles touching both the back and the front of the teeth. He likes the vibration and he loves the taste of the toothpaste (which before he just sucked off the brush). Getting the back teeth is still pretty tough but hey, I didn’t start brushing my back teeth until I was like, twenty-six.

I figure he has some time to get the hang of it.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Autistic Son Got Into the School He Needed"


Contributor: Mollie Player and Janna, who shares this true law of attraction success story on The Secret’s official website.

A few years ago, Janna’s autistic son was facing a problem–a major one. He couldn’t get into the one school in the small village in which Janna’s family lived that could offer support for his disability.

“For three months I tried to get them to change their decision,” Janna writes. She even recruited some help: the psychologist and teachers at his rehabilitation center. However, nothing was working.

They kept saying no.

However, a believer in the power of the mind, Janna continued to visualize her son in the school she wanted him to be in. And, to further her visualization, she did something that was a bit . . . unconventional. She wrote on her Facebook status that her son had gotten accepted.

“Twenty people congratulated us, twenty people ‘liked’ my status, at least twenty people BELIEVED he got accepted to THAT school,” Janna wrote.

Three days later, the principal called and told her that since another child would be moving to another village, her son was indeed accepted to the school.

As it turns out, being old is pretty awesome

Best Nonfiction Book - Rich Dad Poor Dad

My husband knocked down a wall in our garage today. It was cool, if messy. Our plan is to make a woodshop in there and make custom shelving throughout the house. This development combines with my recently acquired love of gardening (free fruit? I’m in!) to mount a solid case for our advancing age.

Fortunately, as it turns out, being old is actually pretty awesome.

I’m just going to assume he’s a genius

Image from the law of attraction book list featuring all major law of attraction authors at lawofattractionproject.com

Is it a sign of my total lack of musical sophistication that I almost always agree with my one-year-old’s taste in music, as expressed in a modified Siskel-and-Ebert style with either a wail (no thumbs) a “more music!” (one thumb) or an “again!” (that coveted two-thumbs-up review)? Or is it just that he is a musical genius?

I’m just going to assume the latter and call it good.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got a New Race Car”

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Contributor: Cary David Richards, the author of The Law of Attraction Puzzle: Why the Pieces Don’t Fit and 8 Dynamic Real World Strategies to Click Them Into Place, which is available for pre-ordering at a discount for a limited time on Amazon. Click here to get it for only $0.99.

I have always had a great passion for open-wheel race cars. Thankfully I’m finally in a financial position to be able to afford to participate on a purely armature, hobbyist level.

A few years ago, I purchased a vintage open-wheel road racing car and began competing locally. My wife, of course, thinks I’ve taken leave of my senses, but that’s another story. Then at the end of last season, I began thinking that I should upgrade to a better car. However, it was somewhat of a vague notion and not something I included in my affirmations or visualizations. I did put up an advertisement to sell my car in several of the classified sections of the enthusiast websites that I frequent.

As you can probably guess, I received zero responses from these ads. As I said, I liked my car and really didn’t want to sell it. I just thought that I probably should. Then about three weeks ago while I was at one of the local racing shops hanging out with my brother, I happened to mention to the owner of the shop that I might be looking for another car and mentioned the type, year, and model that I was looking for. He said “I have one just like that!” He walked me to the rear of the shop and pulled back a tarp covering the car in the corner. There it was! The exact car I had described. As I sat down in the seat I remember thinking, “I will have this car!” It was a very intense, emotional moment for me.

Now, the fact that the universe had materialized the perfect car, although pretty cool, is really not the point of this story. Here’s where it gets interesting. You see, my wife thinks I’ve gone around the bend anyway. If I came home and told her that I now own two race cars, you can imagine how that would go over.

All of a sudden, it became a very urgent need for me to sell my current car so that I could have the new one. I added this new car to my daily affirmations, and I constantly held it in my thoughts, visualizing how the seat felt, mentally holding the steering wheel in my hands, and feeling the exhilaration of driving the car. Then I got busy with writing and
everything else that I have going on, and although I didn’t forget about the situation, it got pushed to the back of my mind.

Then one day about a week ago, I opened my e-mail and had two, (That’s 2!) very serious responses to my online ads after eight months of nothing! A few days ago, I received a check for $2,500.00 in the mail as a deposit for the purchase of my current car.

Here’s the point of my story. (Yes, I do have one.) It wasn’t until I sat down to write this morning that I realized that the universe had materialized the sale of my car for me. I had attracted it, and because I was so busy with the ongoing details of my life, I had failed to fully realize what was going on. It just seemed like the natural turn of events
until I sat and reflected on everything that had transpired.

Pay attention to the small miracles and synchronicities that happen. Connect the dots. You’ll be amazed at what you notice.

Cary David Richards