Tag Archives: Self-Help Memoir

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Sold My Condo at Just the Right Time”

law of attraction piggy bank

Contributor: Leslie Stein. Leslie is an inspirational speaker and the author of the book Penny Perspectives: Let Go of Happily Ever After & Invest in Happily Ever NOW, a collection of true stories, each with a life lesson learned by picking up pennies. She has been accused of being a “pathological optimist” (which is fine by her!) and thinks life is best lived by focusing on the positive, finding the silver linings and believing that everything happens for the best possible reason. Here she shares a law of attraction success story from her book.

“The economy is bad.” “July is a horrible time to put your condo on the market.” “You’ll be lucky to break even … but don’t expect to make a profit.”

These are just a few of the stories I heard when I decided it was time to sell my Washington, D.C. condo in the summer of 2010 so that I could move to Las Vegas and pursue my dream of becoming an author and motivational speaker. I suppose you could say the statements were all “true” inasmuch as you could back them up with data. Most people like data to help them make difficult decisions. Not me.

After four years of picking up pennies and learning the most astounding things along the way, I’d learned to use a different source of information for decision making: my gut instinct!

It all started with the realtor I chose. I went against the grain and DIDN’T choose the big-deal realtor that knew my neighborhood inside and out. There were a lot of reasons, but it ultimately came down to one thing for me. Dina, the realtor I picked, believed in my property. She believed in the pricing and the timing and thought it was market-ready without a single change. She even let me keep up my “penny wall,” a collection of penny-related art and other items that buyers would see right as they walked in the door.

The other realtor had given me a listing price $40,000 lower, said to wait three months before putting it on the market, and said the penny wall had to go–had to! My gut told me something had to go alright … and it wasn’t the penny wall!

Within a few weeks we’d finished all the necessary paperwork, listed the property, gotten picked up as the “deal of the week” by a local real estate blog which generated a great deal of interest in the property (MAJOR score!!), and were ready for the first open house.

Dina brought baked goods to make the house more appealing. I vacated the premises so as not to freak out potential buyers.

When we touched base at the end of the day, Dina said the crowd had been steady and there had been a few serious potential buyers. She also said she wished just this once we could pick a buyer based on energy match because there had been one couple that came through that LOVED the penny wall because they too pick up found money.

Take that, doubting realtor–they LIKED the penny wall!

The open house was on a Sunday and by Thursday there were still no official offers. Dina said we could give it a few more days but that if we didn’t get an offer soon, it probably meant we’d priced it too high and would have to drop the price … a prospect that didn’t thrill either of us.

Friday morning rolled around and still … no offers. I was starting to panic.

That morning I had a conference call with some people from a leadership program I was in at the time. One of them suggested writing myself a check for the full amount of the offer. “You know … so the Universe knows exactly what you want,” she said.

Sounded like a good idea to me! I pulled out some old business checks, wrote myself a fat one for the FULL asking price, and put that day’s date on it with three arrows pointing to it (in case the Universe wasn’t clear that I wanted this to happen FAST!).

And since there’s nothing good about watching a pot until it boils, I grabbed my neighbor and we headed out to the ‘burbs to enjoy the summer sunshine at my sister’s pool. I even turned my phone off so I could focus on soaking up rays while reading my trashy novel. Whatever news might come in would wait until my tan was a little darker and my story ended happily ever after.

When I turned my phone back on, there was a voicemail from Dina. We had gotten an offer.  But not just one. Not even two. But THREE!! One for every arrow I’d drawn pointing to the date on my full price offer check. How’s THAT for a little law of attraction magic?!

Long story short … all the offers were good, but I had to follow my heart and pick the one that came with a letter. A letter from a young couple just starting out who had fallen in love with the place the moment they saw the penny wall. Yes … I sold my condo to another avid penny picker-upper!!

I found out later that when they first walked in to see the property and came face-to-face with a wall of penny art the woman turned to her boyfriend and said, “It’s a sign!”

And it was.

A sign I was letting the condo go at the right time (did I mention I had been struggling with this decision?!). A sign that I was selling it to the right people (she’d been picking up pennies as long as I had and was saving them for their wedding). And a sign that trusting your gut never leads you astray (especially when it tells you to pick someone who believes in you over someone who wants to change you … or your property!).

That’s my two cents on listening to your gut, letting go when it’s time, and selling your condo penny-style.

What’s YOUR two cents?

What is your gut telling you that you just can’t ignore anymore?

What “check” do you need to write yourself so the Universe knows you mean business?

Where can you let go a little, relax, and enjoy life until the answer you’ve been waiting for arrives?

Yours in good-news making,

Leslie Stein

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Finally Found a Group of Friends”

Contributor: Anonymous

One of the main ways I overcame most of my depression and found what I was looking for in life isn’t surprising: it’s gratitude. Gratitude for the good, gratitude for the bad, and gratitude for the okay-but-would-like-to-improve. However, there is something in my life that as  I haven’t always appreciated enough, namely: friendship.

One of the things I am the very worst at in all of life, besides all of the things I haven’t tried, of course—and I’d even be better at some of those—is one of the most important, and it is this: making friends.

Maybe it’s because I’m Type A and a bit of a workaholic. Or maybe it’s because I tend toward introversion. Over the past year or so, though, I’ve been saying occasional affirmations for increased friendship, and last December, it finally began to happen.

I began to make new friends, and not just a few–a lot. I joined a couple of groups on meetup.com and was shocked to discover how many amazing, good, kind, intelligent people are out there.

And some of them even call you back.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a Job"

green calculator on yellow background
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

A few months back, I decided something: I wanted a job.

Okay, well, not quite–I do have a job, and it keeps me pretty busy. But I work from home, and that time the desire for a more “normal” work experience–one in which I actually set an alarm in the morning, wear nice clothes and–importantly–talk to people. So, while taking a walk one day, I said an affirmation:

“I will get an on-site work position.”

Within the week, my job agent called me about an on-site opportunity, and within two weeks I had a two-month contract for a full-time proofreading position at a local ad agency–something that I hadn’t had in over a year.

And after starting, I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would.

Sometimes changing your life requires deep internal shifts that take a great deal of time and effort to create. Other times, it just happens in an instant.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Found the Perfect Piece of Land"


Contributor: Law of attraction fan Umberto Fonte of powerfulintentions.org

After watching the movie The Secret I decided that the law of attraction was something that was worth trying out. So, the next day I created a wallpaper for my laptop that showed a large piece of land with beautiful pine trees. My intention was to purchase a piece of land like this one, and I wanted there to be no guessing on the Universe’s part what I wanted it to look like!

Three months later, my land near Colorado’s Mount Elbert was paid in full.

One day while I was driving to the land, I remembered something: On a day like that one thirty years earlier, while I was driving past Mount Elbert, I had made a statement in my heart that if there was ever a perfect place I’d want to live and call home, it was right here.

That–and the wallpaper–must have been all it took!

These days, I have a new intention: to see the completion of a new round house made out of an old silo on the land.

I’m looking forward to everything that’s to come.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Started Writing Again”

opened copybooks placed on school bench
Photo by Katerina Holmes on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

Several months back, I was busy–much busier than I am now. It was right after my baby was born, which was right after my husband and I moved into our new house (a 1950s rancher in need of some serious TLC).

I was sleep-deprived. I was stressed–much more than I can remember being in a very long time. I was happy, but I was missing something: my writing.

When it comes to my writing, I don’t keep a schedule. Unfortunately and fortunately, my writing cannot be my first priority and so, when I go a stretch (this one was a few months long) without it, I don’t feel guilty–but I do feel a little unfulfilled. Nevertheless, for me these waiting periods can be good; they help me build up momentum internally, so that when it’s time to get back to it, I’m ready.

And so, several days during this “dry spell,” while taking a walk, I said an affirmation that I could get back to my writing soon and be both inspired and productive in it.

And so, that is exactly what happened. Sometime in January, I opened up an old manuscript for the first time in months, and got back to it. By the end of the month I had the first draft of that manuscript complete and another book through its final edit. I decided on a publishing schedule that included at least four books this year, and at my current pace I’ll be well ahead of that target date.

It feels good. It feels easy.

I am grateful.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Found the Right Surgeon–After Being Told It Was Impossible"

person holding white and black wall decor
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction believer Debbie of powerfulintentions.org and DebraCrossman.com.

My name is Debbie, and I have been living the law of attraction for almost thirty years. When I was asked to share a story for this site, I was happy to do so; however, there was one problem: I have too many stories about the law of attraction working in my life to count, much less to write about! So, I thought I’d just mention my two favorites.

One occurred when I was looking for my house. It was so funny–as soon as I saw the ad in the paper for it, I knew it was mine–and shortly after that, it was! That time, there was no affirmation involved, just simple knowing and belief.

My other favorite manifestation occurred after I was told by my doctor that I couldn’t have weight loss surgery. I turned that around and found the right surgeon who “miraculously” could see me for my initial appointment that week and was able to perform the surgery within less than three weeks–and this was the top bariatric surgeon in New York City.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got an Unexpected Check for $15,000”

success text
Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction believer Gareth of powerfulintentions.org and GElawofattraction.

Not long ago, I was in a financial mess–a big one. I owed around $12,000 to credit card companies and to the government for back taxes. I used to drive buses for a living, but I had lost my job, which meant that I didn’t have a good reference to help me get another.

Around this time I was introduced to the movie and book The Secret. At first, after hearing about it, I was skeptical. However, I thought, What have I got to lose? I was in no way prepared for the changes that were about to occur.

Each morning after buying the movie I woke up and watched it. I then bought the book and used the “Gratitude Now” section to write about all of the things I still had that I was grateful for: a roof over my head, food, clothing, etc. Then, on the “Gratitude Intention” section, I wrote about the things I wanted to attract (money, a job, to finish my education, to take my spouse on a holiday, etc.). I wrote those sentences as if I had already been given them and as I did so, using visualization techniques written about in the book, I felt the feeling of having them, too.  After that, I downloaded the blank check template from the Secret website and wrote in the amount of $15,000. I got into the state of believing that the money was mine, even though I did not know where that money was coming from.

And then, it happened. One morning about three months later I received a letter from an unknown company saying they would like to talk to me about some compensation from an incident that took place seven years ago when a plumber flooded my house and ruined my furniture. I had reported it, then heard that the company had changed names and hadn’t pursue it further. Now, according to this man’s instructions, I returned the signed letter with a copy of my identification and proof of address.

And within two weeks I received a check for $15,347.


You just can’t rush change. Trust me, I’ve tried.


The importance of being ready to accomplish a goal before trying to do so is something I learned a long time ago, when I was in my early twenties. I was still an Evangelical Christian and still struggling each day to be perfect—or nearly perfect, whatever that meant to me at the time. I was also in a pretty bad depression spell, which made getting out of bed really hard sometimes. One morning as I lay there, tired and unmotivated, I remember thinking, I should skip my first class today. It wasn’t a thought that just came to me as a matter of course, a side effect of whatever enervation or despondency I was feeling in that moment. This time, it felt different. It felt like it was someone else that was saying it to me, as in, instead of I shouldn’t go to class today, the thought was actually, You shouldn’t go to class today. It was an “other person” kind of feeling—and the other person wasn’t someone bad or negative, but someone good, someone wise.

It was someone I should listen to.

In any case, I didn’t listen to that voice in my head that day. Instead, remembering my commitment to myself and to my concept of God, and maybe, even, to my reputation with others at the school (not sure about this one, though I did have some pretty strange ideas about what people should think of me back then), I got up, got dressed, and went to class. In a piece I wrote about it, I describe what happened next in this way:

“As it turned out, though, I didn’t feel virtuous; instead, I just felt dumb. That morning, the professor ended the lecture after fifteen minutes to pass out some books to the class.

I hadn’t even ordered a book.”

And that is when I learned a lesson that since then has been a huge part of my identity, a huge part of who I am and what I choose to do and not to do. I learned that not only do I really not have to try to be perfect—but that actually, I shouldn’t do so. I’ve found that when you truly, sincerely want to change, your whole being comes into alignment with that change, and someday—sometimes without even realizing it—the change is just there. It just happens.

It’s like magic.

What’s more, whether the change happens right away or several years into the future, when it does finally come, it is the perfect time. Because then, it isn’t something that you forced to happen inside you—it is something that just happened naturally, without a great deal of effort.

It is easy—and, more important, it is real.

There’s an affirmation that I like to say that goes like this: “I live in the easy world, where everything is easy.” Some people might find this idea a little strange, even somewhat heretical. For those people (and I used to be one of them), life is a struggle, and properly so. Saying that things should be easy and light and beautiful and that most of the time our difficulties are self-created and unnecessary is something they just can’t even imagine to be true.

And this is to be expected; it is what we are all indoctrinated to believe from the get-go in our society. From parents on down the line to books, movies and television, we are constantly reminded that life is hard, that whatever is worth having in life is worth struggling for, that arguments and conflict are natural and necessary, and so on and on.

Amazingly—inexplicably, almost—I just don’t buy this anymore. These days, I believe that life is not the great hardship that people say is—or doesn’t have to be, at least. I believe that if you want it to be, and if you choose for it to be (this, of course, is the key), life is actually light, and happy, and very, very beautiful, and properly so, and that the hardest thing about it is just remembering that it is actually easy.

And so, I say my “easy world” affirmation. And here is the image that I have in my mind as I say it: I am standing on an ocean beach, wearing a very comfortable oversized men’s flannel shirt and very loose white linen pants with the cuffs rolled up. Water is washing up over my ankles, and I am smiling.

As I stand there, I am able to see via some special sense an image of my other self, the “real-world” Mollie, as she goes about her day’s activities. I watch her as she eats, sleeps, writes, runs errands and carries out the various goals she’s made for her time on earth. I admire the way she continues to pursue them even though I know that she takes them much too seriously, and that she doesn’t really need to do anything at all.

And that is my image of my real self, the real, enlightened Mollie. Whatever it is that I’m choosing to do on a particular day, I am actually doing nothing—merely watching myself do things. Because really, I’m still on the beach.

Life is what you make of it. It isn’t anything until then. If I never reach enlightenment, here, now, so that I can see and experience what it is like, and use it to make this life better, that is actually okay. There is no need, no requirement from on high saying I must seek greater spiritual awareness in this life, and there is no punishment waiting for me if I don’t succeed in this goal. I choose to seek what I seek for my own reasons, and that is all.

And so, I choose today not to rush into this thing we call enlightenment. I choose not to worry about “where I’m at” spiritually, but instead just watch, and observe, and make myself aware of what I want to have and where I want to be.

I choose to give myself time.

After all, if I don’t do this, if I choose to work for what I want rather than just letting it come to me, there can only be one reason: I’ve forgotten. I’ve forgotten who I really am, and that this particular sack of water we call a body is not me.

I’ve forgotten that really, I am that girl in the white linen pants who is standing on the beach, doing nothing, with no need to prove herself, and nothing to accomplish at all.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Relationship with My Father Is Healing”

Best Nonfiction Book - Rich Dad Poor Dad

Contributor: Sal of www.powerfulintentions.org.

For most of the past few years, my relationship with my father wasn’t great. I was only talking to him about once a month and seeing him just on birthdays and holidays. I felt he was selfish and I didn’t call him very often. I felt like I needed an hour on the phone with him before I could get a word in.

But I did want to improve things with him. “How can I get closer to my dad?” I kept asking myself. I didn’t want to regret not doing so one day.

Then I read a book that changed everything. It is called The Power of Intention and it’s by Dr. Wayne Dyer. After reading it, I knew what I had to do: I had to get rid of the old beliefs I had towards my father and just look for the good in him.

So, that is exactly what I did. I started thinking about his good qualities and putting his limitations right out of my mind.

One night, I decided to visit my father, and before going I asked to be guided by the spirit rather than my ego while with him. I prayed that I would come from a place of love and not let anything my father did or said that night bother me.

Well, guess what: I saw a different man that night. He wanted to know everything that was going on with me for the last few months. We talked for hours, and at the end, I didn’t want to leave. We had a wonderful conversation and it opened great doors for our relationship.

Since then, my relationship with my father has improved greatly, but not only that; my father’s life has improved, too! After that night he went on to follow through with some of the goals and dreams that he had put away over twenty years ago when my mom died. He became more open-minded. He took the same spirituality-related course I took and identified the things about him that weren’t working, then started changing them. He has accomplished so much since that night that I saw him in a new light.

We are on a journey together, and it is awesome.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Accomplished My Goals"

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

The other day, I did something fun: I reread my affirmations journal, cover to cover. I started it in January of 2012–not all that long ago–so I was surprised to see how many of the things I wrote about have come to pass already. Not all of them, mind you (still crossing my fingers for the free Lexus)–but all of the ones that were most important to me have.

All told, I can honestly say that 2012 was the best year of my life.

Here are some of the affirmations I wrote in the journal and the results that followed:

  • “I have a healthy baby.” I wrote this affirmation quite a few times throughout the year, and in June, that prayer was answered.
  • “My husband and I are living in a beautiful home in a quiet neighborhood,” “Our new home is surrounded by very tall trees,” and other house-related affirmations. A few months ago, my husband and I finally bought a house–our first as a couple–in a perfect, very quiet, very centrally-located neighborhood where the trees are so tall its actually a problem. There are pine needles in the entryway of the house and on the floor of the car almost constantly–and I love it.
  • “I am full of energy.” This was another recurring affirmation that I hadn’t remembered writing until I reread it. These days, low energy–something that plagued me for a really long time–just isn’t a problem. Such a relief.
  • “I will make more money than ever.” Well, I am.
  • “I will begin walking again regularly.” I wrote this affirmation numerous times in my journal, including on April 27, May 29, October 4 and May 25 (that time I actually wrote “I have time to take a walk daily and meditate daily”–and as it turns out, I’ve been doing both at the same time). And again, I’d forgotten I’d done so until rereading the journal.
  • “Waking up in the morning is a blessing and a joy.”

Life is good, and I am thankful.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got My Parking Spot–And So Much More"

law of attraction fitness

Contributor: Joe Hardy. Though still in his teens, Joe owns a fitness gym called The CrossFit Youngstown Team and has started many other successful online businesses as well. He invites you to read a free report on improving your life at freepersonalgift.com.

My life was in shambles …

… I had dropped out of the college I had wanted to go to my entire life …

… I was scrambling from job to job to make ends meet …

… I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

Then I found it.

My friend recommend two things that changed my life: The Your Wish Is Your Command CD set and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Both of these incredible tools taught me how to use the law of attraction.

The first time I used the law of attraction, I read about how a man manifested a front row parking space every time he thought about it. I sat down and thought about a front row parking spot at the Walmart I needed to visit …

… Then got in the car and believed in my front row spot, distracting my mind from any possible doubt …

… Got to Walmart, pulled in and looked for my spot …

… Drove past many good spots that were taken …

… And then I saw it! The perfect spot, in the front row, and right next to a cart return!

It may sound silly, but from that point forward I believed in the law of attraction. Since then, I have used these principles to manifest:

  • My own business at the age of nineteen;
  • A new car;
  • Thousands of dollars in my bank account;
  • And more.

I am 100 percent sold on the law of attraction, and I am dedicated to learning as much about it as I can for the rest of my life.

Joe Hardy

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a Free Washer and Dryer"

clear glass candle holder on brown wooden table
Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction advocate Melissa Curran, who wrote Find Your Paradigm: The Art of Living with Grace and Ease.

After twenty years of marriage, I found myself going through a divorce and moving into a new apartment. I’ve had a washer and dryer in my home for over twenty-five years, but since I took very little with me when I moved, I now faced the prospect of using a laundromat for the first time since my early twenties.

And it made me feel sad. I can’t explain why exactly; it seems like such a little thing. Maybe it was all of the other changes going on in my life, and my already feeling very overwhelmed.

And now I would have to go somewhere outside of my home to wash clothes.

So, this is what I did: First, I asked the leasing agent at the complex if there were any one-bedroom apartments available with a washer/dryer connection. She said that none were and would not be for some time. I kept asking each time we talked thinking there could be a change any time, but she always said “no.” I accepted that but still kept thinking how nice it would be to do laundry in my own apartment and whenever it was convenient.

Moving day came. I was not able to see the inside of the apartment that I leased, just the location. When I walked in, I went looking around to scope out the closet situation, see where everything was located, etc. The model apartment had an extra storage closest at the end of the short hallway, but mine did not. I was really aggravated as these were tiny apartments and I needed every bit of storage space possible! Then I went into the kitchen and saw that the closet was located there. I breathed a sigh of relief and when I opened the door, there was a tiny stackable washer/dryer … and in great working condition! The apartment complex people didn’t know it was there – and I wasn’t about to tell them!

When I saw it, I nearly jumped up and down for joy. This was the one thing that would make me feel like I was living in a home and not an apartment. I couldn’t believe I had it!

Since that time, I have used this feeling of relief and elation in my daily visualization practice. It lifts my spirits, helps me turn negative emotions into positive ones, and reminds me of the way things can change if you have faith.

Melissa Curran

Law of Attraction Success Story: “We Found the Perfect House”

Contributor: Anonymous

For most of 2012, my husband and I were searching for a house to buy. It had to be in a certain location that was close to his work. It had to be quiet. And it had to be affordable.

Everything else was negotiable.

We looked at some clunkers, and even made an offer on a few (well, okay, five or six, actually). We even compromised on the location at one point out of sheer desperation. I was pregnant, and moving all of our stuff with a new baby did not sound like a very good time. Still, one by one, all of these near-definite deals fell through, and the market was on fire here in our part of the greater Seattle area, rocketing upwards on a monthly basis.

Finding a house, as it turns out, is hard work.

Still, we kept calm, and I kept saying my affirmations, and finally, the perfect opportunity came around–and this time, it worked out. We moved in on October 15, and since then have enjoyed our 1500-square foot mansion as much as anyone has ever enjoyed a home.

A month or so later while flipping through my affirmations journal, I found the following entries:

  • February 27: “I have the perfect house with lots of pine trees around it and vaulted ceilings.” Check and check.
  • May 2: “Holland and I are living in a beautiful home in a quiet neighborhood.” Yes and yes!
  • May 7: “Our new home is surrounded by very tall trees.” No doubt about that one.
  • July 6: “Holland and I have our perfect house.”

I can honestly tell you that we are right now living in the house I pictured in my mind when last year my husband and I first made the decision to buy: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one floor, and in the perfect location with walking trails all around yet somehow close to everything we need, too. I feel a little like Goldilocks when I describe it: it’s not too big, it’s not too small–it’s just the right fit for us.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Lost 70 Pounds"

close up photo of yellow tape measure
Photo by Marta Longas on Pexels.com

Contributor: The “law of attraction science guy” Greg Kuhn, author of Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail, Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat and more. This story is excerpted from Do Not Fail, an awesome and potentially life-changing read.

Here’s an example of how changing my paradigms and my stories about eating worked for me. I used to talk and obsess about what foods were bad for me. I counted calories, carbohydrates, and fat grams. Then I would deprive myself of all the good-tasting food that I craved because it was bad for me to eat. Bear in mind that I was the sole source of, and bore full responsibility for, my stories of what foods were good and what foods were bad. Certainly, I based my stories on diet and nutrition literature, but it was I who made the choice to adopt and believe those stories.

Now you might say, “But that literature was written by licensed, credentialed experts who knew their stuff about food and health. Doesn’t that mean you should have listened to them and believed them?” And I will counter by reminding you that our universe does not work on action but on energy. So the real question is not whether I should have believed the stories of the experts but whether I felt good about the stories I was telling myself based on that literature. And my answer to that question was a resounding “no.” The stories I told myself after listening to the food experts did not feel good.

So, under these circumstances, I was faced with two choices: Either I stopped eating any foods about which I couldn’t tell any good-feeling stories or I learned to tell better feeling stories about foods I wished to continue eating. Since I believed the experts were correct about fresh vegetables and fruit being good for my body and fat and excess calories being bad for my body, I chose to begin telling myself better feeling stories about fresh vegetables and fruit.

By this point, I was eating fresh fruit in the morning instead of doughnuts or pancakes (some of my old favorites), but I just didn’t naturally feel good about eating fresh fruit. It did not feel realistic to tell myself a story like “I love eating fresh fruits and I never want to go back to eating doughnuts and pancakes in the morning. I am so glad I have found this wonderful new way to eat in the morning.” But I was able to tell myself a story like “Just for today, I am willing to eat fresh fruit this morning. I give myself permission to decide again tomorrow whether I want to continue, but I can do this for one day.” I told myself that story each morning for weeks and I did begin to slowly feel better about eating fresh fruit.

But I didn’t stop there. After a week or so, I began to add to my story: “And I can also believe that it’s possible for me to start enjoying the consumption of fresh fruit just as much as I enjoy the consumption of doughnuts and pancakes. I don’t enjoy fruit as much right now, but I’m willing to believe that I can eventually.”

At that point, that better-feeling story felt realistic, and I soon felt even better about eating all that fresh fruit.

As my good feelings about eating fresh fruit grew, it started to feel realistic to add still more good-feeling stories, such as “I am pretty confident that I can find fruits that I enjoy during each season and, perhaps, even come to anticipate the arrival of them as their season approaches.” That story felt great, and by this time, after months of eating fresh fruit, it felt completely believable. And, for the first time in my life, I was actually excited about eating fresh fruit.

As my feelings improved and I was no longer spending anywhere near the energy telling myself bad-feeling stories about missing the old foods, I started to experience different results with my body. My beliefs and, thus, my expectations, were changing, and the universe was responding in small but noticeable ways. For example, I noticed I had more physical energy since starting to eat fresh fruit in the morning. In addition, I began to see that some of my unwanted weight was leaving. I also felt proud of myself for nourishing my body so lovingly.

Momentum was building.

Within six months, I was telling myself stories like “I love eating fresh fruits and I never want to go back to eating doughnuts and pancakes in the morning. I am so glad I have found this wonderful new way to eat in the mornings.” And I knew these stories were true to the ore of my soul. They had become my reality; I had successfully changed my beliefs. And I had done it one story at a time–not trying to jump up to the best feeling stories at first, but working my way up by telling myself the best feeling stories that felt believable to me every step of the way.

I did the same thing with fresh vegetables, organic foods, healthier options when eating out, and eating less fat, salt, and grease. I now honestly do not even like to eat anything but fresh fruit in the mornings. I love fresh vegetables (steamed and without any butter on them) and I do not like fast food anymore at all. These good feelings about such healthy fare reflect my new beliefs. They serve me and uplift me and they feel fantastic. I almost never feel deprived anymore, nor do I have to force myelf to stick to any certain diet, because I have learned to feel great about what I eat. I am even able to eat ice cream and doughnuts today without experiencing unwanted weight gain. I have learned how to eat those foods in moderation and feel good about doing it.

And, over time, I’ve created new beliefs about exercising just the same way I did about eating–one story at a time. You know how I can tell? Because, unlike my previous experiences as a younger man, I now get excited when I think about exercising. Because exercising is fun and it is wonderful to have the opportunity to move my body and be healthier. Those are my beliefs now.

My beliefs have allowed me to take off all my unwanted weight. Gone. And I have kept it off, with ease, for about 15 years now.

Greg Kuhn

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Spirituality Helped Me Succeed”

Contributor: Law of attraction believer Max of powerfulintentions.org and the Empower Network.

I have been deeply involved in spirituality for a number of years now. From a young age I felt a burning desire to know what was real and true. I knew that there was more to life than I was seeing. I felt incomplete, disconnected and lost.

I had a very comfortable childhood and yet I always felt something was missing. Like many people, I assumed that by perfectly arranging the circumstances of my life I could find this completeness. This belief was seen through by the time I finished high school. During my four years there I had desire after desire fulfilled, until there was nothing more I could ask for. I had a large group of friends, a great girlfriend, I was a star athlete, and was even crowned prom king. I was acutely aware of this blessed period of my life, and yet, the hole in my heart was as big as ever. My life had conformed to exactly what I wanted, but I felt the same as I always had: incomplete. From that moment I knew that simply getting what I liked and avoiding what I didn’t like was not going to be enough.

This realization forced my to look deeper into life. I started devouring books on philosophy and religion. I became taken by the ideas of Buddhism and Indian philosophy. In these teachings I found confirmation of something I had sensed my entire life: that there was a deeper reality to life that the vast majority of people are unaware of. And that this unawareness is the cause of all suffering, confusion, and discontentment in life. I was told, and I believed, that only by discovering this truth for myself could I find lasting peace and happiness.

From that moment on I did everything I could to find a way to access this deeper consciousness. I began meditating, doing yoga, ingesting psychotropic plants, as well as reading, listening, and watching various spiritual teachers alive and dead. During a particularly condensed period of focus I experienced a fundamental shift in my awareness. I still can’t put into words what happened, but it completely changed the course of my life. Equal parts clarity and confusion poured into my experience; however one thing was certain: I still felt incomplete.

I was still searching.

Years later this experience continued to reverberate through my life, slowly dissolving all forms of resistance. My life became easier and easier, but my seeking was as strong as ever. I felt I had reached a dead end in my spiritual search. I couldn’t keep waiting for enlightenment to fix my life. I realized that, in a way, I had been using spirituality to avoid fully engaging with my life. Life was passing me by and I realized I need to stop waiting and start living the life I wanted now before it was too late.

Around this time, a friend of mine who I met while teaching English in South Korea asked me if I would be interested in joining an online network marketing company that he was a part of. It was certainly not something I would typically be interested in. Being a business person and striving to make tons of money had always felt unnatural to me. Additionally, this offer raised all the red flags of a scam. However, I trusted my friend and more importantly, I was tired of working uninspiring odd jobs, making just enough money to scrape by. I needed a change desperately. I knew money couldn’t buy happiness, but it could allow me to do more of things I wanted to. The biggest appeal was the freedom of time. If there was any possibility that I could only work a couple of hours a day, work on my own schedule, and make enough money to live comfortably, I wanted to hear more. So despite my skepticism, I decided to join the company. With a low start up cost I had nothing to lose.

Upon joining, I immediately started delving into the training. I had absolutely no experience with marketing so I needed to learn everything I could. The first thing I read was a short list of daily activities that were described as essential to success. Two of these steps were listening to and reading books about personal development every day. In all my time reading about spirituality I had specifically avoided such material. I saw the areas of self-help and personal development as of a “lesser level” than what I considered the deeper teachings of spirituality. However, I became curious about it since almost all the people involved in this company seemed to talk about the law of attraction.

Before this time, I had heard about The Secret, but never really given it much attention. However, the fact that many of the top earners in the company always seemed to be talking about the law of attraction encouraged me to give it a second look. While looking The Secret up on Amazon I saw a review which said “For better reading try the books by the Hicks, especially Ask and It Is Given.” So, I skipped The Secret and went for that book instead. As I began reading I was shocked. I had never heard the law of attraction described in this way. I learned that it wasn’t really about manifesting your desires. That was part of it, but the true goal was to align oneself with the Source. By doing so, life would naturally began to manifest what was most important without any additional effort on your own part. I learned that my life was a reflection of this alignment or misalignment and that everything good in my life depended on it.

In a way, I had actually already discovered this already. I knew from experience that the less I struggled the more life would be friendly to me, for the only thing struggle leads to is pain and confusion. I started to see that my ideas of spirituality were too limiting and they needed to expand to include all aspects of life. I saw that there was nothing wrong with living a life of abundance and that more for me was not less for you. I also saw all the ways I had sabotaged my success through fear under the disguise of moral and spiritual high ground.

Through of all of this I have become excited to use this business as a way to challenge myself to grow and break down all my self imposed limitations. I kind of see it as a testing ground for the law of attraction. It’s easy to become an armchair philosopher with all of this stuff, but I want to put it into practice and figure there’s no better testing ground than my own financial circumstances. In doing so, I have been amazed at all the hidden self doubt, fear, and uncertainty that has been arising. It’s never been so clear how prone I am to thinking negative and how those thoughts attract similar experiences. I never realized how deep the feeling of mistrust was within me. But not anymore. I can no longer succumb to these negative feelings of fear and doubt. I know that they are what prevent me from living the life that I was meant to live. I’m tired of playing small in life. I am on a mission to live life, in all its aspects, to the fullest.

If you are interested in what I’m doing (my law of attraction testing ground!), I can give you some info if you enter your email address at empowernetwork.com. You can also listen to this audio clip to get a sense of the type of people the company attracts.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "Finally, I’m Successful"

Contributor: The “law of attraction science guy” Greg Kuhn, author of Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail, Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat and more. The first of a series of three posts by Kuhn, this story is excerpted from Do Not Fail, an awesome and potentially life-changing read.

“I used to be obsessed with becoming wealthy, yet financial abundance was always frustratingly absent from my material reality.  Most of my adult life, any time I acquired more money, it always disappeared quickly, seemingly slipping through my fingers without ever allowing me to use it in the ways I wanted to.

Finally, in 1999, I found a business idea I thought was foolproof and, after talking it over with my wife, decided to sink everything into it.  I already knew that I created my material reality through my expectations, so I naïvely thought that all I had to do was take a big leap and simply think nothing but positive thoughts about the business.

I thought, “This is it. This is the big break I’ve been seeking, and I need to show my faith in my personal power to manifest abundance by going ‘all in’ with no reservations.  I know how to create my own reality. All I need to do is take this big action and I’ll finally become wealthy.”  I did not yet understand how vital it was to truly change my beliefs on a deep and lasting level (as if you’ve read my book you now know to do), so my decision was unwittingly foolish (so much for foolproof, huh?) and almost cost me everything.

So I made it my job to constantly and continually shower myself with positive affirmations and statements about my business’s success.  I spoke about my business only in positive ways, I meditated about my business with positive feelings and intent, and I read lots of uplifting books to inspire my thoughts and keep them 100 percent positive. So when everything came crashing down on me and my family a few years later, and all my previous resources and assets were transformed into crushing debts and obligations, I was beyond devastated.  I could not conceive how these paradigms had “failed” me after I had legitimately put so much effort into nothing but positivity.

Fueled by the need to clean up the financial mess I’d created, I began the actual process you’ve learned of reforming my neural pathways of habitual thought concerning money.  My commitment to tell better stories about money, using uplifting words, started right where I was.  To that end, my stories about money were initially along the lines of “Although I currently believe that financial abundance is bad and beyond my grasp, I also believe that, over time and with practice, I can change those beliefs by telling better stories about money.  And, as I change my beliefs about money, I also believe that I can experience an eventual change in my material reality.”

By the time I’d been telling better stories about money for about eight months, I was not only experiencing more money in my material reality, but I was also inspired to tell even better stories that were completely believable such as, “Although the money I’m currently experiencing in my physical reality is not as great as my ultimate desires, I know that my beliefs are continuing to grow and I know that my ultimate destination is to experience the money I’ve dreamt of.”

Within a year and a half of this process, I had truly realized my financial desires experiencing more money than I ever had.  By then, the stories I told myself were akin to “I know that financial abundance is mine. I embody and expect financial abundance. Wealth is who I am.  Money loves me, and I love it in return.” These stories had become my beliefs and I had not only materialized enough money and resources to clear away over $800,000 in debt, but I was also watching my checking and saving accounts swell.

Today, years later, I almost always experience a happy abundance of financial freedom. Having been faced with looming bankruptcy and foreclosures in 2003, I now live with my large, happy family in a wonderfully located, expansive, beautiful home, own another gorgeous home in a highly desirable neighborhood, live relatively debt-free, and enjoy a lifestyle with my family that affords us almost everything we desire (including the ability to fulfill our commitment to helping others). Does this mean that I have more money than I know what to do with (including helping family, friends, and charity)?  Does it mean that I never encounter a frustrating or unexpected bill or debt?  Not at all. But, because of my new beliefs, I no longer experience any temporary lack of money as some link in a maddeningly unbreakable chain of absence.  I am truly able to see such temporary circumstances as opportunities to both reexamine my beliefs about money and continue to grow my beliefs by telling better stories.  I have more money in my life today than I have ever experienced, and I expect (and know) that my financial abundance will only continue to grow.

To the God in YOU,

Greg Kuhn

Read the rest of this series at Spiritual Practice Success Stories.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got My Sleep Back”

Contributor: Steve Beisheim, an experienced life coach whose blog follows his adventures in creation and using the law of attraction. Steve’s blog is located at SteveBeisheim.com.

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and a sleep disorder that made my life a living hell. I couldn’t function very well; I had severe emotional problems and extremely poor communication skills, and my social life didn’t really exist. Doctors told me that my condition was chronic and that I would need to take extremely expensive medicine just so I could scrape by. However, I found a counselor who told me that it was possible that I could heal. This revelation opened the floodgates for me into the world of alternative medicine, holistic energy therapy and dietary changes.

Granted, I was extremely angry when I first found out about the law of attraction; initially, I wasn’t willing to take responsibility and felt victimized by my circumstances. Eventually, though, my physical and emotional pain and suffering gave me the willingness to make slow shifts in my mindset. Pretty soon I was drawn to shift my diet away from grains and I attracted a therapist who performed a particular type of therapy for people who have experienced childhood trauma (almost everyone does). I never viewed myself as a victim of childhood trauma per se, although I had a very rough childhood.

Although  I was terrified to try this energy work, I did so anyway and had several deep emotional releases just sitting on the couch. I cried a lot within seconds of using the technique and soon found I possessed a dramatically different attitude. After this, my life rapidly began changing for the better. My body immediately began healing itself and I felt a sense of peace and connectedness throughout each day. I never knew life could be so good, but once I corrected some of my thoughts the information and tools I needed came right to me. Now, I take what I know and help apply it to my wellness and my life coaching clients so they can also learn how to heal their bodies and lives.

Steve Beisheim

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Manifested the Man of My Dreams"

New law of attraction book by Debbianne DeRose

New law of attraction book by Debbianne DeRose

Contributor: Debbianne DeRose. DeRose is the author of the new primer for single gals, How I Met the Man of My Dreams: a Guide to MANifesting Yours, as well as the humorous memoir What I Did On My Midlife Crisis Vacation. Stop by Debbianne.com for thought-provoking, giggle-inducing angles on life. You can also view a cute book trailer on Youtube here.

I’d been single for a really long time. And although I knew what I was looking for in a relationship, I didn’t actually believe there was a man alive who could measure up. As it turns out, though, belief is not necessary—as long as you stop actively disbelieving. It also turns out that being picky is an asset, not a detriment as is commonly assumed.

I’d been studying a lot of Abraham Hicks and other metaphysical teachers for about a year before the big MANifestation, and was earnestly applying what I learned to my inner emotional life. As I released resistance by consciously choosing positive thoughts over negative ones, I became increasingly joyful—like never before in my life. That kind of personal vibration-raising is the key to success with the law of attraction, and there are many tools and tricks to facilitate the process.

A few weeks before meeting the man of my dreams, I experienced the crucial “letting go” moment. The scales had finally tipped, and a critical mass of resistance had been released, allowing my pleasing MANifestation to materialize.

He and I met at the Monroe Institute (and it’s an interesting story involving an out-of-body experience), having followed our individual blisses to a week-long residential meditation program there. I went for the consciousness exploration and received a “Monromance” as a bonus gift!

We were strongly magnetized to each other, and it all felt very natural—as if we’d already known each other (and perhaps we had …). I was lovestruck and twitterpated, to say the least, because not only did he like me as much as I liked him, he also embodied everything I’ve ever longed for in a man—including the qualities I’d thought were too picayune. You see, the Universe knows no such limits and issues no judgment. It is standing by, eager to deliver the goods once we stop insisting upon those limitations.

It’s been a year now, and our love affair continues to bloom. Hindsight has brought me the gift of clarity–about the inner workings of the mind, the reasons we stumble, and the pitfalls specific to women wanting to be hooked up. So I wrote about it all for the single sisterhood, with humor and tough love, to help shorten, lighten and enliven that road trip to the MANifestival.

If you have a strong desire for a relationship, or anything else for that matter, that means it’s definitely within your reach, so please don’t interpret those stumbling blocks as an indication that you cannot have what you want. This self-improvement work can be challenging, but it’s well worth the effort, and far easier once you have all the information. You can do this! Women are tough—we birth babies and stuff, remember?

Debianne DeRose

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Pain Instantly Left”

Contributor: How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body by David Hamilton

In How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body, scientist and law of attraction practitioner David Hamilton shares the story of Ruth, whose belief in the law of attraction has helped her eliminate more than one health problem in recent years.

The first health problem: a moleskin tag that had appeared underneath one of her eyes. After learning in a workshop about what Hamilton calls Quantum Field Healing, she decided to visualize the outcome she desired: new skin growing underneath the mole, replacing it little by little until finally, it fell off. The problem? Moles, Ruth had been told, don’t remove themselves in this way. Still, Ruth continued using her visualization technique.

Several months passed. Then one day, as Ruth was taking a shower, something surprising happened: Ruth’s mole did, in fact, fall off. Ruth saw the law of attraction at work.

And it made a believer out of her.

Ruth continued to use Hamilton’s techniques, healing herself in other ways as well. One day, for instance, she dropped a candle on the floor and burned herself.

“I decided to use what David Hamilton had just taught us, and instantly, the pain was gone,” Ruth said. “The next morning there was no trace of the burn.”

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Discovered New Friends"

law of attraction and friends

This photo courtesy colinlogan of Flickr.com

Contributor: Jesse of powerfulintentions.org

The week before Halloween 2012, the love of my life and my best friend left me for unknown reasons. Looking back on that time, I’m glad that it happened, because it led me to discover something awesome, namely: the law of attraction.

For about a decade prior to this traumatic event, my life had been feeling pretty dark and out of control. My relationships–not just my romantic relationship but my friendships as well–were unsatisfying. Then, when my girlfriend left me, I finally hit rock bottom. However, after this happened, through a chain of extremely strange and unexpected events, I stumbled onto the film “The Secret” and the book that followed it. And since the very moment of this discovery, my life changed–and not just a little.

My life changed almost completely.

The day I watched the movie, I dove into my study and application of the law of attraction wholeheartedly. Today, due only to a simple change in my feelings and thoughts, I am truly happy with my life. Here are just some of the changes that have occurred since that day:

  • I attracted more money.
  • I attracted a ticket to a law of attraction seminar that I didn’t even know about. Then I attracted a chance meeting with the speaker, who is a law of attraction coach!
  • I reconnected with old friends and met new friends, all whom live by the law of attraction. (Before this time, I hadn’t even realized that these old friends knew about it.)
  • I attracted a new girlfriend.

On New Years’ Eve, I had been planning on staying home alone, but my best friend twisted my arm to go out … and I’m so glad I did. That night, an attractive woman walked up to me and struck up a conversation. We began talking just as if we were long lost friends.

We’ve been inseparable ever since.

On our first date, I asked the woman if she had ever heard of the law of attraction. To this, she smiled and replied, “I learned about it a few months ago and have been living by it ever since.”

Before I started living by the law of attraction–that is to say, before I became aware that I was living by it, and started doing so purposefully–these kinds of chance encounters never happened to me; now, they happen all the time.

I know, with every fiber in me, that my knowledge and practice of the law of attraction have brought all of these wonderful new things into my life.

