Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got Into My Dream School"


Contributor: Law of attraction believer Tiffany

Whenever I become doubtful of my abilities to manifest what I want in my life through positive thoughts, I remember that I did this and I feel a little better about it all …

It was late April of my senior year of high school–over a year ago now. I was at the tail end, but still very much in, a deep clinical depression. My confidence, my lust for life, my courage–it all faltered uncharacteristically as I succumbed to the contrast surrounding me.

This was the cause: I wanted deeply to go to college in New York City. I’d gotten into both of my dream schools and my one “safety” as well. I’d become convinced the safety school was rinky-dink and a burden. In my mind, it was the worst possible option.

Because of the cost, though, my parents had very different ideas. Due to the conflict between us, I had stopped sleeping at night and would fret about which school to go to until I finally passed out.

One day, I came home particularly upset. I had recently endured a lecture from my father about what I should do, and it really got me down. I’d cried myself to sleep every night that week. I went through school as a zombie, wishing it would just solve itself.

Then, after a good, long cry, I straightened my cardigan and proclaimed to the universe (and my two dogs) that I was done with this problem.

“I can’t do this anymore. Fix it. F–ing fix this. ‘Cause I can’t do this anymore, and I honestly don’t even care.”

Feeling resolved, I walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink and replenish the tears I’d recently shed. As I passed the counter, I noticed a school stamp on one of the letters I’d casually retrieved from the mailbox earlier in the afternoon. I sipped my drink and plucked it from the pile.

The letter was addressed to me in what looked like a child’s handwriting. It was completely random, and oddly familiar. I ripped the envelope open and read the letter. The date at the top said January 24th, 2006. The letter began “Dear Me…” In a flash of memory, I realized I was receiving my time-capsule letter from myself in my 7th grade creative writing class. The teacher, as promised, sent the letters out five years after their inception, when we were seniors in high school instead of children in middle school.

In the letter, I rave and rant about how I loved my sister’s college (the safety school) and how I believed it would be simply perfect for me.

Time stood still as I slumped to the floor with tears of joy and relief. Months of anguish cured with a simple forgotten note.

I’ve just finished my first year at the “safety” college and I must say, I was right!! I love nearly everything about the school–the people are wildly interesting and I’ve made amazing friendships, the classes are compelling, challenging, and SO educational, the atmosphere is everything I could ask for, and my grades are STELLAR. I went to amazing parties, maintained an incredible GPA, and connected sincerely with people I’d previously only imagined.

I remember the days when I abhorred the idea of going here. Now? I couldn’t picture myself anywhere else. Everything about this school fits me to a T. It’s absolute perfection. I’m enjoying my summer off, working a great job, and I look forward with a heart full of love and passion toward my next semester there as a sophomore.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got a Check in the Mail”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy DonkeyHotey of Flickr.com

Contributor: Ashley

My first introduction to the law of attraction was through the movie The Secret. After watching it, I said to myself, “If this is real, show me by sending me a check in the mail.” It was just a matter-of-fact statement; there was no emotion attached to it and no other thought about it.

So guess what happened: The next day I opened up the mailbox and found an envelope from the IRS with a check in it for … drum roll, please! … just under $12,000.

That’s right: I had overpaid our taxes.

Needless to say, I was blown away.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Son’s Math Scores Improved”

green calculator on yellow background
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Contributor: Law of attraction practitioner Nancy, a teacher of meditation and visualization and a creative services provider. Find her at www.barry-jansson.com.

I have an adult son with Asperger’s Syndrome. When he was a freshman in high school, he struggled with math. So, as a believer in affirmations and positive thinking, I wrote out what I call my “AffirmingSpirit Affirmation Cards.” I wrote “I am an excellent math student!” and propped it up near my son’s clock so he would see it often.

At first, my son argued with me that this was just NOT true, and it wouldn’t work. His conscious mind had trouble with saying something he didn’t think had already been manifested in the world that is apparent to us. When I explained to him how the subconscious mind works, he rolled his eyes.

Here’s the thing, though: By the end of that year, his teacher was reporting that he was excelling in math! Apparently, my belief in him was enough for us both.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Sold My Home to the Right Buyers"


Guest contributor: Dartist

Earlier this year I put my property up for sale. Since I was so attached to it for so long, I put the thought out into the universe that I wanted someone special to buy this beautiful place–someone that would see the efforts that have gone into making it a comfortable home with the many personal touches that were so meaningful to me.

Many couples made the journey to the top of this country road to take a look. Keeping the home and yard in order was a huge effort. Anyone who has put a home up for sale will understand as it has to be ready for viewing with little notice at times and can become wearing.

I kept writing my affirmations and asking for a buyer. Then one night I read a book about the law of attraction. It said that asking over and over lessens the impact and weakens my request as it shows that I am putting up blocks that slow down bringing what I want into my life. Instead, I had to truly believe and then just let go of my fears.

So, that’s what I did. I stopped repeating my request over and over, trusting that the right buyer would appear. I also rented a storage unit and started moving items into it as if my place had already sold. I made firm plans to leave on a certain date and prepared accordingly.

A few weeks ago, my realtor had an open house and one young couple in particular was really taken by this home and property. They asked to meet with me and look at the property again and I happily complied. The husband walked the grounds with me as I pointed out what things about it were special to me and also how much I had enjoyed living here because of it’s beauty and history. I explained how all of the surrounding properties were once a part of this farm and how acres were sold over time to other families. We walked for a long time and I was open and he commented later to the realtor that he was impressed that I had so much knowledge about this piece of land.

Finally, we came into the kitchen where I spent time chatting to his wife. We hit it off right away and I learned that she and I were born in the same hospital in a neighboring state, and that one of my high school classmates was her uncle. The main part of my home is a log structure dating from around 1860 that was built from chestnut and other hardwoods cut and milled up on this ridge where I have lived. This was exactly what this couple had dreamed of finding and I offered to show them my daughter’s home built in the same time period so that they could see the exposed old logs and learn the process of restoration if they decided to buy.

Monday, I signed a sales agreement with them conditional on their selling their home and doing the usual inspections. I know that they are the right couple. I know that they appreciate the history here and that is something that is very important to me if I’m going to feel right about passing this place on. They are so excited about living here and I am content to allow them the time they need to sell their own home as I want them to live here and build a life on this land that is so peaceful.

I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and anyone wishing to enrich their own lives will find it very helpful to read about it more.



Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Learned How to Walk Again”

true law of attraction story health
Photo courtesy Hector de Pereda of Flickr.com

Guest contributor: Maria, a member of the online law of attraction forum www.powerlawofattraction.com.

Towards the end of November 2011, my mom, older brother and I were in a serious car accident. We were all critically injured and for quite a while the doctors were battling to save our lives. They performed major surgeries on all three of us. Both my mom and I were kept in a comatose state artificially in order to keep us stable. From what I have been told, my brother suffered major blood loss which was affecting his internal organs and on January 24, 2012, he passed away. My mom had been awake briefly but slipped back into a coma upon being told of my brother’s death. Without coming back out of her coma, she died on February 7, 2012.

I am the sole survivor from that accident and since my mom’s death my dad has only left my side when being directly ordered to do so by his own dad. I know he is doing all he can to be strong for me right now as I am far from being well yet, and I can’t imagine the pain he is feeling. He confided to me shortly after the accident that he was in severe emotional pain, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing me as well, and that he was willing to do anything in his power to save me. He kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand and I smiled back and told him I know and that I love him.

Physically, my state following the accident was this: Though my ribs, lungs and heart all healed well when I was in a coma, I still had blurry vision from the swelling of my brain after the head injuries and surgeries, and no ability to walk. However, even at that time I knew that as long as I kept believing that I would walk again, envisioning myself walking, etc., it would happen. At the start of this journey I told my dad that I have decided to be walking again within six months, and he smiled and said “Of course you will, my child.”

Well, as it turned out, I was right–and so was he.

For the past few months, I have been working really hard, and I am happy to report that I am now walking again. I am not completely without support yet, but I am on my feet and moving at a near-“normal” rate of speed with canes. It’s such hard work and painful at times, but I am stubborn and will keep fighting until I, hopefully, walk without canes. Doctors say I’ll most likely be needing at least one for the rest of life because my right knee doesn’t bend completely and so doesn’t provide enough support for caneless walking. I don’t mind, though; I am alive, I am up and I am walking, which means I am still (somewhat) independent of others’ help for everyday things.

It was such a relief the day I could finally get out of bed again on my own. Before the accident I never thought of such matters; they appeared so small that they didn’t even exist in my thought processes. But now? Wow. What a feeling to be able to get out of bed on my own, get dressed on my own, eat on my own, etc, etc.

I am learning to cope with the loss of my mama and brother; I am going through the grieving process. So far I’ve denied that they were dead by simply telling myself they were just “out of town”, I’ve been angry with them for dying and leaving us behind, I’ve even been angry with God for taking them asking him why, and I’ve cried millions of tears of sadness. I think of them everyday; everyday there are little things that remind me of them  but I am beginning to replace tears with smiles when I think of them, and I know they are in a good place and I believe I will see them again in another life. I tell myself that they were done here with whatever task they were sent here to do, and that comforts me.


Law of Attraction Success Story: Evan Griffith: "We Got a Bunch of New Furniture–For Free"

law of attraction furniture

Photo courtesy “rrrrrd” of Flickr.com

Guest contributor: Evan Griffith of NotesforCreators.com. Evan’s blog “shares insights on the connected creative life” and is one of my personal favorites.

It was not more than a month ago that my wife Ann and I sat in our home, looking at our old, worn furniture and contemplating what would stay and what would go. We’ve been here for almost a year, though it seems like only minutes ago that we finally relaxed into it–there was that much rehab going on.

So there we were, staring at some wheezingly old couches that didn’t fit the new home.

Ann had been looking on Craigslist for suitable replacements until I put the kabosh on the enterprise. In our current comeback mode the only ideal price was zero, and she hadn’t been able to find people advertising that low, or even in the region of that low.

Nevertheless, we had quite a list of needs:

1. New sofas or a sectional for the living room,

2. A daybed for my office so it could double as a guest room (and a nifty meditation-visualization-ooom-chack-a-lacka-boom spot),

3. A chest of drawers for one of our children,

4. A couch for the kids’ play area, and, if we were to really have our dream wish list,

5. A couple extra lounge chairs to put outside for guests.

Putting it out there

“We’ll just have to put it out there that what we need will somehow come for free,” I suggested to Ann after contemplating this formidable list.

Well, whoa, did I receive some blowback for that statement! In Ann’s defense, she had been looking at what was available for weeks on end; I had not. And she hadn’t once seen free listed as a price. In fact, everything was $500 to $1,000 or more per piece, and none of it was even close to the quality we’d pictured in our minds.

After she cooled somewhat–in that slow way lava cools–I repeated that I was going to put it out there. She agreed, and we let it drop.

A decade ago we had a client offload two-year-old couches to us when they updated again, so later that day, I let a situation like that play out in my head.

Maybe it could happen again times five . . . I mean, five clients offloading various pieces of furniture might seem unlikely when it had only happened once in my lifetime(!) . . . . but hey, what else are daydreams for if not to dream the unlikely?

Meanwhile, Ann stopped looking at Craigslist incessantly and we went on with life.

Flash forward to today. Our home got a makeover last week, compliments of a friend of ours who was downsizing considerably. We were at breakfast one day when he asked if we could use any extra furniture. A couple hours later I was at Paul’s home, witnessing something extraordinary come through him.

Just for fun, let’s review the list:

1. New sofas or sectional for the living room.

Check! There was an exquisite sectional for the living room!

Note: Ours was 20-plus-years old, was previously owned, and had experienced much duress at the hands of kids and dogs. Paul’s sofa was 20-plus-years old too–but had been owned by a single, petless, meticulous man. It was so youthful in appearance it could have starred in a skin-cream ad.

2. A daybed for my office.

Check! There was a smart-looking sleeper sofa he had available. Now, the room looks like an office suite–and can double as a much-needed guest room!

3. A chest of drawers for one of our children.

Check! (Yep, can you believe it!?)

4. A couch for the kids’ play area.

Nope. Apparently this item is coming later. Insert smiley emoticon here, baby.

5. A couple extra lounge chairs outside for guests.

Check again, and not only this, but also an additional five-piece outdoor table set, too.

I imagine this is the partial checklist for a successful “putting it out there” experience:

  • We’d been fantasizing about the possibilities, playfully (check),
  • One of us desperately wanted it (check), and
  • Another of us believed it could drop from the skies, manna-like (check).

So, why close off any possibilities, ever? History and your own experience prove that the seemingly impossible, the possibly unlikely, and the probably won’t happen happen all the time.

Just accept it! This playground in creation is mysteriously, inexplicably, freakishly beautiful.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Family Became Financially Stable”

happy law of attraction family
Photo courtesy occhiovivo of Flickr.com

Contributor: Anonymous

A few months ago, I was worried. A few of the members of my family were struggling financially, and I didn’t think there was anything I could do to help. One night around that time after visiting my hometown, I went to bed and said to myself, Instead of worrying about this anymore, why don’t I just say an affirmation? So, I did. This is what I said:

“My family is financially stable.”

Then I went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast with my mom.

“How are you guys doing?” I asked her as we ate. “I mean, financially? I’ve been a little worried about you.”

“You have?” she said. “Oh, don’t worry about us. We just had our monthly income go up. We’re doing much better now.”

She went on to explain that the family was now receiving about 20 percent more money every month due to a recent change in their financial planning.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found the Home of My Dreams”

Contributor: Anonymous

When someone unexpectedly outbid us on one home after another in a suddenly hot seller’s market, my husband and I just gave up looking. Looking back, it was a little weird how it happened: we took a look at a house that met many of our criteria. We liked it fine. On the way home we talked about whether or not to put in a bid.

“I’m just not that excited about it,” I said.

“Me, neither,” my husband said. “In fact, I’m pretty sick of this whole house-hunting thing.”

I laughed. What had begun as a fun bonding experience while looking forward to the birth of our child (we started looking around the time I got pregnant) had in six months become a major bummer.

Or maybe the universe was simply telling us to take a break–that the timing wasn’t right–and that’s why both of us got sick of looking at the same time.

The good vibes just weren’t there anymore.

In any case, my husband and I told our agent not to put in a bid, even though it was a nice enough place. We also told her we wanted to take a break from doing walk-throughs. As eager as we were to get out of our highway-adjacent apartment, we gave up. I wasn’t worried about the matter, though–well, not too much, anyway. I decided that when it was the right time, everything would fall into place. We’d find a place to buy, or we’d find a nicer place to rent–and either way was okay with me.

Three months later, only two weeks before our son was born, our realtor contacted us about a house that seemed right up our alley. The location was great. The size and style was just what both of us had in mind. And it was affordable, as well.

“You should take a look as soon as possible,” she said.

So, that evening, we stopped by and looked it over.

And it was awesome.

It was in good condition. It was surrounded by trees. It was close to a lake.

It was somewhere I could see us living for a very long time.

“I love it,” I told my husband.

We made an offer the next day, and less than a month later, the papers were signed and the house became ours.

Law of Attraction Success Story: Joe Vitale: "I Am Rich"

law of attraction money

Contributor: Joe Vitale, a high-energy law of attraction author, entrepreneur and personal coach who appears in the movie “The Secret.”

I have not always been well-off. Like many others, I have tasted “rock bottom” and lived to tell the tale . . .

I want you to imagine yourself in my shoes, not with the wealth and abundance I have today, but as the homeless man I was in the late ’70’s, wandering around Dallas, Texas, living dollar to dollar in constant desperation. Do you think you have it bad? Do you think your struggles are unbeatable? I had it worse . . .

Oh yes, I wanted to be more, and I tried. But I didn’t have a lick of confidence in my future. I could almost taste the wealth, and that delicious freedom money can provide, but like many, I kept struggling.

And I kept failing.

See, like many others, I carried this three-headed horse with me that was stealing wealth at each turn. Three heads, three thieves of wealth, and nothing but struggle and failure to show for it.

What are they? Lack of feeling deserving, lack of self-respect, and secret hatred.

I secretly believed I didn’t deserve wealth. I didn’t respect myself enough to put in 100%. And, as a result, I hated money and the problems that came with it.

The result was failure after failure, let-down after let-down, and a hopelessness that brought me to my knees. The Three-Headed Wealth Thief was controlling my life. And for a long time, I had absolutely no idea how to fix it.

So . . . How did I go from broke and homeless to living a life full of luxuries and joys?

It wasn’t luck. It wasn’t the typical “secret step-by-step recipe.” It wasn’t any of the crap that people try to shove down your throat.

Simply said, it was the mindset. It was the wealth mindset!

Opportunities to strike it rich are all around us. They are almost as plentiful as the air we breathe. But all of it means NOTHING if you don’t have the wealth mindset that empowers you to transform an opportunity into a concrete reality.

The wealth mindset is the gas in the sports car! The wealth mindset is the foundation to the house! Does it seem as sexy as “How to make $3,826,495 In The Stock Market In 4 days”? It’s definitely not as flashy. But what all those millionaires out there aren’t telling you is that the wealth mindset is the “gatekeeper” that stands between you and success. It is what makes any of those crazy money-making opportunities remotely possible. Why?

When you command the wealth mindset, you’ll see opportunity at every corner, simply waiting for you to grab it. You’ll find creating wealth as effortless as tying your shoes. You’ll have a sharp mind capable of knowing what to do and when to do it. The wealth mindset becomes the heart that pumps constant life into every project and opportunity you take on.

When you command the wealth mindset, plagues like self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt will be mere memories of the past. You’re not shy, you’re bold. You’re not afraid of failure, you take it all on. You don’t stand in your own way, you move forward with ease.

That’s it. That’s the secret. Get in this frame of mind, and you can achieve anything.

Joe Vitale

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Learned How to Command the Wealth Mindset”

law of attraction money

Contributor: Joe Vitale, an enthusiastic believer in the law of attraction who appeared in the movie “The Secret.”

I have not always been well-off. Like many others, I have tasted “rock bottom” and lived to tell the tale . . .

I want you to imagine yourself in my shoes, not with the wealth and abundance I have today, but as the homeless man I was in the late ’70’s, wandering around Dallas, Texas, living dollar to dollar in constant desperation. Do you think you have it bad? Do you think your struggles are unbeatable? I had it worse . . .

Oh yes, I wanted to be more, and I tried. But I didn’t have a lick of confidence in my future. I could almost taste the wealth, and that delicious freedom money can provide, but like many, I kept struggling.

And I kept failing.

See, like many others, I carried this three-headed horse with me that was stealing wealth at each turn. Three heads, three thieves of wealth, and nothing but struggle and failure to show for it.

What are they? Lack of feeling deserving, lack of self-respect, and secret hatred.

I secretly believed I didn’t deserve wealth. I didn’t respect myself enough to put in 100%. And, as a result, I hated money and the problems that came with it.

The result was failure after failure, let-down after let-down, and a hopelessness that brought me to my knees. The Three-Headed Wealth Thief was controlling my life. And for a long time, I had absolutely no idea how to fix it.

So . . . How did I go from broke and homeless to living a life full of luxuries and joys?

It wasn’t luck. It wasn’t the typical “secret step-by-step recipe.” It wasn’t any of the crap that people try to shove down your throat.

Simply said, it was the mindset. It was the wealth mindset!

Opportunities to strike it rich are all around us. They are almost as plentiful as the air we breathe. But all of it means NOTHING if you don’t have the wealth mindset that empowers you to transform an opportunity into a concrete reality.

The wealth mindset is the gas in the sports car! The wealth mindset is the foundation to the house! Does it seem as sexy as “How to make $3,826,495 In The Stock Market In 4 days”? It’s definitely not as flashy. But what all those millionaires out there aren’t telling you is that the wealth mindset is the “gatekeeper” that stands between you and success. It is what makes any of those crazy money-making opportunities remotely possible. Why?

When you command the wealth mindset, you’ll see opportunity at every corner, simply waiting for you to grab it. You’ll find creating wealth as effortless as tying your shoes. You’ll have a sharp mind capable of knowing what to do and when to do it. The wealth mindset becomes the heart that pumps constant life into every project and opportunity you take on.

When you command the wealth mindset, plagues like self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt will be mere memories of the past. You’re not shy, you’re bold. You’re not afraid of failure, you take it all on. You don’t stand in your own way, you move forward with ease.

That’s it. That’s the secret. Get in this frame of mind, and you can achieve anything.

Just like I did . . . eventually.

Blessings to you as you grow,


Law of Attraction Success Story: “We Bought a Vacation Home”

snow covered wooden house inside forest
Photo by Adriaan Greyling on Pexels.com

Guest contributor: Law of attraction believer Patti. You can read about some of the events leading up to this story here.

One of my life dreams was to own a home at my favorite vacation destination. I simply “put it out there” and stayed out of my own way. I didn’t focus on how it would happen, although there were times when I thought, “I have to find a better paying job,” or “I’m not saving enough!” But I quickly dismissed those ideas and reaffirmed that I was a happy beach house owner! My husband and I made frequent trips to the beach so we could attend open houses. I also put it on my vision board!

One day, my husband came home from work and announced that his company was being acquired. The new company was buying everyone’s stock options which translated into a huge windfall for us! We didn’t even know what stock options were!

This was just one of my dreams that came true by allowing the law of attraction to work in positive ways in my life. To me, this proves that if you let the universe handle the details, you can reach your dreams in a way you might never have imagined. I am now the proud and happy owner of a beach condo!

I enjoy so many of the little things in life now that I wasn’t able to fully enjoy before believing in this powerful law: A quiet walk on the beach or down a tree-lined path, the way the sun feels on my face, the sound of my kids laughing, or the kind smile of a stranger. I can stop in any moment, become present, and find some far-off sound or some sensation and connect with it. So many of those little things give me chills now and I always quietly give thanks for the feedback. Even being able to share this with you and countless others bring tears of joy to my eyes.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Husband Became Loving and Attentive”

a boy painting
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

Recently, I went on a little trip without my husband. He had to work, and I wanted to see my family, so off I went. I was only away for two days, but when I got back, I liked what I saw: He was so, so happy to see me.

“I love you so much. I missed you,” he told me over and over again.

Always a nice thing to hear. But what made this experience interesting is that two days prior, while I was at the beach with my family, I used the law of attraction and an affirmation to make that moment happen.

See, before I left, my husband was acting–well, he was acting a little cranky. He didn’t like whatever it was he was doing at work that day. He was unhappy that I was leaving. And he was just a little out of sorts. It was just the normal kind of stuff, and yet it upset me a lot. So, when I was away, I said this affirmation:

“My husband is loving and attentive.”

I didn’t think much more about it after that, knowing that my husband’s usual demeanor would return at the right time. As it turned out, the right time was pretty much right away.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Skin Quickly Cleared Up”

Contributor: Anonymous

I have always had pretty good skin. As long as I eat right (no sugar for me), I don’t get acne or oily areas on my face. So when the other month this suddenly changed, I had no idea why it was happening.

My first plan was to wash my face more often and watch what I ate more closely. But until I decided to say an affirmation, there was no change.

Then, I wrote this sentence in my journal: “My skin is totally clear.”

I didn’t repeat it over and over. I didn’t put a picture of an airbrushed supermodel on a vision board.

I just went on with life.

The next day, I saw an improvement in my skin, and by the end of the week, I was back to my old acne-free self.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found the Love of My Life”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy mozzercork of Flickr.com

Guest contributor: Law of attraction believer Marioska

One day a few years ago, some old school friends asked me to go out with them, because they knew I needed to get my mind off my relationship problems. My boyfriend was nice, but I wasn’t in love with him, and I didn’t know what to do about it. So when given the opportunity to have fun with my friends, I said yes.

We had dinner, chatted and laughed, and later we went out to a park. The boyfriend of one of my friends and his friends were there, too, so my friend went to chat with them. When she came back, she said to me, “Hey, one of those guys says that he wants to meet you!”

“That would be a bit difficult,” I said, though I have to admit, I was disappointed.

After that, we decided to go to the pub to dance. When we were on our way, my friend stopped me in the middle of the street and said, “Okay, I have to tell you something. This guy said you are really beautiful, and he feels that you’re special. Please, he’s a very sensitive person and if you don’t talk to him, just once, he’ll feel really sad … I know you may be hurting the other guy, but you don’t feel the same for him, and you know that this one attracts you.”

Those words made me feel that I had to take this chance … and I did. I talked to him, and we had a really good time.

After that, he began calling me often. I broke up with my boyfriend and we started dating instead. Every time I saw him, I felt that I had found the perfect man and that he had everything I wanted.

Everything went right until at some point I made a major mistake: I began to think that he would leave me. I become a really sad person, dependent on him for my happiness. So, guess what happened next? That’s right: He left me.

Everything happened exactly the way I’d imagined.

I was depressed, hurt, and I felt I had to do something about it. I took my copy of The Secret and read it over and over again many times. I started to apply the concepts in it, but I felt that it wasn’t enough; I couldn’t just believe in something—I had to actually detach myself from the outcome! After that, I really started to see results.

In the few years since becoming detached from this guy, I’ve attracted him back three or four times, but just for a while. Each time he came to me, he disappeared again. Why? Because I felt I needed him … and that’s just not true!

Finally, I figured this out and recently, I attracted him once more. He began to phone me every day, and at first, I didn’t answer, or I waited a while before calling him back. Worried about my behavior, he continued to call. After a while, we began to see each other again, and as the days went by, he began to say things like “Do you imagine yourself with another guy when you’re forty? Because I can’t imagine myself without you,” or “When we buy our house …” Comments like these confused me a lot, so the other day I decided to ask him what kind of relationship we have … And that’s when he told me that he loves me!

We’re taking things slowly, but now, I believe that he’s the right one for me and that our relationship will work as it is meant to.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Named My Own Price"

true law of attraction story

Photo courtesy abbyladybug of Flickr.com

Guest contributor: Law of attraction advocate Ila

I am on such an amazing journey! Here’s just one way the law of attraction has helped me lately.

Recently, I joined a book club. Of course, as these things normally work, I needed to purchase the book we were reading so that I’d be able to actively participate in the upcoming discussion next month.

So, on Friday night, I went to Barnes and Noble to purchase the aforementioned book. I inquired and was ushered in the direction of my desire. Gleefully, I scooped up my tome, and started reading. After deciding this was a selection going to be a great read, I glanced at the price tag.


As I’m currently between jobs, I have to be very careful with my discretionary spending. But the store was closing and I needed to bring my selection to the counter. So, I politely asked the cashier if there were any “in-store discounts” on that book. To my surprise, the cashier just looked at the book and asked if I could wait a minute.

“Absolutely,” I said, practically drunk with the thought of getting a discount.

Now I should mention that before asking her about this, I had secretly said the following affirmation to myself: “I would like to get this book for $5.00.” So when my cashier returned and asked if I’d like to have my book in hardback instead for $4.98, I was absolutely amazed! Apparently, there was a huge clearance that day and it just so happened that my book was one of the books that were reduced. How cool was that!

Saying I was happy in that moment was an understatement. “Overjoyed” would be a more accurate word.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Saw Ireland"


Contributor: Mollie Player and The Everything Law of Attraction Book by Meera Lester.

In The Everything Law of Attraction Book, Meera Lester shares a true law of attraction success story about Anna, an art teacher with a great desire to see Ireland, partly because she wanted to see the Book of Kells. Even though she was barely meaking ends meet, she decided to display an image of some of the pages of the book in her home.

One day, a few hours after Anna stared at the images once again, she found a travel brochure by accident. It told about a special weeklong exchange program for art teachers that included food and lodging.

It was the sign she needed to receive. Not long afterward, she went on her dream vacation–at very little cost to her.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “We Started Earning $20,000 Per Month”

Guest contributor: Evan Griffith of NotesforCreators.com. Evan’s blog “shares insights on the connected creative life” and is one of my personal favorites.

Six or seven years ago, I was cleaning out my home office when I came across a folder of loose sheets, each one with this phrase (or a variation of it) hand written on it:

We are selling more than $20,000 a month.

This sentence was jotted down about 20 times per sheet. Each sheet represented one day of writing down this dream. It was from the first year or so that our art gallery was open, when such numbers were a hookah pipe dream.

You’ve likely heard this before, but I’ll say it again: If you write something down repeatedly, day after day, it is much more likely to come to pass. You train your brain to believe it is actually possible, then likely, then even a certainty. Your brain–and the whole wild world–find amazing ways to bring it about.

There are two astonishing things about this $20,000-a-month-in-sales declaration that I want to share with you.

The first one is: It came true!

By the time I re-read these note pages, we were so far beyond $20,000 a month in sales that to suddenly average that amount would have been catastrophic it would have been so low. Even after the 2008 stock market crash we posted better numbers than that.

When I came across the folder, I had long since forgotten about this exercise, which probably lasted no more than a few weeks to a month before I stopped doing it. I had forgotten about it even when we hit the $20,000-per-month-in-sales milestone a couple of years after doing the exercise.

And so here is the second thing I want to share with you about this declaration: I got what I said I wanted, but it wasn’t what I really wanted.

See, it wasn’t the $20,000 in sales per month that I really wanted. What I really wanted was healthy profits. By focusing on a secondary effect–the sales–instead of the actual desired effect–the profits–I attained what I was clear about quite quickly but didn’t attain (until later) what I wasn’t being clear about (healthy profits).

My lesson: Always, always focus on what you really want.

Oh, and one more thing: Have you written down your dream yet or what?


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found a Great Job and My Dream Guy”

Guest contributor: Vanessa, who shares how she discovered the law of attraction.

A very big hello to all of you. This is the story of how I brought a great job and my dream man into my life. It may be a little lengthy, but the road to manifesting all this wasn’t a bed of roses. So please bear with me, and I hope my story will encourage you.

I grew up with very low self-esteem. I was placed in a private school that had me surrounded by beautiful kids with rich parents who could splurge on them constantly. I wasn’t one of these kids, though, and hence was frequently the outcast and bullied by the rest. It didn’t help that my parents were always critical of me and would put me down, thinking that this was the way to “spur on” and “motivate” their kid. Long story short, I became a young adult with serious self-image problems and a lack of good social skills. I couldn’t hold a conversation to save my life. I was afraid of speaking in groups and frequently felt that I was ugly and unattractive. The bullying I suffered when I was a little girl, the taunts and exclusion from social groups had me thinking that people can’t be bothered with what I have to say. I constantly felt I was stupid, dumb and never going to make it in life.

Fast forward to my watershed moment–the moment that changed my life forever. It happened on a trip to the Koh Samui island in Thailand. I was there for five days, and during that time I was free to be alone to explore my thoughts. Perhaps it was being away from the city that offered me the clarity I needed. In any case, while there I read a book on self-esteem and how positively manipulating your thoughts can impact your behavior and the response of the outside world to you. As I read, I started practicing thought awareness. Soon, I realized that indeed, people were changing their attitudes towards me as I thought of myself as a more confident young lady.

When I returned from the trip, I was so intrigued by these ideas that I started researching it more, trying to discover how and why it worked. That was when I came across the principle of the law of attraction. Everything that was mentioned in The Secret was exactly what had happened to me. I thought I was ugly, and therefore I was repelling people with my “ugly vibe.” I had people laugh at my photos and told them I looked weird. But after three months of telling myself that I am pleasant-looking, the attention I got was different!

I soon started applying the law of attraction to other parts of my life as well. Within a month of my return, I imagined into reality a good and stable job with a nice and supportive boss, well-mannered and welcoming colleagues and a comfortable salary.

But best of all? Right before I started the new job, I thought to myself that if work is going to take up all my time, I may not be able to find the love of my life. So, I started manifesting the guy that I wanted: a tall, well-educated, polite man who has a decent and honest job, loves his parents and is forward-thinking in his career. Well, within two weeks after starting my new job . . . there he was!! He approached me at work and struck up a conversation. We soon started dating and he was everything I wanted him to be!

I hope that everyone who’s reading this will continue to incorporate the law of attraction into your lives because the results are amazing.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got to Travel”

Guest contributor: Sneha, who sends this law of attraction success story from India.

I would like to share with you all some wonderful news about how I manifested an opportunity to visit the U.S. through work.

I have always been keen to go abroad for work–always. As soon as I started working (around five years ago), it was the first thing on my mind. Somehow, though, as time passed by, I programmed in my mind that others are better than me and that they would get these opportunities instead. Deep inside, though, I still hung on to my desire.

Then last year when I joined my current organization, hope started to build once more. This time I decided that I would get what I hoped for. After a few failed attempts, which taught me the importance of not letting negative thinking hinder me, another chance came my way. This time, I decided that no matter what, I would just stay calm. “Everything will fall into place on its own,” I told myself . . . and really, it did.

I started giving interviews for this opportunity and one by one, I cleared them. Then, just when I thought everything was fine, they introduced more rounds! But, remembering my previous lesson, I did not make myself sad. Instead, I just told myself, “Either I  make this opportunity, or I don’t.” Well, I did clear the final interview! I went on the trip to the U.S. and everything went well.

Three months back, I wrote an entry in my gratitude journal thanking my current company for a visa that I still didn’t have. Just a few weeks later those interviews were done and I had a business visa in my hand!

But the story doesn’t end there. After returning from the trip, which was just three weeks long, I said to myself, “Man! Should have been a bit longer!” And guess what: The next day my manager told me that the onshore team was asking him how soon I could come back to their office in the U.S. They also said that I would have to visit two cities this time!

Well, just wanted to share the good news with all of you. The law of attraction works.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "One of My Friends Got a Job; The Other Didn’t"

true law of attraction story

Photo is courtesy of Sarah_Ackerman at flickr.com/photos

Contributor: Angel, who sends this law of attraction success story to us from Hong Kong.

I have two good friends who were both looking for jobs recently. Both were desperate and worried because the job hunting process had been quite stressful and long. So, when they asked for my advice, I told both of them about the law of attraction. I suggested that they be positive and happy instead of worrying all the time.

Well, this is what happened: Friend A listened to me and decided to remain positive and happy. Friend B, however, didn’t listen to me, and to this day is still negative about her future. Yesterday, Friend A told me that she just got a job offer from a really good company and she has a few more interviews this week, so now she may actually have to choose between the different offers she’ll get. On the other hand, Friend B has still had no success.

I think this proves once again that the law of attraction works the best when you are being positive.


Update: Friend A got three job offers and ended up landing her dream job! Yay for the law of attraction!