Tag Archives: Self-Help Memoir

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Found the Husband I Always Wanted”

Guest contributor: Aan of www.aanfrazier.com. Ann has co-authored a chapter in a book called “Adventures in Manifesting” and writes a blog called Living Life With Magnificent Intention.

Like the beating of a heart, the law of attraction is ever so present and constantly working. Epiphanies and “a-ha” moments exploded left and right in my mind like fireworks when I discovered this simple yet powerful law. Looking back in my life, I see it spattered all over the story of my life like an intricate Jackson Pollock painting. Let me share with you a bright streak of paint that was guided by the law of attraction.

It was a warm summer back when I was thirteen years old. School had just let out and it was a lazy summer morning as usual. The young inhabitants of my parent’s home moved slowly about in the absence of a ticking schedule.

Suddenly, the phone broke the calm of the morning and I shuffled to receive the call. It was my good  friend Tiffany. She asked me if I wanted to meet her at the school track to jog and talk. I said, “Sure!” With a light shirt, cotton shorts, and my favorite tennis shoes, I was out the door.

Tiffany and I jogged on our middle school track. Afterwards, we sat down on the cement and started talking with the sun warming our backs. Any average girl would  probably have taken the opportunity of such personal time to start talking about boys, but oddly, boys were not a focus on my mind back then; being the school-driven and innocent girl I was, I hadn’t put too much thought into the opposite sex.

My friend Tiffany, however was not shy on the topic. Immediately upon sitting, she dove into a conversation of that nature. She asked me if I liked anyone. Caught off guard, I bashfully said “No.” She then went on to ask me what kind of guy I wanted to marry.

“What kind of a guy?” I repeated. I sat there silent for a second. What kind of a guy did I want?

I thought about it for a bit longer and answered the first answer that came to my mind. “A guy that doesn’t cuss,” I said.

Tiffany laughed, thinking this answer was quite amusing. She told me that it was a silly requirement because all guys cussed, but I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

Later that evening, I laid on the sofa with my legs crossed and arms folded. As I did this, I pondered the thoughts that transpired with Tiffany earlier that morning. What kind of a guy did I eventually want to marry? Thinking that it would be fun dream up a personalized Prince Charming, I let my imagination flow freely.

At that moment, I decided that I wanted to marry a man with an exceptional personality. He would share similar values and be very into family. My dream man would be romantic, artistic, and know how to play an instrument. He would also be taller than me (which isn’t too hard because I am short) and know more than one language. And of course my husband would hopefully not cuss.

Afterwards, I thought about what ethnicity I preferred my future husband to be. I decided that it would not matter as long as he had the golden personality that I was envisioning. As I laid there carefree that summer night, I remember my last thoughts before I got up from that sofa. I remember thinking that it would be very cool and  interesting if my husband were a mixture of many cultures.

Life went on as usual. I grew up and graduated. I married and had kids. Everything in my life seemed to happen normally through the natural course of time. Then came my discovery of the law of attraction. In learning about the law of attraction, I had one of the biggest shocks of my life.

On one particular evening when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, thoughts of how interesting the law of attraction is were swirling inside my mind. Just as I was about to turn off the lights, I looked at my husband one last time to see if he was already asleep; sure enough, he was. I smiled at him but then froze in silence as some unbelievable thoughts came to mind.

I realized that he was the same man I was envisioning when I was thirteen. I got chills as I mentally went down my Prince Charming checklist I had consciously forgotten about over the years.

We have four children together and he as extremely family-oriented. He is very romantic and stands six feet tall. He speaks English, French, and German. My husband can create artwork better than I can and he knows how to play the trumpet. My husband does not cuss and his ethnicity is mixed from almost every continent on the planet!

This and many other examples have convinced me that the law of attraction is working whether we realize it or not. Today I live completely aware and make the conscious decision to be selective in about what I think about. With knowledge on this remarkable law, I am now moving forward to create whatever I desire in life.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Got a Part on the TV Show Dynasty”

true law of attraction story
Photo courtesy Pangborn of Flickr.com

Guest contributor: Cynthia Johnson, circlesofprosperity.org.

Many years ago, I was pursuing an acting career in Los Angeles. I was lucky enough to find a small-time agent who believed in the law of attraction. Mind you, this was before The Secret or Jerry and Ester Hicks. Anyway, she introduced me to this powerful principle, and instructed me on how to “attract” the acing jobs I wanted. So, I picked the most popular television show at that time and declared: “I want to be on Dynasty.” Then, I made a second request: “I want to make enough money to be eligible for medical benefits through the Screen Actors Guild.”

First, I had an opportunity to meet the casting director for Dynasty. I actually got dressed in my most fabulously glamorous outfit and went to the meeting not really expecting anything to come of it. There is one thing I should mention here: At the time, Dynasty did not have any black actors on the show. So for me to even think I would get on the show was pretty far-fetched; however, I didn’t walk around thinking I would not get on the show. Instead, my only thought was that I wanted to be on the show.

Shortly after meeting the casting director, they contacted my agent to see if I was available for a small part on the show. A few days later, I was in a scene with Ali McGraw, Linda Evans and John Forsythe, and my day rate of pay tripled which made me eligible for medical benefits!

It was years later when I made the connection between what I asked for and what I manifested. I often wonder what would have happened if I had asked for more. But the trick with the law of attraction is to ask for what you believe you can receive. If your thoughts are not a “vibrational match” with your desire, you delay or even block the manifestation.


Cynthia Johnson

Why Faith Works: Part One

Despite my somewhat iffy results with my recent decision to put the Law of Attraction to the test, I just want to say that I do believe that faith works.

And I believe it works so, so well.

And that’s what I want to write about today.

So – what do I mean by “faith works”? Well, I mean a lot of things. First, I mean that when you change yourself internally, your external circumstances are bound to change, too, right along with your insides.

And there’s more. In this post, which is Part Two of a series called “Why Faith Works,” I’m going to talk about another reason faith “works,” namely, it changes your expectations.

When I’m feeling really happy, I’m not expecting negativity from others. Instead, I’m expecting that everything will be fine, and no one will treat me poorly no matter what kind of mood they happen to be in.

I think differently about them, which causes them to pick up on that–and makes them treat me better.

We’ve all witnessed this at some point. You’re in the line at the supermarket and everyone seems bored or hurried. You, though, are smiling and feeling fine. Suddenly, you find that you’ve attracted a few extra smiles to yourself–and they seem like grateful ones, too.

When I was depressed, I saw depressed people everywhere. Now that I’m happy, I see happy people everywhere. It’s kind of like how when I was single, I saw bad guys everywhere, whereas now that I’m married I see only great ones.

Funny, isn’t it?

Faith does work. Try it, and see for yourself.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Won the Film Competition"

Photo by Jane Doan on Pexels.com

Guest contributor: Law of attraction fan Saurabh of India

Every year, there is a youth festival that’s held in Goa. All the young people participate in different events and competitions. These competitions include a short film competition. I have always wanted to make a short film, so I thought this would be a great way to start.

I was very excited about it. Up until the day of the competition and the awards day, I would frequently imagine the feeling that I would have if I won first prize. When doubt or fear came into my mind, I deliberately pushed it away.

I wrote my screenplay ready well in advance and made the other arrangements, too. Then, on the day of the competition, we were given two hours to shoot the film and 30 minutes to edit it. As I had my plan ready, I finished the shooting in about 70-75 minutes. I then edited it (with the help of professional editors which the organizing committee had provided). The film was ready!

The next morning, the day of the judging, I was confident enough. After some introductory events, the judges arrived on the stage to announce the result. I made my way to the first row.

First, they announced the 3rd prize winner. It was not us. My friend looked at me with a questioning look. Next, they announced the 2nd prize winner, and again, it was not us. My friend looked at me with a “we have lost” look. I still had my ears towards the judges, though. Finally, they announced the 1st prize winners, and yes: it was US!!!! I jumped onto my feet and felt so, so, so, so happy!!!!!! One of my friends told me later that I’d had tears in my eyes!!!


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Became a Mother”

Photo courtesy of wilva at flickr.com/photos.

Guest contributor: Bethany of www.journeytoselfacceptance.wordpress.com

Six or seven years ago, things weren’t quite right with my life. I was thirty–a good age to be. I was married. We had the two-income, two-car, white picket fence American dream thing going on. But I just wasn’t feeling my life … Rush hour traffic, a cubicle, short coffee breaks and one hour lunches, living for Friday night happy hours and cramming everything worthwhile into the weekends. Sure, I was successful … But was I happy?

Well, the answer to that was “no.”

So, I set out to make some changes. First, I started a gratitude journal … And it worked! It made me feel like the world was bigger than just my little day-to-day tasks. Then, from there, I decided to do more. I started reading Louise Hay and Abraham Hicks and I watched a movie based on the book The Secret.

Now, at first this New Age stuff sounds like wishful thinking or living in your own world of make-believe.For a while there, I just could not see how positive statements would work to change my current existence.

Then it began to sink in: This kind of thinking can lead to very specific and highly impactful shifts in your identity and core beliefs about yourself.

Here’s an example: Though I have always wanted to be a mother, I was pretty petrified at the thought of all that responsibility and unsure that I could live up to my end of the bargain. I had very deep-seated insecurities and a neediness that overpowered my natural ability to give everything I had to a baby. So, I worked on affirming and visualizing myself as a confident mother and soon, I decided that I AM A MOM!

And here’s the cool thing: For the first time, I felt it. I believed it.  I hadn’t even become a mom yet but I knew I was one. I can only describe it as someone else telling me–my higher Self, or God–that it was true. My critical mind didn’t matter. I suddenly believed in myself!

After that, I took a pregnancy test … and it was positive.

Of course, I had anxieties while expecting (I still do and he’s now three!). But I don’t doubt to my core that I am a good mother.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Got a Free Baseball Cap"

true law of attraction story

This photo is courtesy of tedkerwin at Flickr.com/Photos

Guest contributor: Timothy Jacobs, www.tmjacobs.com. Timothy is an awesome freelance writer and author.

My friend Chris P. introduced me to the law of attraction about two years ago. I’ve since read the book The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks three times and try to apply it to my daily life – and it works, even when you’re not focused on it. Here’s my example:

About three weeks ago, for some unknown reason, I twas thinking about the three sports teams that I like: New York Giants, the Boston Bruins, and the New York Yankees. I began to recall that throughout my life (I’m 44) I’ve always had T-shirts, baseball caps, and jerseys of the Yankees and Bruins, but for some odd reason, I never had anything of the Giants. As strange as this seemed, I only briefly thought that maybe the next time I’m out and about, I’d buy a Giants baseball cap to wear when I watched them played.

After this thought passed and about three weeks had gone by, I received a phone call at work. It was a salesperson asking about supplies we use in the warehouse. The warehouse manager was on vacation, and me being the former warehouse manager, I fielded the call.

Toward the end of the call, the salesperson asked if I was a NASCAR fan, to which I replied “no.” She asked, “What sports do you watch?” I said, “I’ve been a Giants fan since childhood.” “Great,” she said. “What size shirt do you wear?” I told her I wore extra large. The she told that she was sending me a Giants shirt, jersey and baseball cap just for taking her call.

I put no effort into my thought of how I never had a Giants jersey, shirt or hat, but the law of attraction certainly worked. Right after that phone call, I called my friend Chris P. and told him what happened. That phone call only reaffirmed our belief in that fact that LOA works.

Timothy M. Jacobs

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Career Got Back on Track”

woman wearing teal dress sitting on chair talking to man
Photo by Jopwell on Pexels.com

Guest contributor: Thumbelina, a believer in the law of attraction and a resident of India.

When I first started using the law of attraction, I had huge problems: My boyfriend dumped me for no good reason. My career path was so unclear that I was starting to worry I’d end up nowhere. And my family was upset with me constantly.

So, I turned to the law of attraction. For a while, each day I’d sit and wonder how the heck the law of attraction would work for me. Then, one day I realized something: I was missing a step. Instead of deciding what I wanted, then letting it happen, I was deciding what I wanted, then worrying about it all the time!

Shortly after realizing this, I started to relax more. After that, things started to happen very quickly and today I am so grateful because my entire book of dreams has almost come true …

I have my guy with me, completely stable on my terms …

I got into three top universities in the UK, and my parents are proud of me again. In fact, my family has never been more supportive in my life …

And in three months, I am leaving town for the biggest opportunity of my life: an internship in my country’s top ad agency!

For me, what made the difference was to just trust the universe and then … chill. You have nothing to lose and everything to win.


Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Bought My Dream Car Without a Loan!"

true law of attraction story

Photo courtesy of FotoSleuth at Flickr.com/photos

Guest contributor: Ezza, www.becomeabetteryouin365days.com. Ezza is an awesome personal growth coach and has a lot of experience using the law of attraction to fulfill her dreams.

Several years back, my husband and I moved from our hometown, Tamworth, to relocate for better work, better money and a better life on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia. We only recently married–still within those first six to eight months–and were looking forward to a change.

After the move, my husband started working in construction and I decided to take a few months off to relax and try to have family. We were unsuccessful, so I returned to work in hopes of making ends meet and having a better lifestyle. I took a job in sales going door-to-door for an electrical company. I worked fifteen hours or more Monday through Saturday for a lousy $400 weekly paycheck. It was hard.

This had been going on for about two years when I was introduced to a personal development company (which will remain nameless, of course) that taught the principles of the law of attraction and positive thinking. I liked how this sounded, so I quit my job at the electric company and began working on their sales team instead.

At the time, my mindset was all over the shop. I never really understood the concept of the law of attraction because my head was full of negativity. I carried a great deal of baggage, including feelings of worthlessness, loathing, guilt, regret and lack of confidence. I entered the company thinking I could make thousands or hundreds of thousands every month and live the high life–even with all my baggage. I worked hard everyday with little knowledge of how to implement for myself any of the skills I was selling.

Then one day, I started to use the program for myself. For thirty days, I set goals and worked on my inner person as I watched the example of others who had done the same with amazing results. At that point, my mindset became: “This program works and if I want to sell more I have to believe and use what I am selling.”

As a child, the vehicle I dreamed of owning was a BMW because a close of mine had one and I fell in love with it. So, in the first fourteen days of my new life, I set a goal to own my first car and to buy it outright, with nothing owed. I did not know the color, style or model of the BMW I wanted but I KNEW I WANTED ONE!!!

One day, I decided to take my husband to every car lot in Southport to look for the right one. Within twenty minutes, we found it. It was in the front window of the lot: My silver BMW Z4 Coupe (I have and always will be a Coupe Girl!). The first time I sat in the car, I cried for about ten minutes. For me, that was my moment of realization (a.k.a. my “aha moment”) that ultimately changed my life and career forever.

My husband took a photo of me sitting in the car with my thumbs up and I pinned this in my journal so I could look at it every day. I used an affirmation that included an end date (when I would be able to buy the car) as well as the color and model of the car. Then I wrote down an action plan on how I would achieve this goal and the necessary steps involved to my make my dream happen.

During those three weeks, my business boomed, my mindset changed and the determination cap came on. I found myself thinking more positively and carrying out the seven steps to success.

At one point I did feel somewhat delusional as I did not reach my goal by the end date I’d set. I stayed this way for a full week, feeling the disappointment even though my sales were through the roof and business was at its most successful time. One night, I took out my journal, cried at the photo of me in the BMW and said a few prayers in hopes this would lessen the pain of disappointment.

Then, it happened.

The next morning, I looked at my bank account and screamed. I raced down to the dealership and wrote out a check for the full purchase price of the car. I drove out that afternoon and took my husband out to dinner.

As a result of this experience, I learned a very hard but valuable lesson about perspiration and persistence. It’s been one heck of a ride learning, discovering, and using the law of attraction and personal development to help shape and change my life–for the better.

To this day, my BMW remains with me as a constant reminder that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Went From Rags to Riches,” Part Two

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Guest contributor: Sarah Centrella of thoughtsstorieslife.blogspot.com. This is part two of Sarah’s “rags to riches” law of attraction success story

Last summer, one of my industry’s trade shows was moved at the last minute (due to terrible flooding) from Nashville to Las Vegas. I was looking forward to the trip since I was pretty sure I was the only adult on the west coast who had never been to Sin City before.It was a fun week, but it was also long, hot and exhausting, and I was glad to be on the plane home. When I got back to the office, I noticed something: My vision board.I looked at it more closely, and immediately, I got chills all over.There was the picture of the Las Vegas Strip that I had placed on it several years before–though at the time I was living in near-poverty conditions.

About two hours later, as I was working away, I noticed something else that was interesting. In the very center of the picture was the Paris Hotel.

Woah, I thought. That is just beyond crazy.

Why? Because I had stayed at the Paris Hotel all week.

I didn’t book the trip; it was booked without my input through work. And at the moment I saw that picture there, something clicked: this wasn’t a “vision board” at all–it was a FUTURE BOARD!!

Since that time, I have stayed in 5-star hotels, eaten at 5-star restaurants, flown first class. I’ve had limos and chauffers take me wherever I’ve needed to go. I have played a privet pick-up game of football with my son and NFL Baltimore Raven’s Tight End Ed Dickson and Oregon College football star Kenjon Barner. I’ve watched a New York Knicks game from the official Knicks team sky box with Knicks coaches and executives. I’ve watched my son meet NBA players while chilling on the NBA bench post game. I’ve gone to the official NFL Draft after-parties in New York. I’ve surfed in Hawaii behind my son (who got up on his first try!). I’ve snorkeled with giant sea turtles while holding his hand. I’ve fallen asleep under a panoramic view of the Empire State Building, in my two-bedroom, two-bath penthouse suite. I’ve had lunch at the same restaurant as President Obama while he was also having lunch under the watchful eye of the secret service. I’ve lived Pinch Me Moments.

And did I mention that I did all of this without spending a dime of my own money?

Now do you believe that anything is possible?

I tell you all this not to brag. I say it for one reason only:

To inspire.

More specifically: to inspire you. To help you realize that you are the only person and the only thing of any kind that stands in the way of what is possible–of watching your dreams come true like magic, one by one.

Last fall, I moved the kids and I into a real home again, and trained for a marathon. I was named Friday Girl TV’s “Shoe Queen” for December for women executives and their stilettos. I got the Benz that was also on my vision board (when I was in the market for something totally different this one fell into my lap for half the price I had expected to pay for the other car!).

Recently, I made a new vision board. I put all my “been there, done that” pictures from my old board in a pretty pink hat box.

Someday that hat box will be full.

I look at my life today and all I can think of is how blessed I am, how grateful I am for all the trials and obstacles I have faced. I am one strong  woman! I’m a fighter!

And, more than that, I am a woman who believes in magic.

After all, I see it my life every day.

“I’ve been to the bottom I’ve suffered a lot, I deserve success headed straight to the top.” – Maino

Sarah Centrella

Law of Attraction Success Story: Evan Griffith: “I Became a Creative Dynamo”

Guest contributor: Evan Griffith of NotesforCreators.com. Evan’s blog “shares insights on the connected creative life” and is one of my personal favorites.

Recently, I read a post on this site about manifesting new creative energy through affirmations and gratitude. I had a similar shift in my own experience–and it was powerful.

One day I decided to start including this statement as part of my daily declarations (affirmations said out loud):

“I am a creative dynamo!”

Well, the result was amazing. Since starting to say this affirmation (out loud, out loud!), it’s as if the tap, once a trickle, has been turned on full force. I sometimes wake up in the morning with leaflets from my 5×8 pad littered about me with ideas. I had to increase my post rate at Notes for Creators to virtually every day (it used to be every 2-3 days). Thought nuggets, full articles, epiphanies, celebrations . . . they all spilled out of me, and still do, to such a degree that I have hundreds of ideas in the waiting!

The same idea energy has spilled into side projects, too–a book that I’m finishing, a couple others that seem to be beginning themselves.

What is more remarkable to me is this: I own an art gallery with my wife. We have a nine-year-old joy boy. I have real friends. It’s a full life. Before shifting my mind to allow for the possibility of creativity gushing forth, I could never have imagined it possible. Where would I find the time? Now I know it’s easy breezy lemon squeezy . . .

Once I attuned myself by tuning into the creative channel, by affirming its possibility and coming to believe it, creative flow found me–all the time! Who knew there were so many spaces in a busy day just waiting to burst forth with something even more potent, even more meaningful–


Law of Attraction Success Story: "My Daughter’s Sickness Has Improved"

Guest contributor: Jill Wiggins of Wiggins Words and Images. Here, a short, sweet story about her daughter.

A while back, I posted on my blog a story about my daughter’s ongoing illness. She had been so sick that she wasn’t functioning, so I was taking care of her child, my granddaughter, to help out.

I wanted to help my daughter even more, though, so the day I wrote that story in my blog, I found a beautiful picture of her and her sister, both in blooming good health, and decided to start thinking of her that way: well and happy.

Later that week, the next time I saw her, I was blown away by the difference.  She had seen an acupuncturist and decided to try going gluten-free, and she looked (and still looks) wonderful. I can’t take any credit for it, but it sure seemed miraculous to me. There must be some deep psychology at work there, because I don’t believe in miracles or magic.

Jill Wiggins

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Went From Rags to Riches,” Part One

true law of attraction story

This photo courtesy of gordon2208 at flickr.com

Guest contributor: Sarah of thoughtsstorieslife.blogspot.com. This is part one of Sarah’s “rags to riches” law of attraction success story

In the summer of 2008, just three months after my identical twin girls turned one year old, I discovered the awful truth: My husband of eight years and high school sweetheart of sixteen was having an affair. To say it came as a shock is the understatement of the century.

I had no clue.

I was a pregnant, stay-at-home mom, who had just quit my job and downsized our life and so we could afford to become a family of five once the twins arrived. I had been through hell already the previous two years, losing a home to foreclosure, having our family car repossessed, forced into bankruptcy with excessive medical bills from the twins and the baby I had lost right before them and more. It was a seemingly never-ending cycle of darkness and bad luck which culminated on that September day.

The day that I found out, I had nothing. No access to bank accounts, and not five dollars to my name. The rent and utilities where past due, and I was out of formula and diapers for the babies. My husband was our only source of income, and when he left, so did the ability to feed and take care of my family.

That night, amid the devastation and my inability to inhabit my body or feel reality, I remember my girlfriend walking through the front door. I don’t remember exactly what was said. But I do remember her arms overflowing with Costco boxed diapers, cans of formula, food, and enough cash to keep the water and lights on. I think I was lying on the floor sobbing. I honestly don’t remember.

That moment is the defining moment of my life. It’s the moment that has driven my relentless pursuit since then. It’s the moment I hustle and grind for. It’s the reason I get up when the floor looks like such a damn good alternative.

And this is how I did it: Over the past two years, I have become an avid believer in the law of attraction. I have used it to completely rebuild my life. At 33 years old, I basically started from scratch in the most difficult conditions imaginable. Within a week of my husband leaving, I sold everything we owned that I could fetch ten dollars for, wedding rings included. Everything I’d spent a lifetime acquiring I sold to the first Craigslist caller. I raised enough funds to move us from our home to a tiny two-bedroom apartment. I searched day and night for a job, keeping the fact that I was now a single mom of three very small children a secret as long as possible. Finally, I got a job with a salary big enough to cover rent, daycare and the car payment–nothing more. But I was happy and proud to have it and using my new faith, I believed things would eventually get better. This is the start to my new life, I told myself. I just know it!

I dusted off an old vision board I had created almost two years before after I’d first seen Oprah’s show on the book The Secret and took it to my new office. On it I’d placed pictures of Times Square in New York City, The Las Vegas strip, a tropical island, the Hollywood sign, designer stilettos, a Mercedes Benz and more. At the time, seeing and having all these things seemed ridiculously out of the question for me and my family. It was almost embarrassing to believe that we might. Still, I persisted in my faith that one day, things would improve.

A year passed and I was offered a sales job with another software company. Then, three months into my new position the CEO came to me and gave me the chance to earn even more. He offered me the opportunity to launch a brand-new division of the company and to be a vice president. Of course, I accepted, and right away I loved my new job! Then one very fine day, I woke up suddenly realized something:

I was happy.

The kids and I were alive and surviving it all.

One day shortly after that as I packed my desk, frantically making sure I had everything for my trip to New York City in the morning, I paused and looked at my vision board.

I got instant chills.

Tears filled my eyes.

There was the picture of the Hollywood sign, which I had just seen for the first time in person in Los Angeles the day before on a business trip. Then I saw the photo of Times Square right in the center–the biggest picture on the board. I looked down at the plane ticket to New York that was in my hand.

At that moment, I realized for the first time that it was true: I could create the life I wanted–any life.

Indeed: I already had.

Sarah Centrella

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Started Feeling Happy Again”

writings in a planner
Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels.com

Guest contributor: Danielle Camacho, www.daniellecamacho.wordpress.com. Danielle’s blog closely follows her adventures with the law of attraction.

It was today that it finally occurred to me how exactly my B.E.S.T treatments are affecting me, especially after my latest treatment a couple of days ago [editor’s note: B.E.S.T. is a positive thinking practice that closely follows law of attraction principles].

Here’s the thing: I now have an amazing ability to be and remain positive throughout the day that I never had before.

In the past, things have always come up that dampened those feelings. There were even just mornings where I would “wake up on the wrong side of the bed” and not be able to snap out of it all day. Well, guess what?

I haven’t had one of those days in quite a while now.

And yesterday?

I spent about 70 percent of my day “in the vortex,” feeling amazing.

I was really taking in nature as I was walking around the city, appreciating the beauty of all of the flowers in bloom, I was grateful for every experience I had throughout the day and I was smiling so much my cheeks were starting to hurt.

It seems that I am able to remain feeling good more and more each day that I practice. And I encourage you to do the same!


Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Stopped Biting My Nails”

Contributor: Anonymous

I have always been a nail biter. I mean, always. And most of that time, I’ve wanted to not be.

The first time I tried to stop biting my nails was when I was twelve years old. I bought that icky-tasting (and, now that I reflect on it, probably toxic) clear polish that’s supposed to remind you to take your hands out of your mouth, but the taste washed off too quickly.

As I grew older and started caring in increasing amounts about my appearance, there were other attempts, too, but none showed more commitment than the one I started shortly after I met my husband.

For two whole months, I held firm. (Well, I might have bitten my nails occasionally–but only when they had already torn anyway.) At the end of that time I had about six normal-length nails and, totally discouraged, took my first trip to the manicurist to get some fake ones put on over them.

The fake nails didn’t work out. It hurt like crazy whenever they got pulled back for some reason, and they just weren’t my style. Not long after I ditched them, I started a journal of affirmations and was somehow thorough enough to include my desire for long nails in one of the first few entries. My affirmation was:

“I have long, strong, healthy fingernails.”

I broke a nail the next day and another one a few days after that, but I still wasn’t biting the others. And then, a small miracle occurred: My nails stopped breaking.

Somehow, they had gotten stronger.

Today my nails are all moderately long and of even length for the first time in memory.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Had a Relaxing, Enjoyable and Affordable Vacation”

Contributor: Anonymous

Recently, my husband and I took a trip to Mexico. It was last-minute, and not all that well-planned, and I must admit that the first couple of days weren’t that great.

We wanted to be having fun. We tried to have fun. But things just weren’t going our way.

First, there were the prices. Everything was higher than we’d remembered. Then, there was the lack of air conditioning and the considerable mosquito problem in the small towns we’d chosen to stay in (a town that, incidentally, came highly recommended).

So, during one hot evening and long wakeful night, I repeated an affirmation a couple of times. It was this:

“Our vacation is relaxing, enjoyable and affordable.”

The next day, I woke up in a much more positive frame of mind. After breakfast Tim and I went online and found a great deal on a hotel in a different town by emailing the owner. When we got there, the place was exactly what we were looking for and everything was more affordable as well. We stayed there for the rest of the trip, enjoying the awesome swimming, snorkeling and food without going over our budget.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “My Husband’s Mood Improved”

man wearing black cap with eyes closed under cloudy sky
Photo by Kelvin Valerio on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

A few weeks back, my husband and I were having one of those weeks. You know what I mean: One of Those Weeks.

He was a little cranky, and I guess I must have been, too (though I can’t verify that). Usually, it doesn’t take much for it to turn around, but it does take something. I just can’t always figure out what.

So this time, I decided to use my law of attraction superpowers and say an affirmation. This is what I said:

“My husband is in a great mood.”

I must admit that because I only said the affirmation like, once, and because it was such a small thing, I didn’t really think that it would work.

But it did.

“My dear,” Troy said to me almost as soon as I came home from work the same night. “I love you.” He was smiling, and there were flowers for me on the kitchen counter. For the rest of the night, and during the several weeks since, things have once again felt easy and nice.

Law of Attraction Success Story: “I Doubled My Income”

woman jumping wearing green backpack
Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

Contributor: Anonymous

Several months ago, I said one of the most powerful affirmations I’ve ever said regarding the amount of money I wanted to make per week. After saying it, I more than doubled my income–the same month I said the affirmation, then every month since.

Okay, so is it time to upgrade? I wondered after that. Well, why not give it a try?

And so, only a month or so after saying that first affirmation, I did what I said that I was going to do and said the affirmation again–only this time, there was a difference: I changed the amount of “X” to an amount that was a little over twice the original amount.

Why did I choose that amount? No real reason. It just felt right. It was a round number. It was a very nice number. I liked it.

Now, let’s get one thing on the record: I did not believe that I would make this amount. It’s an amount that I have never earned before, and with a baby on the way, I didn’t see myself earning that much money for a decent amount of time. I do have faith–but I don’t expect anything to happen that’s not meant to happen, and I simply didn’t know if this was what the Universe wanted for me.

Well, as it turned out, it did.

The month after saying that affirmation, I tallied up my freelance writing earnings and was shocked to find that even though I’d been out of town for two weeks that month, I had earned my new goal amount each week, minus just five percent.

And since then? Well, it’s been one more month now, and so far, I’ve earned the total goal amount plus 30 percent every single week.

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Met the Man of My Dreams"

true law of attraction story

Guest contributor: Cathy of largeself.com. This story is about the fascinating way Cathy used the law of attraction and affirmations to meet her wonderful husband.

About three years after my divorce, I went on a ski trip to Vail with my sister, Becky. I had been living in Miami for 13 years, and after the end of my marriage, I decided it was time to leave Florida. It never felt like home. I was drawn to the West. I loved Colorado, but was also attracted to Northern Arizona and New Mexico. I owned a private physical therapy practice in Miami and my plan had been to put my practice up for sale after I got back from that ski trip with Becky. Once it was sold, I planned to use some of the proceeds to travel and pick a place to live.

As far as relationships went, I was content to be single. After the divorce I dated several men – all short-term encounters, all ending mostly badly. After the last one ended I realized that they were basically all the same person – unavailable emotionally, critical of me, abusive in their own way. (Hint: The law of attraction was working here big time!). I knew that I was attracting something to myself, but didn’t know how to change it, so I decided to try counseling. I found a wonderful therapist who helped me identify and change my beliefs about myself and the men in my life. My therapist, Angela, showed me how to raise my vibration to the point where I was happy with myself and, while it would be nice to share my life with a partner, I didn’t need one to be happy. So after about 18 months of therapy, I was in that space when Becky and I went skiing.

On our first day out, we were standing at the base of the ski area looking up the mountain and wondering where to start. A resort volunteer noticed our confused expressions. Vail is HUGE and it was our first time skiing in Colorado. He suggested that we pick an easy run higher up the mountain since it was spring and the snow would be better, so we looked at a map and picked a run at the top of the mountain on the opposite side of the resort. We rode three lifts to get there! We never questioned why we were doing this. We just both, somehow, decided that that was where we needed to go.

On our very first run down (are you ready for this?) Lost Boy, I became aware of two guys skiing near us. The tall one was wearing a gray and blue ski outfit. He was obviously a very good skier, while his friend was less adept. Their progress was similar to mine and Becky’s. I’m quite a bit faster than she is, so I skied down the hill and then waited for her to catch up. Then I went again.

On one of these runs, after stopping to wait for Becky, I noticed the tall guy was stopping near me to wait for his friend, too. As we progressed down the hill, he would stop a little closer, and then a little closer still. It felt like he was checking me out. This went on for a couple of runs. When we got to the bottom after our second run, they were waiting for us and asked if we wanted to ride the lift up together.

We ended up skiing with Peter and Ken all day. Peter, the tall one, was single, Ken married. I loved Peter’s sense of humor and his kind, gentle manner. Towards the end of the day, a bizarre snow thunderstorm hit. We had to wait at the bottom of the ski lift for some time until it was safe to get on the lift (because of lightening). Once we got to the top of the mountain, we were told to take the shortest route down and get off the mountain.

Peter stayed in back and made sure that we all made it safely down. When we did, we found ourselves on the opposite side of Vail from the condo where Becky and I were staying. So after a post-ski beer, Peter gave us a ride back to the condo. When we parted, we exchanged business cards. He said he had really enjoyed the day and would love to get together again sometime. I really liked him but didn’t have any expectations of hearing from him. And that was okay …

The next morning, as Becky and I were sitting in our condo watching “The Today Show” and eating breakfast, the phone rang. Becky picked it up. “Hello?” Her eyes then fixed on me with a big grin. “Oh, hello Peter. Sure, here she is.”

Me: “Hello?”

Him: “Hi. I just wanted you to know that I had a great time yesterday. I would love to see you again before you go back to Florida. Any chance you could spend an extra day here? I could meet you on Saturday in Denver when Becky flies out and take you back to the airport on Sunday.”

Me: “Uhhhh … Not sure. Let me think about it. Can I let you know tomorrow?”

Him: “Sure. I leave for work around 8:30. I’ll look forward to your call.”

I thought about Peter off and on all that day. I wasn’t sure what to do. I really liked him, but to use an old euphemism, “I didn’t know him from Adam.” My sense was that he was a great guy, but I didn’t know for sure. As I went to sleep that night, I decided to turn it over to the Divine and I knew that some answer would come to me …

That night, I was awakened and practically knocked out of bed by a LOUD voice in my head saying “Call Continental!” Now, dear reader, do realize that I am not typically clairvoyant. And I don’t hear things that aren’t there. So this voice definitely got my attention. I said: “Okay, so I’ll call Continental.”

Becky was already up and in the living room eating breakfast.

“I know you’re going to think I’ve lost my mind,” I said, sheepishly. “But I’m going to call Continental and see if I can change my flight to Sunday.”

“You won’t be able to change it,” she said. “I tried to change my flight after I got my tickets so I could spend an extra night with my friend Evelyn in Denver. They said that since it was issued on a group rate, I would have to buy a one-way ticket for four hundred dollars.”

“Well, I’m going to call them anyway. If it’s a pain to change or it costs a lot, I’ll just take it as a sign that I’m not supposed to stay.” So I called …

Me: “Hello, I’m flying from Denver through Cleveland to Miami on Saturday. Leaving at 10:00 a.m., arriving Miami at 11:00 p.m. Is there any possibility of changing that flight to return on Sunday?”

Continental Airlines: “I see that this is a group rate ticket. Let me transfer you to the group desk.”

Continental Group agent: “Hmm. Let me see what I can do … Oh, there’s a nonstop flight from Denver, leaving at 10:00 a.m. and arriving Miami at 4:00 p.m. It will cost $25 to change it and there’s one seat left. Would you like it?”

And as, they say, “The rest is history.” That was twenty years ago last month, and Peter and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary last month. We are still in love and very happy.

Actually, there are many, many more seemingly magical parts to this story:

  • The guy at the front desk of the condo, who conspired with Peter to find me when the business card that I had given him showed my restored maiden name on it and my travel agent had booked the trip in my married name (before airline security got so tight). The same guy helped him the next day, too, so he was apparently at the condo desk from Sunday afternoon (Peter got off I-70 and placed the first of three calls, before they could actually find me) to Monday morning. But strangely, Becky and I  never saw him before that morning nor after, and we were there a week.
  • United Airlines dropping their rates by 50% one hour before I called to book a ticket to visit Peter in Denver. We were able to book round trip flights every three weeks all that summer to see each other. The day after we booked our tickets, United was getting ten thousand calls an hour.
  • Peter had also been working with a therapist to get clarity about his relationships, thereby raising his vibration to attract his rightful partner.

So what do you think? Law of attraction in action or dozens of coincidences? I’m thinking the former …

The way I see it, Peter and I were both magnets for each other and God, the Universe, our LargeSelves, or whatever you want to call it, couldn’t help but find a way to bring us together. I still laugh when I remember Peter saying “If we don’t figure this thing out, we’ll both be struck by lightening simultaneously!” I don’t think that would have happened, but we would also have missed out on many years of love and wonderful times together. Thank you, law of attraction. I’ll be forever grateful.


What I Believe

Lately I’ve been giving my personal mission statement (sorry for the cliché) a bit of thought, and this is what I’ve come up with:

  1. Life is a game.
  2. Happiness is a choice.
  3. We have power.

“Life is a game,” to me, means that we chose our path and our meaning–no one chooses it for us.

“Happiness is a choice” means that we have the ability to change our thoughts and internal dialogue for the better.

“We have power” means that our ability to control our lives is far greater than any of us realize.

And all three statements together make, I think, a very good foundational philosophy. And that’s what I want to bring to this blog every day.

I hope it happens.

I know way, way too many people that aren’t happy.

What do you think of my “mission”? Leave your comments below!

Law of Attraction Success Story: "I Lost 20 Kilos–And Found Work I Love"


Guest contributor: Law of attraction advocate Kevin Campbell of www.campbellslawof.wordpress.com.

Hello, my name is Kevin Campbell and I would like to tell you about my experience with The Secret and the the law of attraction.

Up until June 2011 I would not have believed what I am about to tell you. Just over 12 months ago I was overweight, divorced and had a failing business.Then, I began to change my way of thinking, and it had a profound effect on my life …

When I started this journey I had tried diets and not eating and reducing my food intake, but I just got hungrier and put on more weight. It was not until I believed that I could lose weight that it actually happened and in two months I had lost 2 stone (16.66kg). (It took a little longer to get the last couple of kilos off for a total loss of 20kg.)

After that, I started to get my confidence back and to get out more. Then I met my partner, a stunning Polish lady, and we have been inseparable ever since. She showers me with love and affection and we are incredibly happy together.

At that point, I started looking at how I would like to live. I said some affirmations about making more money and started to believe in myself, and two days later I had a job offer, three months later I had another job offer and a month after that I had a third job offer! I am self-employed and in six months I went from only eight hours of work per week to over 60 hours. Now I turn work away and choose to work four days a week while earning four to five times more and I am happy with that.
